Chapter 17 : Las Noches and Becoming An Arrancar.

After getting sucked by the Kumón, we were teleported to Hueco Mundo, in front of the great fortress called Las Noches.

"Ahhh, nothing is more relaxing than being at home, right Harribel?" I said looking at the others.

"So this is the Hueco Mundo?" Kūkaku  asked.

"Yep, our house from now on." I said while petting her.

"Stop! You are going to mess my hair." She said.

"Your hair is already a mess." I counter attacked.

"This is what you say towards a woman?!" She got angry.

"My woman?" Why are you not answering.

"Why are you not answering?" Harribel asked her.

"Not you business." She responded.

"What is this fortress?" Rukia asked in my arms.

"This is our base of operations. I think you already knew it existed right?" Aizen asked me.

"Yeah, I knew. But I thought it was where Baraggan's army was." I said putting Rukia on the ground.

"It was, but he kindly gave it to me after I asked for it nicely." He said walking in front.

'Yeah, I know how nicely you asked.' I thought while following him.

After following him, we entered Las Noches, we found 5 paths. Aizen entered one of them, Gin and Tousen went to another, and we followed him, he said while walking.

"We are going to my laboratory. There, I will transform you and your subordinates in Arrancars, the Arrancar are the strongest form of Hollows, these Hollows have the nuclei of their abilities sealed and it transforms into a sword. This sealing makes their body turn into that of a human but they still keep their Hollow hole and a partial mask, the reason why it makes that is because the boundaries between Hollow and Shinigami break with the use of the Hougyoku. This increase their strength and enables them to use a new type of power. The "Resurrección"." As he said that, we reached his lab.

"Why there is boundaries between Hollow and Shinigami?" Kūkaku asked.

Aizen did not answered, so to comfort her, I petted her head, which she did not refused.

"Go inside the box. As you were the one that gave me the Hougyoku, I will give you a Arrancar form. You will have the partial mask and the hollow hole." He said.

The box he said was 3 meters height and 3 meters wide. Going in there, the door that I entered closed and a kind of empty compartment came. He then placed both Hougyokus and placed his finger on it, injecting his Reiatsu in it.


• [> Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo II<]

[>Description: Survive the Arrancar evolution.<]

Reward: ?????


When he started, there was a blinding light. And instead of the pain that I was expecting, a sensation of being cleansed came, like when you feel dirty and take a good bath to clean it. I felt layers upon layers of my scales falling out of me, my claws were decreasing, my horns and hair too. It felt I was Molting, leaving my old body behind and evolving to a new one.

After the show of lights, everything returned to normal.

All I heard after that was gasps. They were from Harribel, Sun, Rose, Apacci, Kūkaku and Rukia. Looking at my hands, I saw white human skin, this is really weird, I felt that my body was light and when I clenched my hand, I felt that my strength increases absurdly, at least my physical strength did.

"*Whispering*, Show Status.


Name: Īsan Shiruba.

Age: ???.

Race: Perfect Arrancar.

System: The Protagonist Killer.

Height: 200 cm.

Weight: 120 Kg.

Reiryoku: Immense Spiritual Energy ( High-ranked Shinigami Captain Reiryoku.)

Abilities: |Passive Skill: {Ultra-Fast Arrancar Regeneration X}, {Arrancar Hierro X}|

|Active Skills: {Poison Embodiment(Sealed)}|


"What happened to my skill and mastery level?" I asked, still whispering.

["Your skills were absorbed by your new body, turning it to muscle memory. The {Poison Embodiment(Sealed)}, is a upgrade from the previous one, it will only be unsealed when you use your "Resurrección". And your Reiryoku did not increased, but got more pure, increasing its quality. That is why you felt stronger."]

"Thank you." I whispered.


• [> Only The Strong Survive Hueco Mundo II<]

[>Description: Survive the Arrancar evolution.<]

Reward: Zanpakutou(Sealed Hollow Abilities).

[>As You Have Become A Perfect Arrancar You Have Gained A Bonus.<]

Reward: One free Breathing Style from Kimetsu no Yaiba. Go to the Shop to claim it.


After looking in front of me, there was a big Katana sticking on the ground. This Katana, Nodachi to be precise, had 150cm(5 feet) in total, the hilt had 30cm(1 feet) and the blade 120cm(4 feet), the blade was pure black in color and the hilt had black scales. When I grabbed the hilt, I felt a wonderful sensation, like it was made for me and only I could use it.

It was then that I looked at the 3D model of my body.

My hair decreased in length and now was on my shoulder, the color changed to a black, but not a common black, it was darker than Vantablack, it seems that my hair absorbed light. A really strange color. My eyes stayed the same yellow. I don't have a Hollow Hole, but I have the partial Hollow mask. The mask got both sides of my jaws, cheeks and it stopped bellow my eyes, it had rows of sharp teeth.

'Finally!!! I am finally in this form! From Adjuchas all the way to Arrancar! After that bitch almost killed me in that desert! Finally, I achieved the perfect form. Now I can start to move my plans. Of course, in the eyes of Aizen, Yamamoto and Yhwach, I am not strong enough, now I have to think of ways to become stronger. At least I have the system to help me.' After calming my initial euphoria, I thought.

Looking at Aizen, I saw that he was rather surprised.

"What? Something happened?" I asked, unsure.

"Hmm, this is strange, you only have the partial mask, you don't have the hole. If you don't have the hole, it means that your heart is filled, you don't have the void that the others have, you are interesting. And you may be stronger than the Espada Numero 1, but I just have one number left, which it the Numero 3, so you are going to be my Espada Numero 3." When Aizen said that, I felt something burning on my right shoulder. Looking at it I say a number 3.

"Here, your clothes." He said taking and tossing the black and white clothes that the Espada use.

'Where did he got these clothes? This guy is really weird.' I thought.

After grabbing the clothes, I then started to wear them, the clothes were a white jacket, black sash, white hakama, black tabi and white zōri. After that I grabbed my sword and got out of the box, once out Rukia came near me and started to pull the skin on my arms.

"You really are a Hollow?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I am but also am a Shinigami. This is my 'Zanpakutou'." I said to her, she looked at the sword curiously.

Sheathing my sword, placing it on my waist. I responded to her curiosity by petting her head, wait... This is awesome! It is way better than before, also, I got smaller it is strange. Looking at her face I saw that she was enjoying my headpets.

"We have more Arrancar to create, so the next one go inside the box." He said.

Then they complied and entered the box, one by one.