Chapter 60 : Cleaning Up Hueco Mundo.

I was sitting on the couch, admiring the view of Yoruichi's, Loly's and Menoly's bodies glistering with sweat while they dance. The room was full of the enticing scent of women. Kūkaku and Harribel were being teased by me, Nelliel was feeling uncomfortable with the hard thing pressing against her butt for a while now.

Menoly's movements were amateurish, same with Loly's, but Menoly had a certain charm on her. Loly was angry, her face was contorted in a grim, Menoly's was serene... Her nipples betrayed her as they were rock hard. Why are these women horny? Maybe it is the situation? Don't know.

Closing my eyes, I decided to finish my business here in Hueco Mundo. I am delaying my obligations for too long.

"*Sigh*. It is time to clean up, everybody. Since Orihime isn't here and I ain't going to wait just because of her. It is time go clean Hueco Mundo. We don't need Aizen's fortress in the middle of nowhere, getting in the way. And we definitely don't need all those hollows loyal to Aizen and Grimmjow alive... As I said before, let's go clean Hueco Mundo. I am the one that needs to rule Hueco Mundo not him." I said after waiting for Nelliel to get out of my lap. When she did, I got up.

"Get ready, we will leave in five minutes." I said to them.

When I said that, Yoruichi was going to stop dancing, but...

"Don't stop dancing, Yoruichi. You are only allowed to stop after I leave this room." She only nodded.

After five minutes, everyone was ready but before I left, I got near Yoruichi, who was with her back facing me and lifted my right hand.


"Hnn~?! Naughty, aren't you? Do you want to taste me?" She asked after being surprised.

Well... There was no way I was going to let such a juicy ass alone, so I slapped her ass hard.

"Enticing idea, Yoruichi. And having sex will not get you out of slavery quicker. But not now as we are ready to go." I said.

"It was worth the shot." She said.

After this, we got out of the room and headed to the rooftops of the Mansion. Once there, I told them.

"Everyone. Your mission is to kill every single one of the Hollows loyal to Aizen. Let Grimmjow to me. If you can... Kill them brutaly, I want to see their blood splashing on the ground." The ones that were with me was Kūkaku, Rukia, Nelliel, Cirucci, Rose, Apacci and Sun.

The others were not good to bring them to such an important mission. Orihime would not want to kill, Yoruichi was an interesting idea but she is unstable, Menoly would do what I told her but only because she fears me, Loly... she is way too annoying.

Then Kūkaku smiled while taking out her red and orange swords, Harribel too, took her hollow sword out, Rukia immediately used her Shikai, Cirucci grinned sadisticaly while rotating her yo-yo, Nelliel was a little downcast as she does not like to kill, and the trio only laughed.

"Go, my women and kill everyone." I said.

Then, they dashed in direction of Las Noches. After a few minutes, the number of Reiatsus began to decrease steadily. I am so proud. From afar I could hear the explosions of Nelliel's {Cero} and Rukia's ice.

"Now... Where is the one that wanted to kill me so much, but did not had the ability to do so?" I asked myself befire sending a pulse of Reiatsu.

When it came back, I found where Grimmjow was. Jumping and using my Reiatsu to fly, I took a few minutes to reach there.

What I found was a pitiful Grimmjow. He had many gaping wound on his body, it seems that Ichigo was harsh with him. The place had many red towers, most of them were destroyed, on the sands, there were many bloodstains and explosions, this all indicated that this place was were Ichigo fought him. Grimmjow was bleeding a lot, he had a deep gash on his right shoulder.

"Heh, so it is,*Cough*, damnit. It is you that is killing all those Arrancars?" He asked, placing his hand on his stomach.

"Yes, it is me. Grimmjow... Is in this state that you want to kill me? *Sigh*." I said.

"Well... I wanted to kill you. As you see, I can't even stand in this state." He said.

"Get up. I want to kill you while you are in full strength." I said, getting near him and touching his head.

After a few minutes, he got up, his wounds were looking better, what I did was to boost his natural regeneration.

"Let'a fight then! This time I will truly kill you!" He said, unsheating his Zanpakutou.

"You are just talk." I said.

He dashed and attacked me, I just blocked with my hand, then he punched, I let it hit my face, it did not even moved me. After that he began to attack and punch me but as it was too troublesome to defend, I let them hit me.

"Damn, your skin is tough. My hand hurts." He said.

"Is this you strength, pitiful." I mocked him.

He pointed his hand in a grip at me and said.

"{Cero}!" A blue mass of Reiryoku fired at me.

Swinging my hand, I deflected it to the sky. He gritted his teeth and cutted his finger, making the exact same pose, this time, he screamed.

"{Gran Rey Cero}!!!!" A massive blue energy fired at me.

Extending my hand, I decided to stop it's advance using it. Then I coated my hand in Reiatsu, when his attack hit my hand, it stopped.

"WHAT?!" He did not believed what happened.

"Hmm. It is strong. But if you truly want to kill me then you have to do better than this... Or... Perhaps, you can't?" I looked at him.

Then I closed my hand, breaking all the energy that the attack had. He made a stance and said.

"|Kishire(Grind): Pantera|!!!!!" Then a blinding blue light emerged from him.

When it died down, he was completely different, but it was not worth to mention his new appearence.

"You're done." He said.

After that, he began to punch, kick and claw me. I have to admit, his strength grew a few folds, but it was not enough to faze me. He continued with his useless attacks, when I decided to counter-attack and show my strength. Backing away, I stopped and made a sword drawing stance, and ceased any unnecessary movements, closed my eyes and waited.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He asked.

Then he pointed his elbows at me and from it came five missiles. Letting them hit me, I stood there, unmovable.

"Fuck it then!" He dashed and tried to punch me.

When he got near enough, I opened my eyes, grabbed the hilt of my sword and drawed it at an absurd speed. It was so fast that even after he passed by me, he did not knew what happened, but the towers behind him where cut in half.

"What the fuck did you do?!" He was confused.

He only understood when his left arm suddenly fell on the ground.




"It is done. Goodbye Grimmjow. It was good to know you." He heard.

Then he looked at me, who was in the same position, but the sky got dark and it had many green lightnings. From me, green thunder came.


The last thing he ever heard was me drawing my sword.

Then the upper half of his body fell on the ground. The other half was oozing blood. Then I felt that almost eveyone inside the fortress died, minus the girls, obviously.

Focusing my Reiryoku on my throat, I screamed.


The Reiryoku amplified my voice. After sensing that they got out, I decided to end Las Noches. Cutting the tip of my finger, I charger a massive attack, this attack swallowed 50% of my Reiryoku.

"{Gran Rey Cero}." I calmly said.

Then, the entire place lost color, becoming completely black, the energy sucked all light. A gigantic mass of energy formed on my finger a fired at Las Noches.

What can I say. When it reached it's destination, all Hueco Mundo trembled. An uncountable number of Hollows cried and Las Noches was no more. What took it's place was a massive crater possessing kilometers of diameters. At least the girls returned to the Mansion.

"You were really weak, Grimmjow, I used the same technique as you, yours did nothing while mine destroyed a castle. hahahaha. One problem solved. Now I have many others to solve, like finishing Orihime´s and Yoruichi's training, fixing Nemu and dealing with Isane." I said to myself while heading to my Mansion.

Once I arrived, there I saw Orihime, she was waiting for me with her hands locked and looking down.

"What do you want, Orihime?" I asked her.

"How can I get out of being a slave, I am tired of the treatment that I am getting. I don't want to be a slave anymore." She said, her eyes were twikling.

'Are those the infamous puppy eyes?' I asked myself.

"There is a way for you to get out of slavery instantly." I said before going to her ear and whipering.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! There is no way I am going to do that! KYAAAAAA-!" She passed out after grabbing her head.

"Hmm. The {Corruption} sure got her this time. Only one more push." I said grabbing her body and going to where Harribel was.

'What I have until now about {Corruption}, is that it punishes the one that have any bad thoughts about me by giving them huge amounts of pain. It acts on their subconscious shifting the blame to other people, this is why yoruichi doesn't have as an objective to kill me but, instead, to get out of slavery. Summarizing, {Corruption} is extremely overpowered.' I thought.

When I reached near her, I told Harribel.

"Harribel, get someone and place her on a normal cell."

"But why, Husband?! She had bad thoughts about you! She deserves to be punished in a isolated cell!" Harribel protested.

"There is no need, after all, she is not Yoruichi. In an hour or so she will be begginng to come back." I told her.