Chapter 40 : Idiots and Resurrección.

'I don't fucking believe that those fuckers came all the way from the fucking fortress, to my house! My house! *Sigh*. This is so infuriating. If I at least had sex in these last 8 hours, I would be more calm, but no! These fucking Ryouka decided to invade my territory!' I thought while grooping and fondling Harribel's ass strongly.

"Uhhhhnn~. M-Master, d-do you want to satiate, *Gasp*, your l-lust using my body? I am ready to please you." She said while she unzipped her top.

"Not now. We have thing to do, and I have a task to you. Kūkaku! Come here!" I screamed.

We were at the lab and Kūkaku was on her bedroom, cleaning and changing the furniture(again).

"Nelliel, you are going to get your brothers before they do something stupid. They have done things that left me a little angry. Go and make them come back. Harribel, go and call all the Tres Bestias." I said to them.

"Okay, Brother Īsan, goodbye.*Chuu*." She said after standing on the tip of her toes and kissing my cheek.

She was wearing her classic Ex-Espada clothes. These clothes made her breasts and ass even more incredible as it was glued to her body. This made me feel even worse as I wanted to fuck someone.

After she got out, as if she was jealous, Harribel came near me and kissed my lips hungrily, making her breasts squash in between us. My hands instantly came and grabbed her ass, passing through the openings at the side, and clutching her raw ass.

"Hmmm~. *Muah*. Master~, I want to fuck." She said while kissing my neck.

'Her language has gotten even more dirty these days. I heard she say that it was so that I could punish her even more. Masochists are incredible things.' I thought while squeezing her ass.

"I said before. Now it is not the right time. *Pah*. Naughty servant!" I said to her in a rarsh tone, after slapping her ass.

"Hahnnn~. O-Okay, Master. Your naughty servant will wait until she has her punishment~." She said while wiggling her butt.

*Knock* *Knock*

Opening the door, we saw a well dressed Kūkaku. She was wearing a blue top, making her massive breasts create a massive cleavage that made them even more appealing, and a gray jeans, that too, made her peach shaped big ass enchanting. Also, she wasn't wearing a bra, meaning that the outline of her nipples could be seen. A true bombshell.

"What do you need me for?" She said after crossing her arms below her incredible chest, making them bounce a little.

"We are going to kill Numero 9. Prepare yourself." I said to her after focusing on her face.

"Really?! Let's go! I am ready!" She said loudly, I guess that vengeance is important to her.

"Without you sword? How are you going to fight? Firing Kidou?" I said to her.

I saw her becoming pensative, then her cheeks became a little pink.

"S-Shut up! I am coming back." She said while running downstairs.

"*Sigh*. She is so dumb." Harribel said.


"Ahnn~. M-Master?" She was confused, but horny.

"Yohr punishment for calling one of my women dumb. Now let's wait." I said after slapping her ass.

Then we waited for a few minutes Kūkaku came back, carrying four swords and Harribel descended the stairs. I don't know why but shortly after she got out of the tank, these four swords appeared near her.

"Here, now I am ready!" She said after putting the swords awkwardly.

Getting near her, I fixed her swords. I placed two swords at her hips and two at her back. The swords had a red, orange, green and yellow scabbards.

"Now you are ready." I said.

"Thanks." She said.

"Sit. I have a task to give to them." I said to her.

"But-?!" I looked at her and hardened my glare.

She just shut her mouth and waited by the side of the couch. After a few minutes Harribel came back with Apacci, Rose and Sun in tow.

"Good, everyone's here. Harribel, Tres Bestias. You are going to toy with the orange haired idiot that came here, remember. Do not kill him. He still has his uses." I said to them.

"Yes, Master." They said.

"Now, wait here. I will send a signal to you meaning that you can go and play with him. Kūkaku, let's go." I said while getting out of the room.

"Okay." She said, following me.

'System, buy me a Reiatsu sealing charm that can seal the Reiatsu from coming out of a place for one hour.' I thought.

[Buying... Done.]


After we got out of the house and travelled for a few minutes in their direction, we found out that it was not only one idiot, it was Ichigo and Uryu. Uryu probably followed me, but Ichigo used his plot armor.

"Uryu, do you know to where we are going?" Ichigo said while resting his blade on his shoulder.

"Yes. We are heading to where a strong Espada is. Be ready, he injuried me with something similar to a lightning, and it did not had a single spec of Reiatsu. Beware his powers are strange." Uryu said after fixing his glasses.

"Talking about me behind my back? You know that this is rude, right?" I asked them after appearing behind her backs.

Turning around quickly, Ichigo entered his battle stance and Uryu summoned his blue bow. I saw that Ichigo's eyes went almost instantly to Kūkaku's massive cleavage.

'The audacity. *Sigh*. I wanted to kill you so much.' I thought before looking at Uryu.

"Have sweet dreams, Mr. Quincy." I said while dashing at his direction, grabbing his head and slamming it on the ground.

It was so strong that he fainted on spot.

"What are you doin-?! Arrrrggg!" Ichigo tried to attack me, but Rose suddenly appeared and drop kicked him.

"Kūkaku. Let's go. The three are probably coming here and we don't want to interfere with their toying." I said while grabbing Uryu and placing him in my shoulders.

"As if I am going to let you go!" Ichigo screamed.

"Reserve you mask for what is going to come, boy." I said while vanishing from my spot.

"Bastard!" He said, just to have a fist hitting his cheek, Apacci pinched him.

'Damn! They are fast. This will be fun.' I thought.


After getting out of the desert, I went to near Numero 8's lab and dropped Uryu's body on a hallway, I dropped his body on Numero 8's home since according to Renji's Reiatsu he should be nearby and maybe the two can have a chance against the crazy scientist. After doing that, I went to Numero 9's palace and when we reached there, I destroyed many walls to get to where we wanted.

"Who dares to destroy my palace?!" Two voices said this at the same time.

"Go and have fun. You have one hour." I said while slapping the talisman that I bought on the ground.

After a few seconds, all the walls glowed white for an instant then it returned to normal. The wall I broke was sealed, I it will open after the time ends.

"I will kill you! "Henkan(Tranform): Chimera"!" She screamed.

This made all her swords glow in their respective colors. Then, there was a boom and smoke came. Her Reiatsu grew exponentialy. When all the smoke cleared. I saw an even hotter Kūkaku.

Two white cloths were on her breasts, verticaly. From these cloths, a dress was formed, but this dress only covered the front of her stomach, it descended till her calves, from the back, the cloth covered her butt and followed the length of the front. It was on her shoulders too.

She had a necklace addorned with green and red gems, same with her hips, below her breasts, thighs, shoulder and wrists. From her forearms to her hands, scales and big black claws appeared.

From her calves to her feet, it was replaced for a goat's hoof. From above her ass, a big green snake came and it was really menancing, the snake's head have a rings around it, it had many red gems too. From her back, there was a pair of beautiful red scaled wings. Looking at the top of her head, I saw two cute cat ears and two menancing horns.

'Her massive breasts did not changed though.' I said while looking at her jiggling mellons.

"Ahhhhhh!" She screamed while dashing at Aaroniero.

She punched his chest and this made him fly backwards. He impacted the wall making it glow white.

"Try not to punch the head, you will kill him instantly!" I said to her.

Nodding, she then got near him and started to punch his chest, kick his legs and claw his body, minus head. She even bit his right arm. Grabbing his leg, she swinged him and sent him flying to the other wall.

"AHHHHHHGG." It seems that it hurts.

"Why did you had the audacity to use my brother's face in front of me?!" She screamed and jumped at him.

He used his metamorphosis to change into Kaien again, while he dodged and got his Zanpakutou. He then started to spin it.

"Surge, Water and Heaven!" He said, his Zanpakutou transformed to a Naginata.

And he used many of his water abilities to try to attack and defend, but he always dodged and punished his attempts.

He was taking a beating, heavier than what I have done to Grimmjow a few times. While all of this was happening, I was only looking at her juicy thighs and bouncing breasts.

'*Sigh*. I really need to fuck someone.' I thought, suddenly.

""Kuitsukuse (Devour): Glotonería"!!!" He screamed.

What appeared in front of me was a gross blob with Kaien on top of it.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Kūkaku screamed in anger.


\Harribel POV/

The Tres Bestias were playing ping-pong with the orange haired, while I was sitting on a chair watching it. This is a little boring.

'Hmm? Strange. I am not feeling any kind of Reiatsu from Numero 9's palace. It must be one of Master's inventions. After all, Master is the best.' I thought while looking at their fight.

Ichigo, or whatever was his name, was trying to fight everyone, but he could not, when he wanted to attack Rose, Sun would make him retreat. And vice-versa, always rotating.

He always tried to point his sword and say something, but was interrupted, as Master said that this was one of his moves to acticate something called Bankai, the Shinigami version of Resurrección. It was kinda fun to watch his face contorting into a frown, grim face and many others.

"As Master said, I would be fun to watch at the sidelines." I said to myself.