Chapter 85 : The Immortal's advance.


\Aizen POV/

After I grabbed my sword, I punctured his chest. As he was my only perfect Arrancar, he had a heart. After I took my sword out, his body fell back on the ground. The cracks on his body stopped to increase as it let out every single spec of Reiatsu out. Making his body shrink to his normal size and deactivating his poisonous Resurrección.

When everything ended, Gin came near me and said.

"Captain Aizen, you looked like you were going to lose at some moment." He had his contant smile.

"It doesn't matter. He's dead now. I won." I said to him.

'To think that he would use their powers to temporarely increase his own... He would be useful if he choose to follow me. A pity he tried to oppose what is already decided.' I thought after looking at Īsan's dead body, he still had a smile on his face.

"Now, we will head to Karakura Town in the Soul Society. There won't be any need to destroy the Tenkaiketchu, if we are to take down the palace, it will be in our advantage to create the Ouken in Soul Society." I told him.

"Understood... Unlock." He thrusted and opened a gate to Soul Society.

After that, we entered inside of it and reached the Dangai.

"The Dangai, it feels so nostalgic." I commented.

"It sure does." Gin agreed.

After that, I heard a few screams behind me, looking at it, I saw that it was a train.

"The Koutotsu."

"This isn't good. Let's go Captain Aizen." Gin said.

Then I walked in the direction of the train.

"Captain Aizen, we should move on quickly. That thing exists on the side of reason rather than Reiatsu. It's not something you can deal with using Reiatsu... Captain Aizen?" He asked.

The train than got near me, but before it touched me, I focused my Reiatsu on it. Making it explode.

"What are you afraid of, Gin? Reason exists for those who must rely on reason to survive. Shall we go then? Towards the end of all reason." I followed along the dark tunnel while Gin followed me.

After a few minutes walking, we reached the exit. When we got out, we where far from where I wanted. We were in the middle of a forest.

"Karakura Town is that way. You were a bit off." I complained.

"Mind not making it sound like it's my fault? It was your child's play that threw us off from our original destination, Captain Aizen." He rebuked.

I only looked at him. "Yes, you're right. Sorry about that. Shall we take a little walk?" I turned and began to walk towards the town.

After a few minutes walking, we reached on a neighbourhood. There we saw a man with his hand holding his head, he had a suitcase on other hand. He talked and asked a few things to us, but I did not even answered them and simply said. "Don't come closer." And his body vanished.

"Normal human beings without any awareness of Reiatsu aren't capable of sensing my Reiatsu. But their body can't withstand it." I commented, then looked at another direction.

"Oh~. Those kids over there seem to be awake." Gin said.

"Yes. I recall seeing them through Ulquiorra's eyes. They are Ichigo Kurosaki's friends." I said after I saw a short-haired girl carrying another girl on her back and a boy doing the same.

Then I went to their direction but I approached from their front. They were talking about many things when they suddenly stopped and the boy asked what was happening. The girl then looked at me and fell on one knee.

"Impressive. You're this close to me, yet you are still able to maintain your existence." I complimented her.

"Who... Are you?" She asked.

"Ichigo Kurosaki will show up here for sure. With new powers, no doubt. I want to bring those powers closer to perfection. Your deaths will help this cause." I said, pointing my sword at her.

The girl then panicked. "Run, Asano! Get going! Or is there something you can do here?!" She screamed at him.

The boy, named Asano, after a few moments of hesitation, then ran to another direction. Gin was going to chace after him but I stopped him.

"Don't bother chasing after him, there is no use. I'll start with this one first." I said.

When suddenly something exploded on me.

"You seem to be in distress, girl. At times like this, you should call for a hero... Spirits are always with you! Thank you for waiting viewers, your Don Kanonji! My Don Kanonji! Everyone's Don Kanonji is back! I have returned!" Someone said.

When the smoke cleared, I looked at who interrupted me.

"And who might you be?" I asked.

He ran until he was a few meters away from me and said.

"You don't know me? Such an ignorant boy! Don't watch much television, do you? Fine! Then I shall tell you my name. I'm the one and only...-"

"What'd you come here for, Don Kanonji?" The girl interrupted him.

"No! I was just about to do my own special introduction! How cruel can you be, girl? So cruel!" He said.

"For your own good, go home. There is nothing you can do here." The girl said.

Then I saw him faltering and looking at me.

"I believe you'at the limit of withstanding my Reaitsu. Or rather... I would complimet you for withstanding it this long." I admired that there are few humans are capable of doing this.

"Listen to me, run! There's nothing you can do!" She warned him.

"Run? Is that something to say to this hero? Ignorant girl. I'll have you know that children do not call a hero that runs away, a hero! Huahahahahaha. {Cannon Ball}!" He then threw a little multi-colored ball at me.

The little ball could not even get near me.

"{Super Spirit Cane Kanonji Buster}!" He took out a cane and ran at me while holding it.

'To think that I would get out of a battle that I almost died... To this. I'm disappointed.' I thought.

"Stop it. If a mere human like you touches me, you will cease to exist." I told him but he could not stop in time.

In the end, he ceased to exist as he went near me.

'Hmm, again? Why do I felt that something had to happen to stop him from getting near me, but it didn't? I started to feel things like this from the moment I conquered Hueco Mundo until now. Now is one of the many times I felt it.' I wondered about this weird feeling that I couldn't know what it was.

But as I tried to understand this feeling, I got distracted and she took the chance to run. It seems that the shock of seeing someone dying activated her instincts of wanting to live. So she ran as fast as she could while carrying the girl.

"Captain Aizen, do you want me to chase after her?" Gin asked.

"There is no need. She's in panic, she will not go very far. Try to look for more people awake. If they are not Ichigo's friends, you can do as you want with their lives. I will go after her." I told him before walking on the direction she went.

"Understood." He said before vanishing.

Then I walked after her for a few minutes, until I felt that she had reunited with a few of her friends, this meant that they must be Ichigo Kurosaki's friends too. But when I got near, they felt my Reiatsu and began to run through an alleyway. I just appeared in front of them.

They became scared and I saw that the girl from before had tears on her eyes. She never saw someone dying before.

"Are you thinking, 'How'd he find us?'. You're mistaken. I simply stopped pretending to be looking for you." I said before a bottle of something was thrown at me.

But before it reached me, it turned to ashes.

"Woah. It really does turn to ash." A black haired boy said.

"I told you it would! A person turned into ash right in front of me!" The short-haired girl screamed at him, her tears were falling from her eyes.

"So... What about this?" He said while opening something and throwing it a little far from me.


Gas came out of the canister. Then he pushed everyone out of the alleyway and lighted a lighter and threw it at me. Or should I say the gas.


Then there was a small explosion.

'I survived something like a star's explosion from Īsan's bow. If I got injured to something so pitifully weak like this, I would not be worthy of dethroning the Soul King.' I thought before coming out of the alleyway.

Then they screamed before running away. After they ran for a few meters, one of the boys turned around while holding a Shinigami's sword. He was shacking so much that the blade almost fell from his hands.

"This sword belonged to a guy who dressed just like Ichigo! It just might get through to thay guy!" Asano said.

"Idiot! Even if the sword gets through, you'll die!... Asano!" The short-haired girl screamed.

As I got near, his shaking increased when something fell on his head.

"Idiot! Get back!" A Shinigami fell on his head, kicked him and looked at me.

He made a terrorized face and began to shake.

"Mr. Afro, are you okay? You're shaking." Asano said.

"Shut up! I can' let amateurs use my Zanpakutou! |Ohaio(Good Morning): Tsuchinamazu|!" He said before making a pose and his Zanpakutou changed to something similar to a knuckles that had a circular blade on the knuckles itself .

Then he punched the ground and sent a reddish-orange energy in it. This made a prison of rocks appear on me.

"Okay! Now run!" He ran and passed by the kids when I made the rocks levitate and fall behind me.

At this moment.

"I have returned, Captain Aizen." I heard Gin from behind me.

"You're back. Found anyone?" I asked.

"No. Those are the only ones awake." He said, to which I only squinted.

'He's lying. He did not even searched. If he had done it, he would have found this Shinigami right in front of me.' I thought.

"Now... Shall we go after them?" He asked while passing by me.

They took the chance that he appeared and that I was talking to him to ran away.

"My, my... I've grown tired of catching mice." I complained.

"What will you do with them after you kill them?" Gin asked.

"I'll string their corpses up somewhere on the outskirts of town where they'll be easy to see, then get to work on creating the Ouken." I said while pointing my sword at the direction they ran.

"Sound good to me. In that case..." He placed his hand at the tip of my sword. "I'll handle killing those kids." He said.

"Gin..." I was interrupted by something that went through my chest.

"The only way to escape the power of Kyouka Suigetsu is to touch its blade, beforeit puts you under Complete Hypnosis." At this moment, I saw that what got through my chest was his Zanpakutou. "It took me decades just to get that single fact out of you." I gritted my teeth. "Not a single person among the Thirteen Court Guard Squads knew that but they all thought that they could kill, Captain Aizen. Watching them made me nervous." He said while contracting his sword.

This made me walk a few steps back and blood come out of my chest from the gaping wound his sword made.

"The only one who can kill you is me, Captain Aizen." He said.

"I knew that. I brought you with me, knowing what your objective was..." I said while holding my chest. "Because I was interested in how you would try to kill me. But I'm disappointed Gin. Did you really think you could kill me with something like this? I survived a star's explosion, there is no way a puncture in my chest would kill me." I looked at him.

"I know you wouldn't die. But... Can you see this? There's a chip here." He pointed at his sword. "Just now, I left that chip inside your body, Captain Aizen." He pointed at me.

"What?!" I was surprised.

"My Bankai's power, i told you about it before, didn't I? Sorry, I lied. It doesn't extend as long as I said. It doesn't extend as fast as I said. However, when it extends and when it contracts, it turns to dust for just an instant. Also, inside the blade, there js a powerful poison that dissolves and destroys cells... Looks like you understand. When I withdrew my sword from your chest, a single chip didn't turn to dust and was left inside of your heart. If you're going to say something, you'd better do it fast. Well, even if you try you are going to die anyway.|Korose(Kill them): Kamishini no Yari|." He said after getting near and pointing at my chest.

"Gin... Damn you!" I cursed him.

"You'll die with a hole through your heart. Isn't that what you wanted?" He asked.

Then my chest was destroyed by his poison and only the Hougyoku was left, floating. I did not even had the chance of saying anything more as Gin grabbed the Hougyoku and vanished.

I fell with my back on ground.

'Gin...' I thought.

After a few seconds.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRRRR!!!" I screamed before, from the big hole on my chest, a massive wave of light purple Reiatsu came out of it towards the sky, making a beacon.

When this beacon ceased, from the middle of it, I came in a new transformation. In my new form, I have a hole in the center of my chest, with a cross in the middle of it. My robe lengthens, and flares out at the ends. My irises vanished, as well as my eyebrows and it seems that there was a diamond-shaped object embedded in my forehead. I also have gained three sets of butterfly-like wings.

"I win... Gin. Even without being inside of me, that Hougyoku you took... Belongs to me." I said before teleporting and appearing at Gin's side.

Then I slashed him using my sword.