
Exams are almost close. I don't even start to study. What the fuck I do now?

I was at Jake's place. We chose to cut classes. He brought some Chinese and fresh juice to drink both for us. We were watching a movie together. But I wasn't concentrated on it.

I know, Jake never cared about his marks. Only I did. It makes it scarier even than my doubt over the marks of my last class test.

"What are you thinking?" Jake asked me.

"About your marks, my marks, etc.," I said.

"Hey, I promise I will score great marks this time," he said while joining our hands together. I believe him. It's our bond. Whenever we make a promise, we conjoin our hands and make it. And we never broke it.

"So... What's the plan?" he asked me.

"Plan? What plan?"

"Anyway, I can't drop you at your home. Because of your nasty one little brother will think I am your fling and says you and your one nasty father will be grounded for your lifetime," Jake said without taking a breath.

"Wow... Wow... Man... Slow down...." Sometimes he scares me.

"What you scared already of the nasty little shit or that big shit saying your father," he snorted.

"Jake... I told you many times. Don't use such terms to call my father. I don't like it, man." I said to him.

"Well, I don't like your father, either. Correction. I don't like your family except for your mom and you," he said while drinking his coke.

It's clear as water that Jacob Leotard hated my dad and my family, as he says, except my mom and me. Are you thinking, why's that? There was a misunderstanding happened between Jake and my dad. Moreover, my dad created a big drama that almost made Jake change his class. However, he was smarter than that, and he handled it pretty well. I was worried too sick that after whatever happened, Jake would hate me and break our friendship. But he didn't. I love him for that.

"Want some?" Jake asked me.

"Nope," I said.

He shrugged and continues to watch the movie. I don't know why Jake chose me to be his friend. I am not cool like other girls in the class. Neither I'm not from any wealthy family nor good at making friends. But still, he's with me. Even I never know why. I doubt I ever will... The movie started to play a song. Jake began to sing with it. Jake is so good at singing. But his guitar skills were terrific. I love Jake's vocals. I sometimes request him to sing. And he does too. I slowly started to drift off to sleep. I put my head on the couch and sank into the music playing in the background.

* * * * *

Nine months before...

Jake: Eighteen, Sharlow: Sixteen.

It's been a pleasant morning in December. Sharlow can't believe that she's nearly finished her three months of high school. She didn't make many friends there. Only some. But with them whom she loyal to. Jacob 'Jake' Leotard was her best friend. He was the popular guy in juniors this year at the High School. She never wanted to be famous nor to grab anyone's attention. But when she became friends with Jake Leotard, who was also the leading guitarist of the school band, she got more than she bargained for. It was the 23rd. Close to Christmas. She can't wait to celebrate. Last year she couldn't celebrate Christmas because she was busy with her exam preparations.

Her phone chimed. When she looked, it was Jake's text.

Jake: How about we just go out today?

Out? Oh no... She winced.

Sharlow: Nope...

Jake: Yup. So did you started to study for the coming exams?

After all the things, he got only exams to talk about. She thought.

Sharlow: Seriously, Jake? Are you shitting me right now?

Jake: No. I guess I am not!

Sharlow: How can you think about exams in the middle of Christmas?

Jake: Its' not Christmas today!

Sharlow: It's not. But close to. Last year I can't even celebrate Christmas.

Jake: Oh yeah. I celebrate Christmas every year.

He replied with an eye-roll emoji.

Of course. She remembers him saying that he was good at studies when he was in mid-school. So probably he doesn't need to study like average students (like her) does.

Sharlow: I know you were a stud back then.

Jake: Not stud. A class topper.

Sharlow: Same...

Then her mom called her suddenly.

"Yeah, mom." She asked

"Honey, can you come here and lend me a hand on this?" she asked.

"What, mom?" Sharlow was started to think Jake didn't reply.

"Taking these boxes from the closet," she asked.

"Yeah, mom coming," she put her cell phone on the table and gone to help her mother after sometimes when she came back. She saw Jake's text popped on the notification panel.

Jake: So what are you up to today?

She thought about it. She has planned to sit on her bed and read as many books as she could read. But the truth is, there was nothing she was up to.

Sharlow: Nothing... Boring day...

Sharlow: Hey... Wait... How was your trip yesterday?

She forgot to ask him about that. It was in her mind since yesterday, and her father came from his work.

Jake: Nothing interesting!

Sharlow: Oh, that's a shame.

Jake: What's shame?

Sharlow: Like you didn't get anything interesting...

Jake: Because there was nothing...

Sharlow: Uh..ah... Who knows...My dad told me he saw some brats from my class yesterday.

She was fucking with him. They both know what happened yesterday. That her dad almost arrested him for breaking the laws.

Jake: Spit it out, Shar... You know everything. Then why the fuck are you acting like you don't know anything?

Sharlow: Coz, you were acting like you are so innocent. And don't start 'kay... You didn't even mention it to me.

Jake: I don't have to. Your dad was one of the top fucking cops in the city. He will say about us to you.

Sharlow: Jake... Drop it. He did what is right. So please don't make him the bad guy.

Jake: Yeah... I am the bad guy now. Your dad is a fucking angel, right?

Sharlow: Stop it. Ur anger is messing up with ur head. Stop it now.

Jake sent an emoji showing the middle finger.

Jake: That's for your fucking dad.

Sharlow: Man up, Jake. You showed it to me. And say it's to my dad. Huh...

Jake: He's just a B-level officer. I am not scared of him...

Yeah... You are not... she thought.

Sharlow: I didn't say you are.

Jake: I may sell drugs and smoke weeds in front of ur dad. And salute him with my finger.

Yup! He's way over his head. She couldn't hold her irritation. Whatever he's done, he's still her father.

Sharlow: Knock it off.

"Why you look so irritated?" her dad asked her.

She jumped up, clutching her chest, trying to catch her breath as she watched her dad pulling off his shoes.

"Uh... Nothing dad... It's just..." She stammered.

"Okay..." slightly narrowing his eyes,

" Your mom said she needed to go shopping. So... do you need anything? I am taking her so..." Her dad asked her.

"But you just came, right?" she asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but I need to go out anyway. So I thought. Take lunch with me. And honey, I will be late today. So, better you sleep early. Okay?" Her dad said, kissing her head, and he went to the kitchen. Her phone vibrated against her. She opened the lock and read Jake's message.

Jake: nope. I just started it. You have to hear everything he will see in the future.

Why he's so irritating and trying to get into a fight? Sharlow couldn't hold her thoughts.

Sharlow: You are kidding, right?

Sharlow checked the kitchen, each time. She didn't want her dad to see what the heck she was talking (chatting) now.

Jake: nope.

Jake: I will maybe kiss you in front of him.

What the fuck? She knows him. He never flirted with her. He was saying all this to provoke her. She has never given a second thought to it.

Until now...

She was scared now. 'Cause, she can be caught by her dad anytime.

Sharlow: Yuck!!!

While she was typing her next replies, her dad came from the kitchen with his lunch.

"Honey, you didn't say what you want. If you don't want anything...." He looked at her stilled posture.

"What happened?" he asked her.

"Huh... Nothing, dad..." she said.

"Who you are texting to?" he asked her. He can see that she's a little bit scared than before. It's not something usual that his daughter is a bit jumpy these days. Unless...

"Show me your cell phone," he demanded. After all, he's a cop. He knows it when someone was trying to hide something.

"It's nothing, dad... Its... Just..." She won't know, she should run or throw the phone.

Before she could do something, her dad grabbed her phone. Unfortunately, Jake's reply popped on the notification panel.

Jake: And do whatever I want. Your one of the fucking dad going to sit there and report this. Hahahaha.

Mr.Parker scrolled the chatting. She saw his face was changing.

"Who the fuck is this?" he shouted.

"He..he's my friend...Dad... It's nothing..." She couldn't form a word.

"Is this the same guy I was talking about yesterday?" he asked.

She heard the phone continuously chiming. She knows that Jake is texting her because she's not replying. Mr.Parker rechecked the phone.

Jake: What happened? Speechless...?

Jake: Halloo?

Jake: Sharlow?

Jake: Okay, it's a little bit scary.

Jake: Where the fuck are you?

Jake: Sharlow.....

She didn't say anything. Water started to form in the eyes. She was shocked.

"I asked you something, Sharlow!!! Answer me!!!!" He shouted.

Hearing his sound, her mother came out. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked.

"Sharlow?" He asked.

"Yes. It's him," She said, wiping her tears from her cheeks.

Then Sharlow only saw her phone breaking into pieces as her father thrown it to the wall. He suddenly started to call someone on his phone.

"Hello, Mr.Berwick?" He said. Sharlow realized he was calling Principal Berwick. All she could do was cry.

* * * * * * *

"Sharlow!! Wake up, damn it."

I woke up by Jake shouting over my ears. I rub my eyes and sit straight.

"What in the world you want? Can't you let me sleep?" I asked him, straightening my tank top.

"You call that sleep? I thought you fucking dead!!" he shouted.

I accidentally laughed at his accent. He speaks well, but he mixes that French and English together and forms sentences when he's angry.

"What's so funny?" he glared at me.

"No...It's just...Your accent is so cute when you get mad," I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Certainly not. It's a compliment, man.." I said.

Then Jake's phone rang. He took it.


"What? Are you serious?" I don't know what happened. But he was really irritated.

"Where are you now?"

"Okay, I will come over." He said, and cut the call. He pulled a long breathe and sighed.

"Sorry, Shar... I need to go. Cooper got stuck in the middle of the road. I need to pick him up," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yup. Sure. So shall we?" I took my bag and started to move towards the door.

"Hmm.." He took the bike keys and closed the door behind us.