Chapter 72 : Fake Karakura War (Part 9).


\Rukia POV/

'Soujirou was not within our plans, on the conference table it was discussed all possibilities and Soujirou was not one of them. Well. This doesn't matter, I am on a new level of strength. Now a simple Captain like Hitsugaya can't get in my way.' I thought.

I was fightning Soujirou together with Hitsugaya at the same time. Hitsugaya appeared at my side and slashed using his sword. I moved my blade, intercepting it.


Then Soujirou too, appeared at my other side and did the same.

'They are so annoying. I don't know why but they are simply mimicking the attacks of each other.' I thought before I pushed Hitsugaya and parried Soujirou's sword. I decided to difficult the things a little.

"|Mae(Dance): Sode no Shirayuki|." I extended the arm holding my sword and rotated it, activating my Shikai.

"|Souten ni Zase(Sit upon the frozen heavens): Hyourinmaru|!" They said at the same time.

Soujirou must hate Soul Society so much to do this. But he is way too weak to oppose any threat to Soul Society.

Then Soujirou swinged his sword, sending a chinese ice dragon in my direction. Taking a battle stance, I prepared and when the dragon came near, I slashed it to pieces. Hitsugaya did the same, but I dodged and cut the ice dragon in half.

All of a sudden Soujirou turned to Hitsugaya and attacked him, the ice dragon got Hitsugaya but just a little. Then Hitsugaya returned the attack, it seems that they forgot that I am here.

Appearing behind Soujirou's back, I slashed it and kicked him away. Then I dashed and got near Hitsugaya before he could attack me and thusted my sword. He tried to defend but I suddenly changed the attack I was going to land and hit with the hilt on his head and kicked him out of the air.

Both of them flew to buildings and destroyed them.

'If they continue fighting against each other, my work will be much easier.' I thought.

Then Hitsugaya came out from the debris and said.

"Soujirou! We cannot keep fighting against each other! If we continue doing this, we will die! Let's put our hatred aside and focus on the real threat!" He entered his battle stance, his forehead was bleeding a lot.

"Hah. You are right, even if I hate to admit." Soujirou said, mimicking Hitsugaya's stance.

'They are truly annoying.'

"|Bankai: Daiguren Hyourinmaru(Grand Crimson Lotus Ice Ring)|!" They said.

'Nothing goes as easy as it sounds.' I thought.

I dashed at Hitsugaya while swinging my sword. He blocked but was pushed back. Even with his Bankai he still is not strong enough. Then I saw the sky turns black and cold wind started to come from my left. Looking at Soujirou, he sent a wave of energy to the sky.

"{Hyouten Hyakkasou}." He said.

Then a white hole appeared on the black sky and snow came from it. One of them touched my hand, looking at it, it suddenly became a big frozen petal. A lot of them began to fall on me and beneath me. This made an ice prison with a lot of ice petals decorating it.

I was stuck inside of it. This annoyed me to no end. Making my Reiatsu explode, the prison began to crack, doing one more time, the prison exploded, succesfully releasing me.

"I am tired of playing around. Bankai:|Hakka no Togame(White Haze Punishment)|!"


\Harribel POV/

'This Lisa is so annoying. And she has a strong momentum too, forcing me to back away. And yet she has a massive weakness, her and all the Vizored. I am not even using my Resurrección, she is not worth the trouble.' I though while dodging her attacks.

"Stop dodging my attacks!" She said.

"It should be close." I said to her after blocking a attack.

"What do you mean?" She said aftet backing away.

Her mask began to crack until it broke.

"You did not mean-." I stopped her speach by punching her face strongly, sending her straight to the ground, when she hit it, she coughed a lot of blood.

"It would have been a waste of energy if I did not knew about such weakness." I said.

"How did you knew about our weakness?" She said after getting up, she had many bruises on her.

"You talk too much." I said before using the {Sonído} to aproach her.

Then I began to attack her ruthlessly with many punches. She tried to dodge or block but I would always get her.

As she was being hit by many attacks, after fifteen punches, I elbowed her belly, this made her curve her body, then I gave a hook on her chin, her body got out of the ground and when she fell on it, she was already knocked out.

Looking at Nelliel's fight, I saw that she was starting to get the upper hand as Hachigen lost his mask.

"Hehehehehehe. It is like Brother Īsan said. After they lose their mask, they become really weak and easier to defeat!" Nelliel said.

'*Sigh*. I am getting tired of Nelliel stalling it, I need her on another place but she is taking too long.' I thought.

Pointing my hand at him, I overcharged a {Cero} and fired it. When it hit him, he was thrown back and hit the ground, his Reiatsu was diminishing fast. He is dying.

"Hey! You shouldn't have interrupted my fight!" She protested.

"You shouldn't have taken that much time in killing him!" I said.

"I did not wanted to kill him!" She is always like this.

"We are in a war! Wars are meant to kill or die! If you become more and more indecise, one of us could die from your mistakes!" I was getting angry.

"I don't like killing others." She said.

"We have to kill in war, we do not have time to have such indecisions, this could cost someone´s life. Including Īsan's." I saw her lower her head when I mentioned Husband's name.

"If you don't want to do it, then you must not appear in front of us ever again. If you can't kill for the person you love, than that means that you are not worthy of that person's love." I said before taking Lisa on my shoulder and leaving.

'I'm glad we have Orihime on our team, since I can sent someone to almost death state and she will heal them.' I though.

I left a thinking Nelliel behind.