Heavy rain poured down the city of Manhattan this afternoon, Brianna spent the whole day in her room. He is still traumatized by what he saw this morning, because according to him what he saw was really real. Like the ghosts she'd seen in movies, a moment later there was a knock on the door, Justine immediately went to open the door.

"Justine, how is Brianna?" Ask Marines.

"She's fine, Mom. Come on in mom, Brianna just happened to be on the balcony." Justine said.

Marine immediately entered and walked to the balcony to meet Brianna.

"Brianna, are you okay?" Ask Marines.

"Hey, Mom. I am okay, don't worry". Brianna said while inviting Marine to sit down.

"I hope you can shake off your trauma, I'm sure it's just your hallucination, son—but mom?". Brianna immediately cut off Marine's conversation. "Brianna, you're heavily pregnant. Maybe you're tired and that's what caused the hallucinations." Marine said again.