What does it matter how my heart breaks?

I assumed I was right when I had no real reason to be scared of Marvel. He hardly ever showed emotions, but tonight was different. I got a feeling things wouldn't end well. If I stayed any longer, he would break me down into a mess, so I decided to leave. It wasn't the right time to stick around. The pain would last longer that way, but at least, the cut wouldn't be so deep…

But, Marvel disagreed with my choice.

"Monopolize you, huh… Do you have any idea what you're talking about?"

His voice was so brittle, almost like a whisper behind my back. Within seconds, his eyes adjusted to the gloom and his voice died in his throat. Disappointment was etched on his face, even his shoulders sagging.

At this rate, nothing would get through him. Fighting - really, it's so tiring. Every argument had dull exhaustion. It wasn't the night we were hoping for, it was just depressing and painful. I felt so done with everything, so I kept on walking away.