
Mrs. Long then call everyone to gather inside the office, 'its very unusually of Rou er to request for a meeting'

the long family member and also Xio Rouyon family join also.

Inside the office the long family are looking at Xio Rouyon in the middle of the table sat the patriarch Zi Ao tian grandfather, in the left side of the table sat Zi Ao tian family, his grandmother madam Long, Father, mother, his 2 sister and youngest brother and in the right side of the table sat Xio Rouyon family the people inside are waiting for her to talk, upon noticing the awkward atmosphere the long patriarch break the silence,

" little Rou what it is that you want to discuss with us that you made our family join together?"

inhaling Xio Rouyon then tell them what she also told to her parents and also show them the space so that they will believe her, after showing them the space and what it was capable of the long family became amaze, shock and scared that the apocalypse are coming.

" sister in law is it really true about we will have our powers?😯"

" a- ah..yes.."

Hearing Long Xuan ju calling her sister in law her face heat up, long Zi Ao tian noticing her blush, he grin and then chuckles, he was happy that his Rou er is opening up to him, so happy.

" big sister Rou can we tell our friends to stock food?" Long Shu sha ask, " yes, you can.."

" alright, thank you big sister Rou..😊"

" Rou er, I will protect you.." Xio Rouyon hearing the man say that to her feels happy she look up to face him and encouraged herself to do the things she wanted to do, she kiss his cheeks and then smile" Yes, I know you will.."

Long Zi Ao tian feeling that soft lips pressing his cheeks his body became hard like a stone,


" aya..this one is great for making money.." long Xuan Ju said holding his phone

the whole family was laughing because now they are real family,

" brother, send that to our family group chat.."

Long Qing Qing said cutely, and again Xio Rouyon blush like a red tomato.

Xio Rouyon watching her family and love once was very happy her mother discussing to Mrs. long and madam long about buying everything in the supermarket her father discussing about the materials the long sisters holding their phones probably telling their friends to stock up foods, Long Xuan Ju also holding his phone with a ' I'm rich expression', and her little brother eating apple from her space

" the best way to avoid the wave of the zombie is we need to go in a mountain "

Long Zi Ao tian suggested

" right we need to go in the mountain, because their less people who would willingly live their and also we can setups our weapon and install some traps " Xio Rouyon Father said,

" hmm...that's a good suggestion, OK let's do that, we will leave the mansion tomorrow and alocate our base in the mountain.."the patriarch approved of Zi Ao tian suggestions

" ahem, yes that's good, so everyone pack up your things that's only necessary" Mrs. long said.

after that discussion we bid our good bye to the long family but when Xio Rouyon is reaching her car someone grab her hand and spin her around, it was Long Zi Ao Tian who grab her hand " Rou er please be careful,"

hear in him say that with his concern voice and reluctant expression he looks adorable

." alright, I'll be careful, " then she drove her car.