The revenge he always wanted

I was holding onto Walter as we rode the scooter. "We are unstoppable!" He cheers but until he gets hit in the face. My brother flew with the scooter and landed far away from us. "Walter!" I tried to get up but my body hurts in every part of it.

I saw a man holding onto Walter trying to kill him. I went up to him and kicked him. "Let go of my best friend! You jerk!" I barked. He turns at her and releases Walter. Walter throws a tracking device on Robo hand. She backed up from him, she backed nervously.

He grabs her arm tightly and pulls her to him. "You would rather die in his place?" He whispered in her ear. I don't want to die, I was shaken. He grabs her jaw and stares at her coldly, huffs in her face. About to put the blade on her face. "Qiana!" Lance screamed. "Let go of my sister! you jerk!" He yelled. He stops and turns around to see if he's there or not but he's not there. "You're the sister of Lance Sterling?" He raised an eyebrow. She didn't answer. "Are you!" He squeezes her arm very hard. "Yes, I'm his sister!" I squeaked.

He paused for a moment, his face darkened. He knows what to do with her, it's much worse than death. Physical breaking her. He yanks her and picks her up. "Let go of me!" I begs. From there Mercy saw Lance; only she saw something strange about his hand.

She saw him carrying a girl and he left. He has my sister, he growls. Don't worry Lance, we can get her back.

Meanwhile at his base…

He threw her harshly to the ground. She saw the database, growls. "Why do you have the database?" I asked him with disgust. He didn't answer her but smiles darkly. "You better answer!" I gritted my teeth. "What are you planning?" I hissed at him. "Is it really you consider?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "YES!" Because it's from my brother job." I spat.

She gets up and skeptic glares at him. She backs up and runs to find a exit, he growl. "Where's is the exit in this place?!" She runs to every corner, trips a cable that tangled with her foot. "No!" She tried untangling it but making it worst. He saw her, smile darkly. "Do you need my help in hand? Let me help you!" Her bleed ran cold seeing his sinister smile. He untied the wire on her foot, picks her up as bridle style. She felt his grip strong and presses her side of breast. He locks the door, walked to the bed and placed her down on the bed. She had butterflies in stomach, she knows the situation she is in.

He smooths her face, she slaps his right hand, he stares cold at her. "What is your age and your name?" He smugly smiles at her, I'm not telling you, I hissed. He grabs her jaw tightly to make her look at him. "Again, what is your age?" He asked angrily. I'm… 20 years old and it's...Qiana, I panicked.

He had a sinister grin. He removes his coat and throws it to the floor. He laid himself on her. I felt his part of his manhood against her. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he was way too strong for me. He chuckles at her small attempts. He held her arms over her head, kissing her lips aggressively, moaned, moving down to her neck hard biting down on her, I winced and sniffs.

He darkly grins at her, I trebled knowing what's next.

He went behind her neck, unties her Floral jumpsuit, throws it to the ground including her black boots, I screamed. "Don't be scared!" He told her in a sweet tone.

He went behind her back, unclipping her bra, and threw it to the ground. Sliding off of her pink lacing panties too. She busted into tears."You not being brave anymore?" He frowns at her. "Are you crying for your brother?" He laughs. "That coward of a man!" He snarled. She cries knowing he's isn't but she knows he isn't a coward either. He smirked seeing her cry. She saw him unbuckled his belt, seeing them drop to the ground, she had a chill down her spine..

Even his boxers too. She tears streaming down her face and trebling. "Are you nervous? Because my dick too big for you?" But don't worry it will be just fine." He chuckles. I closed her eyes not to look, covered my chest with arms. He aggressively separated her arms, holds her hands downs with his. She felt uncomfortable with his left hand due it being a robot. He hops over her hips, she felt his touching in front of her cunt.

He released one hand on her, pulls her hair very hard to make her open her eyes, she winces. He shoves it hard inside her core. He kept pushing into her. Kissing her hard from that kiss they made a moaning nose. He pulled out from her cunt, loses his breath. His breath was warm on her face, the sweat drip from his face to hers. He went in again. Thrusts her whiles kissing hard, pulls back from her face, smirking and drying her tear. "Just stop crying you should enjoy this moment." He whispered in between her lips."STOP, PLEASE!" I cried out loud, but he didn't listen.

"I wonder what last name should I take? Yours or mine?" He told her while pushing inside her.

"You covered in my cums and I even stain the bed, he chuckles. He gave her a daring smile. She got the point from that smile. From that smile he told she might end up pregnant. She closed her eyes tight

My name is Killian...

"You know this is my revenge?" He whispered in her face. " do you mean, revenge, Killian?" She cried. I'm going to frame your brother. Because he took everything from me… When I find out that you're his sister… The first moment I saw you thought to kill you, but instead of physically breaking you. He pulled out of her, she busts out to tears.

He redress himself, evil smile on his face. She turned to the side and curled up into a ball. She cried that made him so happy. Here's this dress, he throws it to her. "Why can't I wear my Jumpsuit?" She cried. He was redressing him

It's not suitable for you because you need to be perfect when your brother comes and rescues you. You have to wear that white dress. She got dressed. He was smirking. Qiana left in tears. please. She was begging him. I want to see my brother and Walter, tears in her eyes.

You can't leave because you might get pregnant, he smirks. I can't leave you a single mother, he smugly smiled. So what If I'm a single mother and I want you nothing to do with my child's life. I hope my brother beats you up, Killian for what you did to me, She snarl. I am going to be part of my child's life, he darkly chuckles. Qiana swallows hard and tears in her eyes.

Lance dodges the drones and goes to find Robo hand but Walter wasn't with him because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to him.

That face you've been using is mine. Over it's one drug to manage to stop long drive. Where is my sister? He didn't answer but smug smile.

He shocks him and he falls into a deep sleep. He wakes up in a chair. Can you feel it rolling around a lot witty catchphrase and you all these fact.

Pulled the chair to the edge and the shore was in the bottom of the ciff.

He brings out Qiana but she tied up even had a white bandana to block her from speaking. "Qiana! Let her go please!" He yelled. She was being carried to the ciff. Hmmph, she was tied up. "NO!" Please don't kill her,it's me you want!" He cried.

Kill me instead of her please, she has a long life ahead of her, he yelled. "You don't have to kill even them too!" He shouted. Please don't kill her, he turns to look at her with a sad smile. She shook her head with tears in her eyes. He backs her inside and puts her on the ground. He had a devilish smile.

He crossed his fingers and behind his back she saw him lying to him. He pushed him instead of her. He unties my arms and the gag on my mouth. She tilts her head down crying, he places his robot hand on her shoulder.

Come on you must go to our room, I have a job to do. "You lying snake! You are a murderer! Can't kill all of these people, they are innocent! You are just a psychopath! Plus you are a rapist and I will never be anything yours!" She kept telling him. He smacks her on the face, She Winced. He grabs her jaw tightly to face her to look at him. You belong to me now. When I come back we are going to have a little talk about you talking back to me. Her eyes say fear.

Walter sees him holding onto her jaw. "Let her go, now!" He barked. We both turned to look at him. Walter, She smiled. "Don't you dare hurt her!" He was mad with him. He released his grip on her jaw then he walks up to him. She got up as fast as she could and step in front of Walter.

"Get out of my way!" He snarls. "No, I won't let you hurt him!" She shouts. He growled at her.

He pushes her aggressively and knocking her out.

"Qiana!" Walter cried.

"Walter!" She screams. She woke up in the different room not the room where she was raped. The room was very luxurious and full of nice things.

She got up from bed and tried to open the door. It's locked, she whispered. She went to the balcony and saw lots of flowers and trees over the hill. It was night time.

"Where I am?" She frowns. She heard the door being unlocked. Walt…. Qiana saw Killian standing though the doorway.

He enters the room and closes the door. Even locking it. You're up already, "Qiana, how do you sleep?" He sneers. "Why are you here in my room?" She growls.

You mean our room, he smuggle smiles. She gave him a spiteful glare to him. "Where I am?" She frowned. We are in Portree, Scotland. She just stared at him. "Where's Walter?" She asked him.

He chuckles darkly. "What did you do to him?!" She barked. He didn't answer her.

"Answer me!" She yelps. He smirks at her.

"You…kill..him?" Her face turned pale. He nodded at her.

Her heart sank and cried. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT HIM! HE WAS INNOCENT! You're are a murderer!" She roars.

"He didn't do anything wrong! Him and my brother were innocent!" She shouted. Probably you killed the people where my brother works too, she spat.

"You're a sick twisted person even a rapist and a murderer!" She barked.

"If my brother was still alive he will kick your ass!" She cried. Even though you got the revenge you always wanted….

"But you're a sick bastard!" She cussed at him.

He was furious what she said to him.

He yanks her to the bed. "Let go of me!" She panics. No, this is where we have a little talk. His hands went behind her neck unties her dress. He throws it to the ground and only showing her bare body.

She screamed. As he removed his coat and navy blue. He removes everything else. She kicks him right there where it hurts.

Why you little…. "This is third time you attacked me and now you will see what hurt a lot!" He yells at her.

"No!" She yelps. He smacked her because he hates her brother. He wants revenge and he also puts it anger on Qiana too.

He went inside of her but going a hard and fast pace. He kissed her rough.

The next morning…

She woke up with a sore on her body and a sore on her face. She sat up from the bed and turns to see that he's asleep. You up already, my dear Qiana.

I'm not your dear Qiana! He just smiles. Come on now we must go eat breakfast now.

Get dressed I'be waiting for you. She frowned.

At breakfast she was forced to sit with him. "Ain't you going to eat and you been playing with your food?" He chuckles.

I'm not that hungry, she didn't look at him to eye to eye. He was stroking her hair and curling it in his hands.

"Don't touch me!" She cries. He pulls her long hair hard enough to make her cry.

I can stroke your hair if I want to, he snarled next to her face.

"You're hurting me!" She cried. I make you a deal. "What type of deal?" She looks at him with hate. A deal where you became my wife, he smirks. "What the hell!" She cusses.he smacked her face, she winced.

"You should watch your language!" He snarled. "Never! I will never marry you! I will run away to California to my family!" She said with pride.

They will die if you reject me. "No!" She screamed. He already got to them but he will tell her after the wedding but he will tell her in her pregnancy days.

"I do it!" Please don't kill them, she grabbed his arm with tears in her eyes.

He devilishly smile on his stupid face. The wedding will be on the fourth day, ok. He kissed her on the lips.

Almost forgot you cannot leave the mansion at all. "Do you understand me, Qiana?" Fine! Now Cantarella will escort to our room and get you all nice for tonight. Then he left. Qiana saw an elderly lady walking towards her.

"Get up child!" She growls. You must dressed, she said it rudely. You don't have to speak like that to me. When she got to the room. The old lady brought a nice dress. Put this on. 'After you do that I'm going to do your hair,' she said with an accent.

The old lady brushes her hair hard to make a romantic braid. After she was done doing Qiana's hair so Qiana explored the mansion. She heard Killian cheering with other men. She opens the door a little bit to have a peek.

My newest man on the job, Dueau! He hired new men, she said in her head.

She hears them laughing until I accidentally open the door by falling to the other side. Killian just gave her a spiteful look.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Adam said. That's his fiancee, you idiot, Conor said! Qiana gets up from the ground. You need to leave now Qiana I have a meeting. No, I'm not going to leave because you're up to something. He yanks her and takes her out of the room.

The next morning she woke up with a pain in her body. She got dressed, ate breakfast and went to seek out of the mansion. She explored the little town and it was getting dark. Until Killian's henchmen saw her. Hey, let go of me!

He pulls her all the way to the mansion. He threw her into her room and locked the door.

She sits on the bed and hopes he won't be mad with her but he will be.