Chapter 92 : Īsan VS Urahara (Part 2).

Urahara's Bankai takes the form of a giant woman with dark, braided hair arranged in loops on her head and mannequin-like arms who wore a revealing red robe.

'Tch. Urahara's Bankai will be troublesome to deal with... But enjoyable. This will be a interesting fight. His bankai is like a Trafalgar Law's room in a certain manner. He has the ability to restructure anything it touches for both offensive and supportive purposes.

Offensively, his Bankai can split open whatever is within its area of effect as if cutting with a knife. This "splitting" is similar to the act of dissecting something by cutting it open.

Supportively, it can restructure something by stitching it back together, this can be used as a form of healing. It also can be used as a way to bring something to an optimal working state by enhancing it.

All uses of this are manifested in the form of cutting said objects into parts and then using stitches to sew the pieces back together. He isn't able to restructure a Soul, to take away a Bankai but its ability is still pretty strong. He can literally change the laws of physics in his Bankai's range and he still has his sealed sword for combat, which means that he is strong in close and long range.'

"Let's see how far you can battle against me." I said before dashing at him and slashing.


He moved his blade and defended my attack but I was sent flying back. I impacted the ground, I immediately got up, returned and did the same thing. Each time I was sent back. When I got up, I began to summarize the data I collected with these clashes.

'He can't bend my sword as it is part of my Soul. He cannot follow my speed, he is only using his instincts to battle against me... And, I can't hide my killing intent well, so he is following it and blocking my attack. Right when my sword hit his, he weaken my attack and counter-attack me right after sending me flying. The reason I did not sent him flying, was because he weakened me and He also stuck his feet on the ground so that I couldn't do it. How long can his Bankai last?'

"Such strength comes with a cost, right, Urahara? Your Bankai is really strong, probably the second or third strongest of all Soul Society. But you truly think that I can't feel? I can, your Reiatsu is being used at an fast rate. At this rate, you will be exhausted before you can kill me." I said while dusting my shoulder.

"I'll make sure I do before I get exhausted." He said.

"Very well." I said before dashing at him, but before he could block, I used my speed and began to attack from multiple sides.

As he could not accompain my speed, he was getting cut in many parts of his body. My strategy is simple. I attack him, he makes my attack weaker when it gets sufficiently near him, the Hougyoku restores my strength, then I attack other place.

As he was not managing to accompany my speed, he thrusted his sword and I dodged it, but as his arm was stretched, I cleaved down on it, cutting it off. Suddenly, I saw his left hand coming at my direction, he was trying to grasp me.

I vanished and reappeared a few meters away from him.

'His main weakness is that he needs to touch you beford he can restructure your body.'

When I looked at him, I saw him grabbing his severed arm and restructuring it back to its place.

Taking this chance, I dashed and jumped while placing both my hands on my sword and giving a downward slash. He lifted his sword, parried my attack and redicted my sword, this made my guard be completely open.

Suddenly, I saw his improved arm coming at my direction. He punched my face.


His punch dislocated the air around us and sent me flying back, My body was limp while it flew.

"I've done it? No. Even Aizen was not defeat by a massive explosion, how could he, someone who's stronger and faster than Aizen, die from a punch?" He said.

[Integration Process: 100%. Began Molting]


From where I was, a pillar of black Reiatsu was made and it was many times stronger than the previous one. The pillar then solidifyed and began to disappear, from top to bottom, when it showed me, my face, instead of being covered, it was showing the face I ever had, the difference is that my eyes became red with a black sclera and my black hair reached my hips.

When it showed my full body, in my right hand, I had my trustful black sword, that now had thin red lines spread through all the blade. And in my left hand, I had a Jin Tachi. It was the same as the Nodachi on my left hand, but the hilt was gently bent forward from the middle towards the end of it. Another thing is that its blade was dark green and it emitted green lightning.

"Uraraha... Are you ready to round two?"