Chapter 113 : Against the Ogres.

Reaching the battlefield, I saw that Rigurd was kneeling on the ground.

"Master. There was no need for you to bother, everything is under control." He said.

Looking at his face, half of it was burned.

"*Sigh*. Rigurd, you shouldn't say that when half your face is burned like that." I said while tossing a ball of potion on his face.

"I'm sorry, Master." He said while looking at our enemies.

'I'm concerned about my subordinate's loyalty. While jt may be okay if they are extremely loyal to me, but when their loyalty reaches te point of creating a selflessness so great, that they will continue to fight even with half their face's burned then this is a problem.

If this keeps evolving, then they will die without even knowing what killed them. I'll make sure to have a tall with them about this later. I don't want my subordinates to lose their lives without reason. Let's keep this to later, now I have to focus on the matter at hand.' I thought while looking at the Ogres.

When I began to look around, I saw many Hobgoblins bodies lying on the ground, unconsciouss.

"I thank you for not injuring them much." When I said that, I saw Gobta getting up.

"Master, I'm dying! Look he sliced me in half!" He said while pointing at the shallow cut on his chest.

After seeing this, I felt one of the veins of my head popping. Then I aggressively tossed a ball of potion on his face. This made him do a back flip.

"Sliced in half?! I'll be the one to slice you in half!" I exclaimed.

"Y-Yes, Master!" He said after he prostated.

'He makes me lose my seriousness really fast.' I then looked at the Ogres again.

"As I was saying. Thank you for only making them unconscious but I have to tell you that you have been a little too rough with my subordinates." I said while walking in front.

"Majin, show your face!" The red haired Ogre said.

"..." I did not said anything since I knew that it wouldn't matter. Talking to him now is the same as talking to a brick. I only extended my hand and made a come at me signal.

"It seems that I was right!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly, the big breasted Ogre came at me and swinged her mace. Jumping back, I used my extended hand to fire a {Sticky Thread} to bind all her body.

'Hmm. This can used in bondage plays... Why did I never thought of it?!' While I complained with myself the ninja Ogre came at my back and tried to attack me.

'There is no way I'm going to fall in that after I fell in Soifon's sneak attack.' I thought before I extended my finger and used both {Sticky Thread} and the {Steel Thread} on him, this made him be stuck on a tree but if he moves, the threads are going to slice him.

'Also, it seems that I did not even had the need to eat Doflamingo's fruit. I'm using the threads almost in the same way he uses.' Then the big Ogre swung his big hammer at me.

His attack failed as I simply extended my hand and grabbed his hammer.

"Your attack seems pretty weak for a guy with your size." He tried to take the hammer out of my grasp but it did not even moved a centimeter.

Transforming my using the {Body Armor}, I punched his liver and sent him flying back.

"Who's next?" I asked when suddenly the Old Ogre was already in front of me.

Dodging his attack, I was at another place when he appeared behind me again this time he slashed aiming at my head.

Dodging again, I saw that I left a little gift as my arm was on the ground.

'As I expected, this old man is good. See, why does all the old man have to be this absurd?!' While I appeared near the arm, grabbed it and reappeared at the place I was.

Using my regeneration, the arm returned to its place.

'A slime's body can do wonders, I don't even need to be afraid of losing any of my limbs but if they cut my legs and arms at the same time, things will be problematic but nothing I can't deal with. As long as my body is not destroyed, I'll always be back.' I laughed alone when thinking of this.

"Laughing of what, Majin?!" The red haired Ogre asked.

"Hmm? It is just how useless it is to try to kill me." I said while taking my Jin Tachi out of my chest.

'Tch, with my current strength, I can't use my Resurrección or grab both my swords but at least, I can use this one.' I thought while taking out the green sword out of my chest.

When I did, I extended my arm to the side, showing of my dark green sword emitting green lightning. Then I rusher at the old man and began to attack him aggressively.

My flurry of attacks was only dodged as he feared that if my sword touched him, he would die. Suddenly, he stopped dodging and counter-attacked. To which I dragged my feet for six meters.

Looking at my chest, I saw a gaping wound but my regeneration did its work.

'You have to love a Slime's body. It is super convenient. Also, he is sure is stronger than me in sword Mastery.'

["He is stronget than you in that aspect. Your Mastery with the sword is [Master] grade while his is [Royal-Master] grade, two whole grades above you."]

'Oh, yeah! I forget about the grades.' I placed my hand on my face.

["You are an idiot."]

'After this System evolved it is more daring than before. You are talking too much, it is annoying.'

["Did you called me annoy-..."]

'Tch.' Clicking my tongue, I decided to ignore the System's complaints and focused on the battle.

"{Ogre Fireball}!" The red Ogre said while pointing his hand at me.

From his hand, a ball of red fire came at me. Moving my blade, I sliced this ball of fire in two.

"Useless." I said.

Then the old man dashed at me and attacked, I blocked his attack with my sword's pummel before counter-attacking. To which he dodged but it almost cut him.

"As pleasant as this fight is, I'm tired of fighting." I said before I made a white sheath and sheathed my sword inside it before I placed the sword inside of me.

Then I pointed my finger at him, at the tip of it, a ball of white fire mixed with white electricity mixed and became ready for me to fire it. The old man entered in between me and the attack while the other screamed no.

I smiled behind the mask before I changed direction and pointed it upwards. Suddenly, the ball of mixed white fire and white thunder, fired into something like a beam.

The ground below me cracked from the sheer strength this attack had. The {White Thunder} I gained while I was mixing many of my skills.

"As I said before. I'm tired of playing, if you want to fight you will do it at your own risk. I was just testing you but if you keep pushing me..." When I was going to finish my phrase, the princess appeared and interrupted me.

'Now I know how Aizen felt when I always interrupted his talk.' I was feeling quite annoyed.

"Brother, his mask doesn't have the same pattern as the Majin one!" She said.

"Finally someone who can think straight." After I said that, I placed the mask inside my stomach before transforming into my slime form.

"This is my true form. I'm not the Majin you are talking about." I said while jumping at the back of Ranga, who just came out now and was wagging his tail like crazy.

I could predict that if he kept doing this for far too long, everything will fly into the air, so I decided to bonk his head lightly with a hammer tentacle, this somewhat reduced the speed of his tail.

"He didn't kill any of those and with the power he showed, he could kill us easily but instead, he choose to incapacitate the others. He's not an evil monster like the one we thought he was." She said.

'Well, I am evil. However, I don't mind be called good sometimes.' I thought.

"You can come to my village to talk about it. We have a lot of things to talk about." Did this sound threatening?

The red Ogre tried to say something but he decided not to. In the end, he nodded.

'Good, the fish has taken the bait. Now I just need to pull it towards my boat.'