A mysterious girl goes to the castle

My father met my mother in a peculiar way, as if destiny were not restless and playful, one normal day like any other on the way to the king's palace he sees a carriage stranded on the bank of a river, which curiosity and his chivalry were more than enough, he saw a beautiful barefoot girl at the foot of the river and with her eyes closed, my father not wanting to be bad and believing that the young girl had heard his steps exclaimed

Gentleman: it is dangerous to go further in, since the shore is deceptive.

My mother called Orchid, she was 1.65cm tall with beautiful light blue eyes and long dark red hair up to her waist, her skin was white as milk and on her cheeks beautiful freckles.

My father, named Laureano, next to her was a giant with a thin build, actually he was 1.85 cm tall, his eyes were green like the forest, his hair was light brown and his skin was burnt white, as my mother did not hear him because she was concentrating on the sound of the river when she heard him, she could not avoid jumping and falling into the river, my father said to himself

Laureano: 'oops, I think I overdid it', as he approached the young lady and with a smile of apology said: 'I'm so sorry my lady, I thought you really heard me. -while he was stretching out his hand to raise it he could not help but think that this girl would form a scolding for him-, but she humbly put her hand close to his and let herself be raised easily.

Laureano seeing the look of the young tube to hold the laughter, to what Orchid somewhat confused sees it and while he wondered: Why is he laughing?

Then she shyly looked at her peach colored dress with soft touches of lilac and purple all soaked with a special touch of river algae, which when she saw that she could not stop laughing which made Laureano laugh with her while saying: I am sorry, I know I should not laugh, but...

He couldn't say more because he laughed, after a few minutes they both stopped laughing and when he saw how the girl was trying to remove the seaweed from her dress he offered to help her.

The girl sighed a little and then answered: my carriage driver went to get my suitcase with one of the horses, since I accidentally brought the wrong suitcase -she sighs a little and continues- so she asked me to please wait for him in one place.

Laureano who was listening attentively raised an eyebrow and looked to the sides, after thinking for a while that he could make a comment: the nights here are dark my lady, if you want I can take you to King Emiliano's castle, I will talk to him and explain the situation.

Orchid thought to speak but was interrupted by Laureano who said: I will accept your and my king's scolding later, but I cannot ignore a lady in this condition.

Orchidea knew she was right and accepted, what Laureano did not know was that Orquídea along with two other ladies would be staying in the castle in a somewhat temporary way.

Just as Laureano promised, he took her to the entrance of the castle and made her enter carrying in her right hand the luggage that was not hers.

Orchidea: Uncle, your castle is beautiful, I'm glad I came at last.

This happy for his arrival ignores her wet clothes but when he sees her soaked hair I do not hesitate to ask him the reason for her wet hair while asking for a towel for her, Laureano who was going to explain why, Orchid takes the lead and answers

Orchid: I was on the lake resting my feet and a noise in the river caught my attention, I saw a beautiful bird of prey and I wanted to get closer to it, but I lost my balance and fell.

King Emiliano who knew how she was with animals smiled and said: hey, that is typical of you Orchid, but it is very charming - after stopping her laughter and seeing Laureano - he said: be more careful with the next Orchid.

After approaching Laureano he whispers: "how much you bet that tomorrow he will forget it".