Chapter 94 : Going Back Home.

We returned to Fake Karakura, I still had Orihime and Nemu in my arms and sometimes I would squeeze their breasts and pinch their nipples. Also, Menoly was following me.

When I reached the Headquarters, I looked over it.

'Now, it is going to be a pain to transport every single one of the injured back home, most of them are exhausted, however, there are still some that needs medical attention. Orihime didn't had enough Reiatsu to heal everyone.'

Looking at Nemu, I saw that she had despise on her face while looking at Harribel and the Tres Bestias, who were resting on the floor, it was as if she was looking garbage.

"What's with this face?" I asked her.

"They should have been able to last the entire war and at least remain conscious. Now, they are giving trouble to Father by having to carry them back." She mercilessly said.

"I don't mind." I looked at them.

"But-. Hnn~! F-Father~." She moaned while calling me because I twisted her nipple strongly.

"I'm not mad about it, so you should forget about it." I said while releasing them. "Go and gather the prisoners, its time to go home. The Gillians, Adjuchas and Fraccións should have completed the construction of my Castle by now." Then I went to the edge of the building and began to look around.

'After all, the new God-King of Hueco Mundo have to have a Castle... Nah, just kidding. I don't care about being the God-King of Hueco Mundo, I just want to have a Castle because I find it to be stylish.

I have become addicted to the feeling of war, however, I took this war too lightly but at least I was lucky. As I could have lost one of my subordinates permanently and I can't allow such thing to happen. But the only thing my body is asking for is when the next war is going to happen, I want it. It feels like it is in my blood.

The only thing that comes closer for my lust for war is sex. I think that after this, I will have to make some orgies to satisfy my lust for a while.' I used my extremely powerful Reiatsu to scan all the Fake Karakura.

'Hmm. Most of the Captains are alive, including the Old Man. While the Old Man is a huge threat to me, I have plans for him. He will be very useful later down the road.'

"Father, we have gathered all the prisoners. "Nemu said.

Turning around, I began to loot at my spoils of war. Soifon, the lesbian. Yin and Yang, the twins, a threesome will be amazing. Matsumoto... Holy Moly, I'll make sure to have lots of fun with her plump body. And in a blanket, I saw a peculiar woman lied down.

It was Momo Hinamori.

"Nemu, why is Momo here? I did not remembered that you have captured her the last time I saw them." I asked her.

"She was with Komamura. Rukia, Nelliel and Cirucci have found her in a building. She had a huge wound on her chest, they were able to rescue her and stop the bleeding. However in a few hours she will die as her Reiatsu is diminishing by the seconds." She said.

"Orihime heal just enough so that she doesn't die." I told her.

"Ok, Master." She said before gettting near her, crouching and extending her hands to heal her.

"Nemu, why does she has such a wound on her chest?" I wondered.

'It could not have been my subordinates, the wound is way too big. Cirucci uses a yo-yo. Rukia uses her elegant sword techniques that focuses on freezing and speed. Nelliel uses a lance and she isn't the type of person that goes straight for the heart.'

"Rukia told me that when they found her, she already had this big wound on her chest. And Komamura, for some reason, was enraged." She said while Orihime healed Momo.

'All makes sense now. That is why they took so long to come back while I was fighting Aizen. Dealing with Komamura should have been easy, they probably had to escort Momo back to the Headquarters and since she had was heavily injured, they needed to be careful. But why Komamura was enraged though... Thinking back and thinking about the Kyouka Suigetsu, the peaces connect together.

Aizen used the Kyouka Suigetsu on Komamura and he stabbed Aizen while in truth it was Momo as he had fallen in Aizen's illusion. Hahahahahahahahaha! Aizen really had to pull the good and old switcharu. Since Hitsugaya was down, he decided to play with Komamura... Well, in the end I got Momo. So it is an extra.

Now... There's any more women in Soul Society's side? There is Nanao Ise, having a beauty with glasses would be nice. And there is Unohana, well... I already have the bait, I just need to wait for the fish to fall in the trap. I can always come back Nanao, its not like she is hard to catch.' I thought while admiring Orihime's shapely ass.

"Father, everything is ready." Nemu said while I switched my attention to my spoils.

They were all gathered in a circle with the {Gleipnir} binding them.


A Garganta opened.

"Damn. This will be a huge pain in the ass to transport." I sighed.