Chapter 124 : Dwarf King.

We were waiting for the King when suddenly, I saw an army on the sky. These were the King's personal guards.

'Fuuuuck. These Pegasus are so cool! I want one!' If I was in my human form, I would have been drooling.

The King then jumped from his Pegasus and landed on his feet, while he did that, I transformed to my human form. When I looked at him, I thought.

'This man in front of me is a True King. He has the aura of one. Since I reached the title of King recently, I don't have the same aura. It is an aura that only a King that has passed through a lot with his Kingdom and reached a certain level of knowledge.'

"So... You are Kuroku? Hmm. I challenge you to a duel. To see if you are a evil monster." The King said.

'... What the fuck? His previous imponent aura went away instantly. In the end, he is just an muscle head who just want to fight. In the anime, he considered Rimuru a good monster while a little bit later he went and massacred an army.

Well, it is not like I can judge him. Ever since I began to train with the Old Man,(By the way, it is forbitten to call Hakurou, Old Man, since he becomes the Devil when insulted), I have reached the peak of [Master] in swordsmanship and stood like that for a long time.

I need something to break through. And this something will be the Dwarf King. (For those who don't remember, the ranks on Mastery are [Novice], [Intermediate], [Advanced], [Master], [Grand-Master], [Royal-Master], [Legend], [Myth], [Unparalleled]).' While I was thinking of that, I took my Jin Tachi from within me.

Then I nodded while looking at him. After this, he dashed at me and attacked, blocking it, I could feel the weight behind his sword strike.

He continued to attack me many times after that and I blocked all of them.

'Tch. This man is a peak [Royal-Master] rank, almost breaking through to the [Legend] rank. However, my job is only to defend his attacks.' I thought.

The King then slashed at my left, right, before making a downward strike. All of them were blocked by me. After that, we clashed our swords and reached a standstill.

["Congratulations, your Mastery over Swordsmanship increased. You are now a [Grand-Master] Swordsman."]

'Nice!' I thought after we separated.

"Alright. You don't seem to be a bad monster since my guard had many openings and you did not exploited them. I know that you saw them but choose not to." He said.

After he said that, he went to talk to Hakurou. Pretty much the same thing from the anime.

'This King sure is lucky. If he didn't had a way stronger nation than me, I would have declared war on him. He stepped over my authority and brought his army with him, to my Kingdom without my permission nor warning.

This is enough to start a war, however, at least for now, the benefits far outweight the drawbacks of having an alliance with the Dwarf Kingdom.' While thinking of this, I went to my mansion together with the King before we began to party.

In the middle of it, the King called for me.

"Kuroku, I want to offer you a deal." He said.

"Wait.. Before you say anything, wouldn't it be better if we estabilished trade agreements between our two nations?" I asked.

After a few seconds of pondering, he nodded and said.

"Very well, King Kuroku, I agree." He said while extending his hand.

After grabbing and shaking his hand, I said.

"Great, now comes the hard part. King, I want to build a road in between my Kingdom's capital and yours. This would allow the trade to flow between the two nations."

"Hmm. And who will pay for such project?" He asked before downing his beer. Then he looked at me. "It is a huge national investment in infrastructure."

"I will build my part until the end of the Great Forest of Jura. Meaning that I will pay. The only thing that the Dwarf Kingdom has to do, is to connect the already existing network of roads into my road. That way, the trades will be more convenient between our capitals." I said while smiling.

"Hmm. And that is the only thing you want?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" I got confused.

"King Kuroku, I can see it in your eyes. You want more than a simple trade agreement or a non-aggression pact. You have reached monarchy a few months ago, while I am a King for years. You are not experienced enough to trick me." He said.

"Hehehehe. It seems that it did not passed through you, huh. It is simple, Dwarf King. I want to have a alliance with the Dwarf Kingdom." After I said that, we entered in a starring contest.

After a few minutes, he broke eye contact while saying.

"Very well. I agree. After all, I don't want to have a war with your Kingdom. Besides, a unified country in the Jura Forest would surpass my own country in wealth and power and there will no longer be raids in my towns or the towns of the surrounding countries anymore." He nodded before he began to drink again.

"We will drink until we drop." I said before following him and drinking.

"Hmm. I almost forgot, that man over there is Vesta, he is the one who mocked you back on my Kingdom, I'm giving him to you so that he can be useful." Gazel said, pointing at a man that began to sweat profusely after he heard what I said.

"How could I not remember him. The Great Vesta. I'm going to treat him good from now on." I smiled, the King squinted but did not said anything.

"This is a glorious day for Kuroku-sama and his country! What is the name of the country again?" Shion suddenly asked.

"*Cough*. *Cough*. *Cough*. Oh yeah, I did not named my country. The name of my country is... Yggdrasil!" After I said that, everyone toasted.

'Being a King sure is a new experience for me. I don't even know why I wanted to be a King. It just appeared in my mind that I wanted to rule the worlds. And yet, now I have grown fond of my subordinates.

While I unleash hell to my enemies, slaughter them and raid their villages. To my subordinates, I like them to the point of declaring war if any of them is disrespected.

Obviously, I wouldn't die for them. But I would destroy Kingdoms for them if it means that they will eat and live nicely. I will become a Tyrant if I have to... What a weird feeling.' I thought while looking at my beer.

"Why Yggdrasil?" Shion asked.

"The Yggdrasil is a gigantic tree that spreads through nine realms. According to the Norse Mythology. And, the trees around Jura Forrest reminds me of that tree." I answered.

"A fitting name." she said.

"As always, you are a nerd when it comes to mythologies." Kūkaku mocked me.

"Kūkaku! You are being rude to Kuroku-sama! Be more respectful!" Shion complained while hitting the table.

Then they began to bicker at each other.

"A chick fight. *Sigh*." I drank my beer.

"The name of this town shall be Kuroku Town!" Rigurd loudly said.

"No! Please don't, it is embarrassing. Only narcissistic persons like Alexander The Great name towns after themselves." I said.

"I agree." Harribel said.

"It is an amazing name, Brother Kuroku!" Nelliel said.

I was not even able to say anything because everyone was agreeing with them.

"My women will be my doom. *Sigh*."