Chapter 109 : The Dwarves.

'After I got up, I ran through the same problems that Rimuru passed. Rigurd was now bigger and turned into a muscle head. The only difference between this Rigurd and the one from the anime, is that this one has many black tattoos on his body. Ranga was pretty much the same.

He, together with all the pack, became the Tempest Wolves. Now I have a problem... Hobgoblins don't know how to built. And if I praise Ranga for anything he do, he starts to waggle his tail, sending a really strong gust of wind that destroys multiple houses.

In the end I had to tell him to decrease his size, since this would decrease the destruction. One of the worst thing is my immobility, I have to jump around and it is nauseating. *Sigh*.' I began to look around and saw one of the houses falling.

'I really need the dwarves, I need someone to build the houses... To build houses that don't fall after five seconds that it is done.

But this is not the main reason... I need them because they can make swords. And if I want to wage war, I need these swords.

The dwarves combined with almost infinite amount of magic crystals I collected, I can create a huge army. I'll have to use the same way Rimuru used to get the dwarves.

If I kidnaped them, they wouldn't willingly work for me. It is better for them to he confortable to work for me since I want them to use the maximum of their creativity to make the swords.

I could pay the System to summons Sindri and Brokk, however, I would have to pay a hige amount of coins to do that. And their are blacksmiths, so they only know how to make weapons and armors.

And I don't even know if they will be completely loyal to me. So the huge amount of coins that I would have to pay and the uncertainity of their loyalty is not worth the risk.

If they start supplying to other countries, I would suffer a lot from that... Right now, I have around three hundred Hobgoblins and two hundred and fifty Direwolves.

So around five hundred and fifty subordinates in this tiny village.' I thought before coming closer to Rigurd.

"Rigurd, you are going to take care fo this village in my absence." I said.

"Yes, Kuroku-sama. But where are you going to?" Rigurd asked, don't know why but he flex his muscles every now and then.

"I will go to and get some dwarves." I said before jumping on top of Ranga's back.

After two months.

'In there two months many things happened. I went to the dwarves Kingdom and got back with the dwarves. Summaring what happened in there. I got arrested like Rimuru did. Well... I was a little too harsh with the intruder, I "accidentally" killed them.

Gobta was useless as he slept most of the time. I helped Kaijin to make twenty swords, I tackled the prime minister face. Well... I was about to kill him, so he was lucky. I went through the worst trial that I ever saw. In the Kingdom of the Dwarves the Lawyer or the Defendant can easily be bought by money.

This tells everything from the fairness of the trials there. Lucky for the population. Lucky for me, the King was smart so he saw through the prime minister's plot but he still exiled me and the dwarves.

Well... I was just there to see how would the dwarves' King was, compared with the anime, after all, his army is undefeated. Also, he will be someone that I will have to use as a step if I want to conquer this world. In the end, I came back with four new dwarves. They were Kaijin, Garm, Mild and Doldo.

They helped me built a new village while I went around and asked the other Goblins to join me. Out of the ten thousand Goblins in the area, eight thousand joined me, the other two thousand...

They didn't had the same privilege since they refused my offer. In response, I burned their villages and slaughtered everyone. They had two choises, submit and they get new names, becoming my subordinate or die. They choose the latter.

Every Goblin in the range of fifty kilometers were absorbed by my village and named by me. And I still miss having sex.' Shrugging my non-existing shoulders, I continued my thought process.

'My village now has over ten thousand monsters, since Ranga summoned different wolf tribes to join us. Now I have around a thousand and five hundred wolves and eight thousand and five hundred Hobglins. Meaning that the village was promoted a town. This is one of the reasons that I started the construction of the capital of my new Kingdom.

My objective is to make my Kingdom the center of the world in trades, arts and culture. With the helps of the dwarves, the construction of the capital will be really smooth.' I was feeling happy because of my progress when I felt something.

"Hmm? Someone on the forrest was coming to our way." I commented.

'It must be a party of adventurers. Now... What to do with them?'