Chapter 74 : Fake Karakura War (Part 11).


\Yoruichi POV/

I dashed at Soifon, she tried to block with her arm but I feinted and changed the attack from a punch, to a kick. This got her off-guard, so she was kicked in the belly being sent back, dragging her feet.

'She was having trouble fighting me as she only have one arm. Also, she is tired from firing a rocket, so the only reason why this is even a fight, is because I don't want to end it too quickly.' I thought before entering a stance again.

"*Cough*. Why did you betrayed Soul Society. To become a man's dog?" She asked, holding her belly.

"After this war I will be no one's dog. I can't say the same about you, though. With your tendencies, you might even suffer way more than what I have suffered." I said while remembering the hellish time I spent on that cell. "I am tired of playing with you. I have to deliver you as fast as possible and get my mission done. We need to win this war." I said the last sentece to myself.

'Since I have been on that cell, I became way more selfish than before. I only have one desire and that is to never go back there, I spent the most horrifying time of my life in that place. The pain, the impossibility of sleeping, and many other things. Hell. I even tried to kill myself!' I thought while shivering a little.

Then Soifon dashed at me, she punched and kicked but I blocked or dodged leisurely. It was not hard at all. Not even amusing. It was a struggle of a foolish girl that cannot accept that she is way weaker than her Master.

Holding her arm, I kicked her stomach three times and gave her a hook on her chin, when she threw her head backwards, I gave a front kick on her chest. This made her flew while spitting blood.

"Hmm?" Suddenly I felt the temperature drop and a freezing gust of wind came at me.

Looking at what made this, I saw a white and blue freezing Reiatsu coming from someone like a torrent, it was really strong. It was acting like a beacon and everything around that Reiatsu froze. This meant that 1/4 of the entire city froze. Then snow began to fall from the sky.

'Damn. My skin will not look as good in the middle of a snowstorm.' I complained to myself.

Suddenly I felt something coming at my back, dodging it by jumping, I saw that it was big spiky ball attached to a chain. It was Marechiyo's Shikai.

"You are a few centuries young to think that this can work!" I gave his face a dropkick, this sent him straight to the ground.

'How dare he interrupt my thoughts?!'

Soifon then came at me, she tried her best to hit me but it was useless. Then I decided to play some more with her. Placing my left hand behind my back, I said.

"I taught you everything you know and if you couldn't defeat your Master with two arms, what makes you think that you can with only one? So I will only use one arm to be more fair." I mocked her.

Her attacks became even faster, I think I pissed her off. But it doesn't matter, she will not hit me.

After many punches and kicks, she tried to kick my legs, I just jumped while giving a strong kick at face, she got back.

"Why did you abandoned me?" In her eyes, I could see the longing.

"If you come with me now, you will not be abandoned anymore." I said while smilling.

'She just made my life a lot easier.' I thought.

"I can't, I have my duty as a Shinigami! A duty all Soul Society's member have! |Bankai: Jakuhou Raikouben(Hornet Thunder Whip)|!" When she said that a pillar of Reiatsu was shot into the air before fading.

"You ruined all the mood, you know that, right?" I asked her.

When the Reiatsu cleared she had her golden Bankai on her right arm.

"Take this!" She said after she aimed and fired it. After that, she ran the maximum she could.

Then it exploded in a cross-like explosion. After everything cleared, I was nowhere to be seen.

"Huff, huff, huff. Maybe it is finally over?" She asked herself.

"You can't be real. There is no way that slow rocket would hit me." I said when I appeared behind her back.

She tried to turn but I grabbed her in a rear naked choke and mocked her.

"How about you sleep a little~?" I used my lightning Reiatsu.

"AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGG!" She screamed as she was electrocuted, as a consequence of this, she lost her consciousness.

Releasing her, she fell from the sky until she hit he ground.

"Captain!" All of a sudden, Marechiyo appeared and attacked me using his Shikai.

I simply jumped back and gained more distance. His Shikai hit the ground making a crater.

The he went near Soifon's body, grabbed her and began to run.

"*Sigh*. This big guy doesn't like to sleep at all. Hmm. I think I have enough time to play a little more. It has been a long time since I have hunted, make it entertaining for me, Marechiyo." I said.


\Īsan POV/

*Cling* *Booommm* *Cling* *Booommm* *Cling* *Booooommm*

This was the sound of my sword and his bladed knuckles clashing, but when they clashed, his Bankai's ability activate. This made a explosion when we clashed snding me back, it was more annoying that strong. But if he hit me in the chest it could hurt a little.

The problem was his mask, it boosted his strength too much, even more when he has his Bankai activated. This is driving me to a corner, I can't attack him without having a explosion right on where we clashed. His mastery of mastial arts is annoying too.

'Its only a matter of time until he goes down.' I thought.

He came at me and sent many and many punches. I only dodged or blocked then leisurely, this is boring, but he sure would be a nice fan. Blowing a lot of wind.

Then he dodged one of my attacks and counter-attacked it by punching my ribs.

'This is going to hurt... Just a little.' I thought before something surprising happened.


His mask cracked and broke, beneath it he had a surprised face. Looking at his face, I grinned sadistically and stopped his punch by grapping his hand tightly.


"Shall we began the real fight?" I asked him, my hand still too a few burns but nothing my regeneration can't deal with, then my eyes glowed.

Then I punched his face with my left hand, this sent him back. Dashing at him, I began to crazily slash him. He tried to defend but couldn't as I was too fast for him.

When he moved his knuckles to defend one slash, I had already slashed and was attacking another place. His body had many cuts by now, but I was restraining myself to not waste too much energy.

'This fight with him is taking longer than I thought. But he's a tough guy.' I thought.

Then the temperature decreased madly. Cold wind blew in my surroundings.

'Hmm. Rukia used her Bankai. Damn! I wanted to see her fight... Beatdown.' I lamented.

Then Kensei backed away, he was bleeding a lot and looked at another place.

"Huff, A massive amount of Reiatsu concentrated on the other half of the city." He said while kneeling, he was trying to catch his breath.

'Hirako and Aizen started their fight, that means that I have a limited amount of time before everything around us becomes inverted. Damn, what an overpowered ability.' I thought before rushing at Kensei.

He was surprised by my eargerness and lifted his arms, antecipating the strike. But I stopped mid-way and sheathed my Zanpakutou. Making a Iaijutsu Stance, I used the Quick Draw and dashed at him while unsheathing my sword and slashing at the same time.

"WHA-?!" He was caught by surprise, so he had his arms up.

In the end, I slashed his stomach. While I was slashing him I said.

"It was a fun fight, Kensei. The only problem is that there is a big party that I can't miss."

On the otherside, I sheathed my sword while Kensei's body fell leaving a trail of blood that was coming out of his stomach in the sky, behind me.