Taming The Beast Pt. 1


Argen dodged The Beasts attack, a silver stream trailing behind him as he punched forward, getting caught between the thick armor The Beast wore.

Argen quickly snapped his hand back and attacked again in a split second, slamming against The Beast's solar plexus, cracking the demonic armor and causing The Beast to slide a few inches.

"Mephisto got caught off guard, it was a dirty move, but what's your excuse for losing to me? Weak bitch," Argen said as he smirked wildly, flashing forward and appearing behind The Beast, holding a crimson beam of energy and whipping it around toward The Beast, his eyes glinting as it connected.

"Good son good," The Beast said with a smile as he stepped back, kicking into the dirt and spraying it all over Argen.

"Asfslis," Argen whispered as he held his palm out, shooting a silver beam through the dirt to clear it.


Argen widened his eyes as he felt his warm blood pulse from his arm, quickly flying back before The Beast could take another bite out of him.

"hehe," The Beast laughed, his eyes a deep crimson as his energy replenished.

"Guess you're The Beast for a reason huh?" Argen said as his wound healed, his face pale as he pulled out one of his silver Glocks.

"Well son, I always wanted to know what a half god half devil would taste like, now I know," The Beast disappeared and reappeared in front of Argen, his unsettling, bloody smile causing Argen to step back.

"As I thought... We're in a time you haven't reached yet, did you really think Abbadon was the end?" The Beast said as Argen let off a shot from the Glock, quickly changing his weapon into a spear and swinging it wildly.

The Beast dodged the attack and jumped in the sky.

"Dodge this," Argen said, his eyes cold as the silver energy beam from the Glock turned in the air and shot up at The Beast, piercing his leg and coming around again going through his abdomen.

"That's a lotta control you have son, too bad," The Beast said with a smile as he healed and flashed forward, slamming into Argen with enough force to destroy a small mountain.

"Too bad for what? Do you want me to stop holding back?" Argen said as he smirked behind the large silver wolf holding The beast back.

"Fine... I didn't want to show any mercy on you anyway," Argen said as red energy swirled around him, veins bursting from his skin as his eyes went blank.

"I've been trying to hold back this anger toward you, mainly because my main goal is selfish, just like you. I didn't think I'd ever find a similarity between us, but I have... We are both selfish bastards..."

Argen breathed in, bringing his arms up and clenching his fists, "I'll get to you soon Law, once I rewrite this stupid world..." Argen whispered as he closed his eyes, opening them again and revealing his crimson pupils.


Argen snapped his fist forward, striking The Beast in the face just as Assails dissipated.

The Beast flew back, plopping on the ground and skipping across the ground before slamming into a nearby mountain.

"Wow, what a beautiful thing, like father like son huh?" The Beast taunted, slamming his foot into the ground, digging his leg an entire foot down under before kicking up.

Argen dodged the huge pieces of rock that flew at him at impossible speeds.

"Seriously? Is this all!" Argen yelled angrily as he flew forward, slamming his fist into The Beasts stomach, kicking his knee in and then elbowing him in the jaw all in one smooth movement.

The Beast began to step back but Argen grabbed him by his dark armor, stopping him in his place as Argen kneed him in the face, slamming his foot down on The Beast's own foot, breaking the ground and burying it.




Argen began to smirk a little as he pummeled The Beast, each attack enforced with destruction energy.

'Kill,' Argen thought, feeling his consciousness slipping as he punched, kicked, slammed, bit, and broke every piece of the beast, his eyes calm as he started to fade away.


Argen froze, regaining control with a breath.

His pupils regained their natural light silvery color as he looked down at his defeated opponent.

"Huh... I could've sworn you said you were going all out?" The Beast said with a wicked smile as he wrapped his fingers around Argen's wrist, grasping him tightly as he stood up, now towering over the son of Artemis.

Argen clenched his jaw as he tried pulling his arm away, caught by The beast as the elder devil smiled cruelly.

Argen slammed his knee into The Beast's torso, trying to get him to release his wrist. Though after a few hits he realized this devil wasn't going to budge.

"That dark energy was a gift from me... All because I devoured Astorath and my general, you have power that any of the other 72 dukes of hell would dream of having, but don't forget, I gave you this. so..."

The Beast grabbed Argen by his neck and slammed him into the ground, doing it again before throwing him in the air.

"I don't care about the hierarchy son, you will die here!" The Beast yelled, his eyes wild as his body began to change.

Argen watched in horror as The Beast's body ripped open. The bits human looking flesh and formed a larger, sleeker, and more dangerous form. H looked like a giant lion, except his head was still human, showing a wide smile as he side stepped, walking in a circle around Argen as energy burst from his body.

"What do you think? I was called The Beast for a reason, do you want to know the real name of your father?" The Beast said as he raised a paw, showing razor sharp claws as Argen stood there, his expression blank.

"The Beast has always been my nickname since I devoured many angels during the first heavenly war. My master Sargatanas named me that during the battle, but my true name..."

The Beast smiled as his head transformed into the head of a donkey.

"Is Valefar..." The Beast said as energy exploded off his body, shaking hell...


In a forbidden section of hell a being raised his head, his hand on top of a woman's head as he smiled and continued pushing her face onto his manhood.

"Ahh... I haven't seen action like this in some time, is hell coming under new leadership," The being said as his shadowy body shifted around, looking at the pale drained woman at his feet.

"Ah Hemera, it seems that child you blessed has finally arrived... Do you think he'll survive?" Aether asked, a mocking smile on his face as he pushed his sister/wife Hemera away from him.

"Your blessing has caused many of the hardships he should have gone through to be passed to others, I hope he is strong enough to take you from the void... Because he'll die if he isn't" Aether said with a small smile as he grabbed Hemera's naked form by the throat and walked through a black mist, the entrance to the void...