The Shattered Truth Holds the Opposite


A bullet struck through the laptop sitting on the table, breaking the fifteen-inch screen into pieces with a loud crack. An empty cartridge dropped to the floor with a faint clink, rolling on the wooden tiles next to a pair of shiny black oxford shoes. Soon after that, the whole room was abruptly silenced by the rigid tension and the atmosphere collapsed with a terrific bam.

Sitting in front of the half-destroyed device, Edward froze, feeling his backside bristled in jitters and how his hands had to halt above the keyboards. The display that consisted of the primary red-green-blue color before him suddenly became a dreadful darkness within a millisecond and everything happened more quickly than his head could process it.

"Edward Arpels, if you don't admit that you're the one who leaked the information to the government, this time, it won't be your computer."