
The twilight fell fast upon the land. Bright and sunny all day, I underestimated the cold of it. I was whooshing, but the icy air was wicking the heat away faster than my body could replace it. A rambling sound of footsteps echoed off the hotel room announcing Marvel's and my arrival.

"Angelo, I said, wait."

Marvel had been calling me - it was after I dashed from the hotel basement to our room, leaving him behind in the parking lot, unlike me at all.

"Angelo," he groaned, his voice harsher this time.

He grabbed my shoulder and I turned around from his strong pulling. I stepped backward to avoid him and my legs bumped with the billiard table behind me. I was grinding on its edge.

"What's the matter? You suddenly became restless," he came closer, starting the interrogation if my guess was correct. "Is it because I said nothing to that whiskey man so you feel insecure?"