Brianna and Justine were getting ready to go to the hospital this morning, luckily it was a sunny morning after

Last night the city of London again rained heavily. Brianna had finished preparing some provisions for Gemma's lunch, they immediately rushed to the car. This afternoon John will undergo kidney donor surgery, Brianna and Justine are really tense about all this. They both can only hope that the operation goes well, and that they both get well soon.

"You okay sweetie?". Justine said while stroking his wife's head.

"Yeah, am okay honey. I'm just a little tense with the situation

like this." Brianna said

"Just pray, hopefully everything will be fine".

Justine started the car carefully, and without waiting long they arrived

Julieta Syakur


in the hospital. They immediately rushed to John's room to meet him.

Morning. Brianna said.