Pregnancy event and twins birthday

On her sixteenth week she has a big tummy now. She found out that she is having twins. She was standing outside of the balcony. I'm having a boy and a girl, she gave a sad smile. I'm never going to be a vet for animals… I know it's not their fault it's his.

He killed my brother and my best friend, she cried. She rubs her belly with a sad smile on her face. "Can I tell you something?" I love you more than your dad. "Qiana has my children doing?" He smirked. She turned and saw him enter the room, she didn't answer him. "What's wrong?" He asked with a devilish smile. It's nothing, she snared. "Are you mad at me for killing your family and best friend?" He sneers

"WHAT! Why did you kill them?! You made me a deal!" She snarls. I lied, he smirked. Her heart broke to little pieces. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Because of you my dreams won't even happen! I always wanted to help animals! I don't even know what you are trying to do to me?!" She cried.

You impregnated me, you murdered my family and best friend… "I love my son and daughter, not you Killian!" Tears streaming down her face. He gave her a serious look and went up to her.

He grabs her chin and lifts it to give her a kiss. "What would your brother say that you're my wife?" He whispered in her face. He probably is scared for you and thinking that you were raped by a man who hates him. Who took everything from me, he snarled.

The mother of my children. That man finally got revenge for what he did to me, he showed his robot half of a face. She was crying hard. I planned that to make my children part of your family. Her eyes grew wide.

"W..what?" She was confused. He smirked at her. "What do you mean by that?!" She was crying. I want your family to be ashamed of you because you're pregnant with his archenemy's children.

They… "They what?" He devilishly smiled at her. They will be scared for me and… "My brother?" He would be over protective of me even more. He will say nothing to me but be super scared for me. He won't love my kids because of my fault, Qiana was bailing. He will be disappointed in me. I'm sure he is, smirking.

Qiana cried hard and steaming down her face. He kept smiling at her. He kissed her yet again. "I wonder how would our children would look like?" She stares at him…Maybe with your eyes or mine… With your personality or mine… She could just imagine that her son has the same personality as his father.

6 month...

She got up for breakfast and sat by the garden thinking to herself. "What would Lance say about me?" She frowns. Or even Walter. They probably be scared for me… She remember that today is her baby shower. It was afternoon because time flies by. It was time for her baby shower.

The ladies were laughing and talking about something. They were the wives of the other criminals. Your daughter will love this Bear, Annie grinned. I got her a lot of princess books, Avari said. Qiana left the two ladies to talk and the other room was Killian and other men. "You must be proud of yourself and find a beautiful lady like that you know?" Liam smirks.

I know I'm proud of myself and she is beautiful, he smirked though the wine. Your son will follow your footsteps, Louis said. Making you proud just like every boy does, Louis grins. "Just wait for your daughter's teen years! Going out with boys and being a rebel, going out to parties too."Leo laughs. "She's even not going to listen to you!" Leo laughs hard. Killian coughs on his wine. I know she will have respect for her father. I surely don't have to worry, Killian frowned. Leo pats him on the back laughing.

The day of birth…

They showed her, her baby boy who she named Colton. He looks like a lot of his father, she thought. We need to push again, the doctor said. She screamed for one last and after that she was done giving birth.

She held both of them. She saw Killian enter the room. He sat next to her and he held their daughter Nakia. Look, our daughter looks like you but with my eyes. She's beautiful! Your son looks just like you. He smirked. You did well, he kissed her on the forehead.

Years has passed and now it is November 10, 2026

"Happy birthday to the both of you!" Their mother hugged them. "Where's dad?" They asked. He's coming, she gave a fake smile. "Where's my boy?" He came with a grins."Dad!" Colton smiles big.

"What do you have for me?" He asked with a smile. He passed him the gift and the boy's eyes lit Up. "Awesome It's a bb gun!" He grins big. "A BB-gun?" She frowned and was unhappy about that. "Now where's my little girl?" He grins. I'm right here Daddy, she giggles. Close your eyes, he pulled two puppies. One wolf pup and a chihuahua puppy.

You can open them now. She had a big smile on her face. These two are for you, he grins. "Thank you, Daddy!" She hugs him with a smile. "What are you going to name them?" He asked her. I named this wolf pup Alpha.

"That's perfect for him!" He grins. This is from me sweetie, her mom smiled. "What is it?" She smiled big when she saw something she loved. "It's a sketchbook!" Nakia grins. "A sketch book?" He frowns. "Qiana!" He growls at her. She just gave a spiteful glare to him.

"For Alpha's sister she will be named Poppy!" Nakia smiled. Qiana smiles at Nakia and Colton, seeing them so happy. Qiana felt him wrapped around her waist. He nibbles on her ear. Now Colton and Nakia, their father said. You go to your rooms or out in the garden but not outside of the mansion, you understand me. Yes, they both nodded.

They ran off to their rooms. "Why did you give her a sketch book?" He snarls at her. "She wanted that for her birthday Killian and does that bother you?" She growls. He just stared at her and shook his head. "Will you like some wine?" He asked her with a smirk. No, thank you. "Why not?" He looks at her Curiously. Killian..I'm.. "You're what?" He looked at her oddly. I'm pregnant. A big smile on his face. "That's wonderful! How many weeks are you?" He smiles at her. I'm in my second week, she smiles. I found out yesterday.

He kissed her.

At Nakia's room...

Come on Alpha you need to hold still for the picture, Nakia giggled. Alpha jumps on top Poppy. They were playing. She sat down to the ground and sketched a picture of Alpha.