Chapter 20 : Karakura's First Invasion.

After Grimmjow's failed attempt of killing me, we met Ulquiorra, he was training the Espada Numero 10, Yammy Llargo.

"Ulquiorra, let's go. Its time to do that mission." I said to him while I snapped my fingers.

"I am going too." Yammy said.

He simply nodded and came to my side, Yammy too came to my side. When I snapped my fingers a Garganta appeared, meaning that I used the {Descorrer}. We then entered the Garganta to the human world.


After reaching the human world.

We were falling from the sky, as always, my calculations with the Garganta are shit. So when we fell, we impacted the ground creating a hole on it, after the dust settled, Yammy said.

"Even after coming here so many times before, it still is the same boring place." Yammy said.

"Do not complain, only I and the Numero 3 were assigned for this mission, you came here on your own." Ulquiorra said.

After saying that, he came out from the crater and saw many humans staring at him, then he started to suck the humans Reiatsu, but before he could, Harribel appeared behind him and knocked him on the ground.

"What the fuck?!?! You bitch!!!" He was pissed, so he got up and went to attack her, just to have her golden Reiatsu making him drop on the ground, well a few people that were near him almost died too.

'Well... In the canon she is the Espada Numero 3, also she dislikes killing so it is understandable, and she is extremely strong. That is my girl.' I thought.

Even being a Espada Numero 10 he cannot go against my girl.

"Harribel, let him be. We are here to gain information about the human world's defences and about Ichigo Kurosaki, also you are almost killing some of them." I said to her.

She stopped her Reiatsu but Yammy got up ready to attack her.

"Do you truly want to die? If you do, continue your attack." I said looking at him while grabbing the hilt of my sword.

Just by grabbing it, the aura around me transformed to that of an extremely irritated beast, ready to kill and devour anyone that gets close enough, this screamed danger to everyone's ears, even Ulquiorra's eyes widened a little. The look on my eyes were as if he was already dead and I was talking to his corpse. I saw the look on his eyes change, he was feeling fear, fear of dying by my hands.

"H-Humph, trash." He said cancelling the attack on my beautiful Harribel.

"What happened now?" Rukia asked a little afraid of me.

"Nothing you need to bother with." I said petting her head.

"Harribel, go and scout for a bit, see if there is anyone that can oppose a threat to us. I will raise my Reiatsu to call you if necessary." I said to her.

"Okay, Master." She said while flying up and going further into the town.

At this moment the crowd that was near us got bigger but before it reached near the crater, we saw two people. Orihime and Chad,

"The Bounts are attacking again?" Orihime asked Chad

"They aren't dead and the method of attacking is not the same as the Bounts." Chad answered her question.

"Orihime, when we get near, do not attack, only heal the hurt ones." Chad said to her.

"Any of them are the one that we are searching for?" Yammy asked Ulquiorra.

"No, he said that he had orange colored hair, none of them has." Ulquiorra said.

At this moment they saw Orihime and Chad coming running to defend the humans.

"Finally, now I can kill a little." Yammy said while kicking one of the near people, just to have his attack blocked by someone.

This someone was Chad, he blocked the attack using his right arm.

"Orihime, as I told you before, focus on the injured ones." He said

"Ulquiorra, is he the one?" He asked.

"No you dumb fuck. Aizen said that he was strong, look at this man, he almost died with that attack!" I said looking at him.

He was enraged and gave a punch at Chad, but as Chad's body is strong he only almost died instantly and fell on the ground.

I looked at Rukia and saw her looking at another direction, I think that she still feels something for them. So I petter her head and made her look at me, when she looked, she got a little relieved.

"Chad! Chad! Chad are you okay?!" Orihime asked desperate if her friend was Alive.

And without even waiting he attacked her.

"Santen Kesshun." She said, creating a shield in front of her, protecting her from Yammy's attack.

After her shield dissipating after having blocked the attack, she said.

"Souten Kisshun." And a small field covered Chad's body, regenerating him from the attack.

"Hmm, Ulquiorra, she has specials abilities, maybe we should bring her to Aizen." Yammy said.

I looked at Ulquiorra and saw him contemplating something.

"You are a strange one... Girl. But no, kill her." He said.

At this moment Yammy tried to punch her but was stopped by a orange haired kid.

He stopped Yammy using his sword, he then looked at Orihime and said.

"Sorry Orihime, I'm late."

"Sorry Kurosaki-kun, I am weak." She said, I could feel Rukia's hate from afar.

"Get back Orihime. Bankai." He said.

Then a strong wave of blue Reiatsu came from him, after this wave settled he appeared in black clothes and possessing a black sword.

""Tensa Zangetsu"!" He said the name of his Bankai.

Yammy then attacked him, just to have his right arm sliced off. Then Yammy starts to get a beating while I decided to seat on a tree branch with Rukia on my lap, as I petted her, this is true paradise.

Moving my hands from her head to her neck, I whispered on her ears.

"Close your eyes, focus on my touch, we are going to somewhere more private." Then I licked her earlobe, and vanished from where we were.

"Hhmmm~. N-No, stop." She protested.

Descending my hand, I stopped at her breasts, rubbing her already hard nipples on top of her clothes.

"N-Noooo~, stooop~, aaahhnn~." She is sensitive.

"*Whispering*, Do you like it?" I asked breathing hotly on hear ears.

"Hhmmm~, no I don't, you i-idiot~." She said.

"I am going to stop then." I sad removing my hands.

"No. Continue, it makes me tingly." She said holding my hands.

'Tsunderes are difficult beings, even more if the tsundere already has more than 100 years.' I thought, resuming what I was doing.

I then went under her clothes and started to tease her nipples directly, even if her breasts are small, her nipples are big and really hard, also this is one of her most erogenous zone.

"T-Through the clothes? Uuuuu~." Her face was really red.

Then I descended my left hand, reaching her jeans, going under it, I felt her panties.

"*Gasp*, n-not there." She said breathing heavily.

Then I rubbed her pussy through her panties, it was already wet, I traced her lips, she shuddered and gasped, so cute. Looking at her face, I saw that her eyes were rolling back. She is near, but I am not going to let her have it, at least not now.

"Noooo! Something was near, why did you stopped?!" She said kinda loudly, because my hands stopped.

I did not said anything. She then started to mimic what I had done to her. But before she could I grabbed her hands and whispered on her ear.

"You can't do this on your own, only I can. If I ever discover that you have pleased yourself, I am not going to do this ever again." I looked at her red face, made my mask disappear and kissed her lips.

She had never kissed before, her lips were soft, so after kissing her, I asked.

"Okay?" As she was dazzed by the kiss, she simply nodded.

I fixed her clothes, got back to the branch and saw that Ulquiorra was looking at us, but I concentrated on the fight.

Yammy was taking a beating for a few minues now, but he got pissed and reached to his Zanpakutou, it was then that the tides turned as Ichigo got distracted and started to suffer a little, as Orihime saw Ichigo taking punches, she ran to him to help, but was backhanded and flew away.

Ichigo saw it, and after a few seconds his Reiatsu started to increase and got stronger than Ulquiorra's, this inner Hollow thing can help, but it also can fuck you.

After Yammy gave Ichigo a last punch dust flew everywhere, then instead of Ichigo dying a red shield appeared in front on Yammy's hand. The ones that appeared behind this shield were Urahara and Yoruichi.

"Why are you interrupting my fight, do you want to die so early?" He said and punched them, just so that Yoruichi grabbed his hand and knocked him on the ground.

"You already know what to do, right?" I asked Rukia, she was a little aloof.

"Yes, leave it to me." She said after getting out of her own world, she then jumped of the branch and disappeared between the trees.

'I have to make her a little frustrated, because it will be then that she will show if she's loyal.' I thought.

After getting on the ground, Yammy got up and tried many attacks, just to be counter-attacked and bullied by Yoruichi, then he was on the ground again, getting up he aimed and fired {Cero} at Yoruichi who was near Orihime, in the end it was Urahara that redirected this attack, making it destroy were all of us were.

He then babbled about his abilities and bla, bla, bla. Until he finally launched a red wave of Reiatsu from his sword, when Ulquiorra appeared, defended the wave and punched Yammy's stomach.

"What was that for?" He said.

"Fool. Blood came to your head Yammy, can't you see that they are Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin? We are going to retreat." Ulquiorra said backing away and opening a Garganta.

"Ulquiorra, I think you forgot who is in charge of this mission." I said hopping of the tree.

"What do you mean and where you went before?" He asked.

"I was having fun with a rabbit in a tree and I say when we are going to back away, unless you are scared of them?" I asked him, releasing a bit of my Reiatsu to make a signal, this made the ground shake and a pitch black aura came from me.

He did not said anything. Walking in the direction of them, I said looking at Urahara and Yoruichi.

"Hi, my name is Īsan Shiruba. Pleasure to meet you." Appearing behind them I leaned in and bowed a little.

Seeing that no one returned it, I said.

"Hmm, I thought that Shinigami of your strength would have at least a little respect but whatever. Now I kindly ask if you could give me the orange-haired boy, we kinda need him for somethin-." I was interrupted by a roundhouse kick from Yoruichi.

Blocking it, I grabbed her leg and was going to say something when Harribel appeared and kicked Yoruichi in the stomach sending her far back, breaking a tree.

"Oof, that must have hurt. Yoruichi this hurts after a long time without seeing each other you kick me the first you see me. Did you forget all of our fun times together?" I said placing my hand on my chest.

"Fun times? I don't even know you." Yoruichi said getting up from the ground.

"It doesn't matter in the future you will know." I said.

"Is it time to go, Master?" Harribel said, glaring at Yoruichi.

"Yes, we are going, our objective is finished." I said.

"Okay Master." She said.

Then we went to the portal and everyone entered, just me and Harribel did not.

"What about her?" Harribel asked.

"I think she ran away, look." I said pointing behind them.

There stood Rukia, breathing heavily, a few parts of her clothes damaged.

"You are going to regret this!" Harribel said and entered the portal.

"I am going to kill you personally." I said looking at her and releasing a bit of my Reiatsu on my surroundings making the ground shake and trees fall, after that I entered the portal.