When Oracle arrived she saw me nervous and in a whisper she calmed me down and said that everything would be fine, I did not have any illness, it was just that I had awakened the same power as her or similar to hers, she explained that she had dreamed about me days before my arrival and that is why she stayed near Said's house, she always knew my name since the Egyptian gods had told her, she told me some things and others she omitted, clearly it was because we had no privacy and she could not tell me certain things before the time.
After talking to Said she made slight adjustments, she decided not to sell me when I turned 18 but in exchange I had to work for him in a different way, Oracle would teach me to control my power to see beyond, Said said that this power belonged to the gods and that if a human had it it could be a double-edged sword since he would not only see the good but also the bad and from there he would choose which path to take.
Somehow I felt that this could be a ticket out and that it would buy me some time; the only thing I did not calculate was that the term bad was not enough, since the visions of death were palpable as if one was going to die, that made me wake up crying and many times not letting Manuel sleep, I came up with the idea of having assistants and the boss somehow agreed.
Luisa and Elvia were my left and right hand and they let the 3 of us stay in the same room, that made me feel safer, Oracle sometimes asked me to go to her store and teach me, as Said had asked her to change my clothes, she got some clothes in a trunk of her when she was younger, of course it took me some time to get used to them seeing my figure like my legs and hips, the pants were soft like silk smooth and somewhat loose until almost my ankles and then it was something inflated until almost my foot and then again thin, and a very low-cut shirt covered was of the bust and was held by 2 thin strips although at the bottom it was joined with a somewhat transparent part of the same color as the set and in my waist covering the a little a nice silk with gold coins that sounded although Oracle used it in her head the set itself was of sandy color.
It was my first time wearing different clothes, at the beginning I was embarrassed but with time I got used to it, every time I went to Oracle I went with Manuel, even if I was there for 6 hours he did not move from there, I learned to control the visions both asleep and awake, and to not get so tired, I learned a lot of home remedies and I even put them into practice, but now that I was calmer I had to put my plan into action.
In Oracle's house I told him the truth of how I arrived and how I wanted to leave and not be a slave, only that I had to make a great plan to leave with the group, I wanted to escape with everyone but many of them were already controlled with the idea that if they escaped they could die and that with him they would be safe.
I even thought that many injuries were caused by these wild animals were planned by the boss and his protectors so that everyone would think that what he said was true; but I knew that this could not be true, although Oracle was a little saddened I knew it was the best so I said to her
Me: run away with us Oracle, please... I know that with you we will know where to go.
It took her a few days to think about it until she told me that she would help us flee and that she would leave no one behind. I knew that with her strength we could make it, she never dared to teach me a little of her magic, but I never insisted on it; when I was alone without any guard nearby I talked to Luisa and told her that we had to make a riot to escape, I knew that with some I had to be cautious and with others without thinking they would accept, Luisa was in charge of studying the routines of each guard and what area each one watched, and where and what time Said was outside.
The plan seemed fine, the only flaw was how to run without being seen and caught at the first time, so I thought I should get some plan of the place where we were to be able to pass quietly. Oracle was in charge of finding enough food and water for the days we had to travel and be able to run as far away from them and even from Egypt if possible. That day after planning some details of how to make a mutiny I did not have much idea so tired I decided to sleep.
I remember that I dreamed with the goddess Isis that while I was planning she guided me to a place that was near the pyramids, after that I had entered the pyramid and I had fallen asleep, inside that dream I remembered how I had planned the mutiny and how I had found the tunnel until I woke up.