Chapter 121 : Slaughter.

Now, I was marching together with my army while thinking.

'My total population went over two hundred and fifty five thousand monsters. With this increase, I had to increase my army too. So, now, my army has twenty five thousand soldiers, a good number.

I don't want to increase it more because if I did, other parts of my new country would have manpower shortages. The Orcs could mobilize two hundred thousand troops because inside the army, there was everyone.

Including children and women. The same could be said about the Lizardmen, they make every one in the nation mobilize.

It is normal, after all, most of the Great Forest of Jura is filled with monsters, so raids are pretty normal. Or were, since I'm here, no monster dares to get near my village. Besides, I want to have a professional army, like the one that Prussia had.

I don't want a bunch of men without training, swinging their swords pathetically. I'm going for quality, not quantity, after all, a really well trained army can fight an army that has three of four times the troops.

Like what Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans achieved. They, together with seven thousand Greeks, held off a massive Persian invasion that had numbers in the hundreds of thousands.

However, I have to give this one to the Goblins. Those fuckers had the balls to kill my envoy and send his head to me. The problem is that it was not one head but twenty. They sent twenty decapitated heads to me.

Never once I was so disrespected like that. They will pay the price.' I thought when Ranga stopped on a hill.

As I was on top of him, I got up and saw an army. The army had twenty thousand Goblins and was on a open field, their army possessed women, men and children.

"To think that the Goblins would unite and form a coalition against me. Well... It was bound to happen. After all, I slaughtered a lot of villages." I commented before petting Ranga's head.

'I'm not the same way Rimuru is. So it is obvious that there would be some resistance.' I thought while looking at my Legions.

'The army was organized in Legions. Each Legion has four thousand and five hundred infantry and five hundred Wolf Cavalry. All of them were completely armored.

The Legions are led by one commander. The first is leaded by Benimaru, the second, Hakurou, the third, Harribel, the fourth, Gobta... What? It may not look like it but Gobta is a genius.

He absorbs everything he trains like a sponge. He may not even be close to the same level I have in swordsmanship, but his progress in it is massive.

Moving on, Rukia leads the fifth and last Legion.' I thought while looking at the pathetic Goblins.

"Lay down you weapons and surrender! If you do it, I will not kill all of you!" I increased my voice and said.

"Fuck you, you Tyrant! We would never surrender to the likes of you, you piece of shit!" The Goblin leader began to curse me.

Ignoring his ranting, I returned to look at my army then looked at him again.


After I screamed, my army descended the hill and began to engage the enemy's army. However, their army was getting shredded by mine. The fifth Legion moved to flank them. My army was simply destroying their messy formation.

I was at the top of the hill, overlooking the battlefield. Shion was on a rampage, she was swinging her sword, cleaving many Goblins. Harribel too. When Rukia swings her sword, the Goblins around her freeze and become a block of ice.

Kūkaku was facing the Goblin Leader. However, he was ogling her breasts since he couldn't take his eyes off them. This earned him a horizontal slice on his eyes. Then she cut his right arm and left leg.

While he screamed in pain, she walked away. Leaving him to bleed off and die.

"Kuroku-sama. The Goblin army is running away. Should we chase them?" Souei suddenly appeared and asked.

"Souei, what is the mission of the army?" I asked him.

"Absolute extermination." He said.

"That's right, get it done." I said after I returned to look at the lifeless bodies of the enemy army.

"It shall be done." He said before vanishing.

'I need a chief or an strategist to devise my plans and someone to train my army, they aren't in the level I want.' I thought while looking at the scene down there.

Many Goblins were being decapitated or simply split in half. They were being slaughtered left and right. Their blood painted the ground red.

"No one will escape. This will send a message."