A different Ending

Argen opened his eyes, his body feeling as if it had been hit by a truck.

"Argen!" He heard his mother yell from the kitchen, a smile coming to his face as he sat up and looked around.

"I'm coming!" He yelled, hopping out of bed and rushing out of his room.

Seeing his mother in an apron, flipping pancakes as his father sat at the table reading the newspaper, Argen smiled and joined them in the kitchen.

"Geez kid, you want some cash? Your wardrobe looks like you're homeless," His dad joked as he walked out.

"Nah, I like my clothes, you're just too old to

Understand the current style," Argen said, smiling widely as he sat down for breakfast.

Argen's mom set a few plates out in the table. Steamy eggs, crispy bacon, and fluffy pancakes. The perfect meal to start the day.

"You should hurry, or you'll miss the bus," His mother said, smiling at him as he served himself a decent helping of food.

"I'll be fine, even if I miss the bus…" Argen said, his face changing slightly, showing a much too grown expression.

"Ah, I'm just kidding, love you guys!" Argen said, jumping up and rushing back to his room to grab his backpack.

"I'm telling you he should see someone," Argen's dad said, setting the newspaper and looking at his wife seriously.

"He's fine-"

"Do you really believe that? Lately he's been so weird, it's like he changed overnight… I want him to go to a therapist, what if he has depression?"

These were the words of a father worrried for his son, so nothing Argen's mother could possibly stop him from acting.

"I… Maybe we can ask him to try it out, just for a day or something…"

Argen walked down the sidewalk, his smile bright enough to light up the darkest corridor.

"What's got you so happy dude!?" Sam, short for Samantha, asked, stepping out of her house and looking at him with a curious expression.

"Nothing, just happy," He replied.

They talked about their class trip they were going on today, laughing and yelling jokes, but Sam could see something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" She asked as they reached the bus stop, seeing that Argen wasn't acting the same as he usually did.

"Why is everyone asking me that today? I'm fine-"

Argen stopped talking as a boy walked past them, arm in arm with a blonde girl that he had to admit was quite pretty.

They locked eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. With a smile the boy waved, pointing back at him to his girlfriend.

"Damn, she's fine as hell," Sam said, checking out the girl as the older teens kept walking down the sidewalk.

"Huh… Weird," Sam said, still checking out the girl as the bus rolled up, honking.

They boarded the bus and set off for school, though Argen couldn't shake that weird feeling he had when the two older teens had walked by them…

"God, when are we getting set free from this prison?" Sam asked next to Argen, who was trying hard not to fall asleep during their chemistry lecture.

"Ms. Falls? Is there something you wanted to say to the class?" Their teacher said, stopping any further conversation as Argen shook his head to stay awake, looking out the window.

Had he not done this, he never would have seen the two teenagers watching him from outside the school gates, standing there staring at him eerily.

"The fuck?" He whispered. They seemed to have noticed he had saw them though, as they turned and quickly walked away from the school.

"Hey it's that girl from earlier," Sam said, leaning over his desk and looking at the two flee.

"Weird coincidence to see them twice huh?"

Argen wasn't listening. "I think they were watching me…" He said quietly, earning a confused glance from Sam.

"Get over yourself dude, that girl is not even close to being in the same league as you, hell, you're not even in the amateur league, she's like the Messi of women," Sam continued on, naming everything she liked about the girl.

"Yeah…" Argen said, still not really listening as he thought about the situation.

'So weird…'

Sam waved goodbye to Argen as she went into her house, leaving him alone walking down the street.

The day itself had been fairly uneventful, even their trip had gotten canceled and postponed until the following week, so there was nothing to look forward too.

Argen stopped walking, hearing footsteps behind him stop as well.

"Ah… Why are you two following me?" He asked, sighing to himself as he looked back and saw the blonde girl and sandy haired boy from earlier.

"Hello Argen," The boy said cautiously, taking a step forward with his hand outstretched.

Argen looked at the hand. "Yeah I'm not shaking that, who knows where you've been…"

The boy flinched slightly, clearly annoyed at the insult. "So, how was your day?"

Argen shook his head. "What do you want?" He asked bluntly, turning on his heel and walking the opposite direction.

"Wait! We need your help!" The boy yelled desperately stopping Argen in his tracks.

"I know you don't remember… No one remembers, but Argen you are very special, 17 years ago you changed the entire world, the fabric of reality was completely rewritten… No one seems to remember but I do…"

The boy clenched his fists. "We need your help Argen, lately there have been more rips in reality, and…"

Argen looked back at the two with a confused look. "You sound insane," He said, walking away again.

"Stop!" The boy yelled angrily. "… Stop, please you're the only one who could help us, I know you can't remember, just please let me explain… Argen, I have a daughter, I need to get back."

Argen looked back to see the boy in tears as the blonde buried her face in his chest.

"A daughter? Aren't you like 17?" He said bluntly.

"When you reset the world… Reality began tearing at random, This is our first time back, but we have been gone for years Argen, hundreds of years…"

Argen looked the boy in the eyes, a blank look on his face.

"I'm not sure what you did, but we were transported to a… A different world, there was demons, monsters, and gods… But nothing like the ones here, no they were way more powerful… Argen, my daughter is only ten years old, please help me get back, we built a good life there…"

The boy saw the blank look in Argen's eyes and sighed. "I know it sounds crazy, I know you don't remember-"

"Hah…" Argen let out a small laugh. "Hahahahaha!" He burst out laughing, shocking the two teens.

"That was funny to you!" The boy said angrily stepping toward Argen.

"Careful Percy, it'd be a shame to have a fight here mate…" Argen said, a silver glow in his as he smiled at Percy Jackson.

"You…" Percy said, but stopped as he dropped to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes as Argen walked up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"That's right, I remember… Everything, Go ahead, this other world, tell me more, I'll help you… I was starting to get bored of this normal shit anyway," Argen said, smiling at both of them widely.


Since a lot of people didn't like the other ending, here's another ending that leaves a lot to the imagination. What world were Percy and Annabeth transported too? That's for me to know and you guys to suffer trying to figure out.

Will I ever continue with this new information? Not on this fic obviously, but there's a chance I'll make a sequel series or something, a small chance but still a chance.

Some side notes. I have joined the WSA, and I am now writing a novel. If you want you can go ahead and read it in the novel section, it's called "The Keymaster Chronicles." Just a cool idea I came up with while on my long ass hiatus. Please go and read and support, even being nominated in this competition would change everything for me.

As for my fanfics, I am still continuing for sure, I am actually going to start updating one this upcoming Sunday, but I need your help!

I have 3 unfinished fics in my profile, Vote on which one you'd like to see next. There are some chapters up for all three so you can pre read before voting here on which one you'd like to see next.

King of Sin(GOH)- Follows my own version of Lucifer in the world God Of Highschool, starts at the beginning of the world, and will probably almost all be in the past.

Second Chance of a Weak Master- Follows Asher, a normal human boy who managed to join the holy grail war so he could save his mother from her chronic illness, unfortunately life isn't a fairytale, and he had gotten lucky. So, with Mordred at his side, he was killed before the day had even ended. Given a second chance by a cool God he is put in the world Danmachi with Mordred, his goal? To become the strongest master and return to the holy grail war and save his mother.

Dc: Nightwalker- This story follows Theodore Wayne, Bruce Wayne's cousin. This story takes place the same time Bruce disappeared to go train to be Batman, It's Theo's intention to find his older cousin and bring him home. Things don't go to plan when he gets into an accident and is paralyzed. Fast forward Theodore shows back up in Gotham City, alive despite his presumed dead status. That's not all that's different though, he now has a 7 foot shadow monster living inside of him, and his new goal? Finishing his mission.

You can read the first few chapters of each fic first and decide then, until next time… Please check out my novel