Chapter 105 : Another World.

'System, I choose That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime World. Since the slime's body will be able to adapt to any type of energy, powers and abilities from other worlds. System, If I possess another body, will I be able to retain my current abilities?' I asked.

["Yes, if you manage to possess a body, you will retain all your current abilities."]

'Rimuru is perfect to possess since he has on one of the best abilities that the Anime/Manga Worlds have, the {Predator}. It allows him to absorb anything and use their abilities as if it was his own.'

["Are you sure you want to go to That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime?"]


["In what mode would you want to select?]




'I want to select the [Normal] since I'm not a pussy.'

Suddenly, I felt myself being sucked. It was not the good kind of sucking as it gave me nausea. When the feeling stopped, I was inside a cave.

[You Have Limited Time To Search For A Body Or You Will Disappear]

'How nice.' I thought before I ran and began a search around the cave.

'It has been five minutes since I began to search but I still did not saw a blue slime.'

When I was about to become angry, I saw a little blue creature that was completely lost.

'Found you.' I thought before dashing at the creature''s direction.

When I reached it, I entered inside it's body. Then I invaded the creature's soul, just to see the previous owner of the body.

"W-Who are you?" He asked.

"Sorry. I need your body, could you disappear for me?" I said before I dashed at him and ripped his head off.

After doing this, I took control of the slime's body.

[Alert. Alert. Alert. Host's body was possessed. Proceeding to take counter-measures to fight against the Invader.]

Suddenly, I heard a voice that was different from the System.

["Emergency. {The Great Sage} is trying to take you out of the previous Host's body."]

'Can't you help me?' I was unsure of what to do.

["If you can weaken it, I can absorb it and evolve, however, if you can't then you will be kicked out of the body."]

I could feel myself being expelled.

"Oh, no, no. I will not be kicked out by a machine." I said before forcing myself inside the body.

[Alert. Alert. Invader is showing resistence. Initializing defense protocols. Initializing defence protocols]

"I am tired of hearing your voice!" I began to use my strong soul to limit {The Great Sage}'s strength.

["Beginning to absorb {The Great Sage}."]

I heard the Systems voice.

"Hurry up, this is painful! And I can't hold on much longer!" I said while resisting {The Great Sage}'s attempt of kicking me out.

[Absorption of {The Great Sage} completed. Now that I have evolved, I can help you during battles and give you help with warning when enemies are trying to sneak on you. I also have the ability to process and replicate any ability after it has been processed."]

"I am getting stronger and stronger." I said.

["You also have inherited all Rimuru's abilities. Like {Thermal Resistance}, {Predator}, etc."]

"Nice, but there is only one problem... I can't see shit because slimes doesn't have eyes or limbs." I said while wiggling my slimey body.