Chapter 22 : Shock and Evolution.


\Īsan POV,

Fuck... Fuck... Fuck... Fuck.

My lungs hurt. I am almost fainting from the pain. The {Hierro} really fucked me, they hardened my lungs, and the deep breaths necessary to train them are forcing them to be reshaped, enlarged. And this hurts like a bitch. Now I am spread eagle on the bed, breathless, my lungs hurt, my head hurt and all my veins are almost bursting. The Thunder Breathing increases the blood flow on the body, specifically, on the legs but my body is not used to it. I have to little by little expand them, I wished I was a human now, it would be easier... I think.

At this moment, Kūkaku entered my room, and she was using her classic clothes, but her face was serious.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Hah, hah, I was doing some breathing, hah, hah, exercises. What, hah, do you need?"I asked her.

"Īsan... I think that it is time to bring me to my brother... It is time to fulfill your promise."She said, sitting on a couch.

"Yeah, hah, I will. Just, hah, let me get my breath again."I said to her.

After a few minutes, I finally recovered my breath and the pain eased.

"Come, let's go. But I advise you... You will not like what you see."I said getting up and exiting the room.

"I know, last time I saw him, he was devoured by a Hollow, I just want to see it." She said.

"Follow me." I walked out.

As almost everyone was out, only Harribel was on the living room, sleeping. Speaking about Harribel, she is like a guardian, she do not let any of the other Espadas come near the mansion or me precisely. She beats the shit out of anyone that dares to come near me, I pity Grimmjow, he tried to come here and fight me many times, just to be beaten by her. As I walked to the door.

"Master? Where are we going?" Harribel asked getting up.

'Weren't you sleeping?! How do you wake up so easily?!' I thought, surprised.

"Kūkaku wanted to see her brother, so I was escorting her." She got up and came to my side.

"I'll follow you." She said.

Getting out of the house, we went to where Aaroniero Arruruerie's tower was located. That guy is disgusting, but she wants to go there.

After walking for many minutes of this endless desert, we reached that beings tower. Entering on it, I heard something.

"Hmm, intruders?" Two voices said at the same time.

"Cut the crap. Where are you?"I said.

"Third, what do you want in here?" The voices said.

"I have someone that wants to meet you."

"Hmm? Kūkaku? Follow the right."They whispered. This fucker is already planning on something.

Following his directions, we reached a big room, and in the middle of it... There he was, stealing Kaien Shiba's face.

"K-K-Kaien?! You are alive?!" Kūkaku after seeing her brother alive was extremely surprised. Meanwhile Harribel was almost grabbing her sword.

"Little sister, it is so good to see you. Ooh, how I wanted to see you, but I could not. Aizen and him are keeping me here, locked." He said, pointing at me.

"*Sigh*, Ninth, let's cut the bullshit shall we?" I said to him.

"Bullshit?! You lock me away from my sister and brother and say that this is bullshit?!"Good acting skills man.

"Ī-Īsan, you wouldn't do that, right?" Kūkaku said.

"Kūkaku, he is stealing your brothers face. This is his ability, stealing." I said to her, watching her face crumble.

"Stealing?! How can you say that?! "Glotonería" is the perfect ability! I will evolve without limits!"He said while talking crazily.

"See, he is not your brother. Would your brother have that face when he was alive? Would he be crazy enough to simply forget that his sister is right in front of him?"I said embracing her and taking my mask off and kissing her head.

"N-No. He loved us. He cared for us."Was all she said hugging me back.

Realizing that he fucked his cover, he said.

"Want to know something? I was a Gillian, and my ability makes me evolve after eating dead bodies, so imagine how strong will I be after eating two Vasto Lordes Arrancar and a Shinigami?!"He said.

He then dashed using his, or better, Kaien's Zanpakutou. He slashed using his sword. But I stopped with a finger and said.

"You hurt the feeling of my woman, you deserve death." I said.

Then increasing my Reiatsu, a pitch black aura came from me and stopped his movements, making him fall on one knee. The intensity was so much that the entire place was trembling. I was really pissed, I gave this fucked a chance, and he shoved it on his ass, the pressure made him lie on the ground breathing heavily.

Then a pair of arms wrapped around my neck and a soft sensation pressed my lips. Looking at her, I saw that she was kissing me. So I wrapped my arms around her hips and leaned to make the kiss more comfortable for her, and she was rather shy, hesitating in the beginning but as she got in the mood, the kisses grew wild. She was kissing me passionately, her soft lips and minty breath were incredible. I know I already kissed Rukia, but it was not like this, it was to tease her.

I, unfortunately, had to stop when she started to moan lightly and opened her mouth to give me a tongue kiss. Separating from her, she moved her head to follow my mouth, but after realizing that she could not continue, she opened her eyes. They were hazy and lost, she was breathing heavily. It took a few seconds so that she could return to 'normal'.

"D-Don't kill him. I want to do it. This fucker stole my brother's body. I want to kill him, *Whispering* but I don't have the power to do so."She said.

Hearing her dejected whisper made me remember something that I was forgetting.

"No problem. I have a way to increase your strength."I said to her, then her eyes brightened.

"Really?" She asked, not believing.

"Yep. But now we have to return to our home."I carried her and went to the exit.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" The ninth screamed.

Ignoring him, we returned to our house. Once reaching there, I went directly to the laboratory, entering on it, I placed Kūkaku on a couch as she was dazed, I took of the {Hollowfication} item.

And on my hands appeared a syringe.

'System, how do this {Hollowfication} works?' I asked the system.

["You should put her on an incubation chamber, as the procedure of mixing the Hollow genes within her body will be extremely painful, you will also need a {Sleeping Liquid} this liquid will make her body enter in a deep sleep numbing all the pain, to activate the chamber you click on the button on the side. I will place these items on the Shop... Done."]



|X-Coins: 788,556|

[> Abilities: None.<]

[>Breathing Styles(One for 1,000,000)\Maximum of 2,: Water Breathing, Stone Breathing, Wind Breathing, Sun Breathing, Flame Breathing, Sound Breathing, Love Breathing, Insect Breathing, Flower Breathing, Mist Breathing, Serpent Breathing, Beast Breathing and Moon Breathing.<]

[>Items: {Incubation Chamber} : 50,000 X-Coins. {Sleeping Liquid} 10,000 X-Coins.<]

[> Passive abilities: None.<]


'Buy them.' I said.

["Buying... Done. Updating Shop."]



|X-Coins: 728,556|

[>; Abilities: None.<]

[>Breathing Styles(One for 1,000,000)\Maximum of 2,: Water Breathing, Stone Breathing, Wind Breathing, Sun Breathing, Flame Breathing, Sound Breathing, Love Breathing, Insect Breathing, Flower Breathing, Mist Breathing, Serpent Breathing, Beast Breathing and Moon Breathing.<]

[>Items: {Sleeping Liquid} 10,000 X-Coins.<]

[>Passive abilities: None.<]


Looking around the lab, I searched for an open space. Finding it between the couches, taking it out of the inventory, I took the chamber out and placed it there. Then a cylindrical glass chamber appeared in front of me, it had an opening on top of it.

'System, how much time does it takes until the syringe works.'

["Five minutes, so I advise you to inject it in her and immediately put her inside the chamber, and place the sleeping liquid at the opening on top of it."]

"Ok... Let's go. Kūkaku, come. Don't question anything that I will do."I said to her.

"O-Okay." She said coming near me.

I then injected the syringe's contents on her neck, took her clothes off, carried her and placed her inside the chamber, she was a little stunned. I then closed the chamber and injected the liquid. After doing it, I clicked on the button on the side.

The chamber then light up, a lot of cables possessing needle tips came from the top and punctured her back, thighs, arms and chest. Then the entire chamber got full of the liquid, she then placed her hand on the glass and mouthed "I trust in you.".

Answering her, I said.

"I am glad that you do."

"Master, what are you going to her?" Harribel asked, worried.

"I am going to make her stronger, by transforming her into something similar to us. Shinigami and Hollow hybrids." I answered her.

"Master, why do you make people stronger? Like you did with me, Sung-Sun, Mila Rose and Apacci." She said looking at me.

"Hmm, I did it because I find you guys too precious. You all are my treasure, and I will always cherish you." I said while looking at Kūkaku inside the chamber. She was looking at me... And lost her consciousness.

Then I came closer to Harribel, embraced her and said.

"Darling, would you kindly remove your mask?" Looking at her green eyes.

"W-Why?" She said.

"Ohh~, my loyal guard is questioning her Master? Hmm, I think you need a punishment~." I said while taking her clothes off.

"M-Master, what are you doing?! She is right in front of us!" She said, protesting.

"Yep, but she is in a deep sleep. And I neglected you, time to give you my affection." I said looking at her naked body on the couch.

She then hid her breasts and pussy with her hands, but she removed her mask. Closing the distance, I looked at her flushed face and gave her plump lips a kiss. She was shy, only pecking on my lips, but I closed the distance more and gave her a deep kiss, my tongue then licked her lower lips and asked for permission to enter her sweet mouth. Understanding what I was asking, she opened her mouth, letting my tongue enter and search for her little tongue, after a few seconds searching, as she was escaping it, I finally found her naughty tongue and coiled mine with hers.

"Hmmmm~." I think that the tongue kiss is a big stimulation to her. Let's up this a bit.

My hands then started to move. Slithering across her body, my right found its place on her right breast, I then started to pinch and twist her big nipple lightly, my left descended her body and found her pussy, it was really wet, as if waiting for something. I started to rub her outer lips, to tease this girl bellow me.

"Hmmm~?! Hmmm~, Hmmm~!"Translating, she probably was surprised that I found her sopping wet pussy, moaned indicating that she liked and I think that she wants more.

Complying, my hand came near her hole and began to put my middle and ring fingers inside, it was really tight, squeezing my fingers with strength, her walls were hot and sticky, then I felt her walls contracting and a little gush of hot liquid came on my right hand.

"Hummm!!" She liked.

After that, I began to stir her insides, moving in and out, making a hook with my fingers and caressing her walls, she then squirmed and broke the kiss.

"MMMAAASSSTTTEEERRR!!!❤" She arched her back and squirted on my hands.


\Rukia's POV,

Soul Society sent the backup team. The team consists of Renji Abarai, Tōshirō Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasegawa and Kuchiki Byakuya. They are here to help the teen(Ichigo) defend this place as the Arrancar are very strong, specifically Īsan, he is the greatest threat among them.

I am now inside a room that they offered me on Urahara's shop writing about everything that I learnt about their strength and weaknesses.

'Ichigo is really how he told me. He only cares about Orihime, and she is the only one for him. I'm glad that I choose him instead of this idiot Carrot. H-He even makes my body r-react like that.' As I wrote everything, I looked outside just to see, the teen pondering about his recent loss against Yammy. Idiot, you are so weak compared to him.

'But I am still not sure if I did the right thing choosing him, I mean, I like him and the others but maybe I did the wrong move? Maybe it was better to stay there and wait until Ichigo came to rescue me? Maybe it would be better to stay on Soul Society and climb the ranks until I was a Captain? Hah, I'm so confused. The worst thing is that I like the choice I made, but it pains me when I have to lie to them, even if I don't like Orihime much, she is a aloof girl that is funny to stay with. It is always funny to stay with them, and I don't know what should I do anymore.' I thought while hugging my legs, resting my head on my knees and closing my eyes.

Then I heard a knocking on the door.

"Rukia, are you okay, can I come in?" Ichigo asked.

"No, but I am okay, thank your for being worried." I said to him.

"Are you sure that you are okay? You don't seem good." This teen has a good perception.

"No, I am good, really. Its just that I have to think about some things, don't bother yourself." I said to him, he is starting to irritate me.

"Okay, then. Good night Rukia." He said and walked away.

"*Sigh*, What should I do?" I lied and began to think on the best options.