Chapter 4

Yulis's phone vibrated, notifying her that credits have been transferred to her account.

"This must be our allowances for this month" Yulis murmured to herself as she confirmed the notification of the credit transfer of a measly 100 credits. Credits is currently the most accepted type of currency worldwide, 10 credits is enough to buy a tray of eggs a pack of bacon and a medium sized loaf bread enough for a week worth of breakfast, while a single credit is enough to buy a single instant noodles enough to fill a hungry belly."

" My little sister stays at our aunts house while she's at school but, now that it's already summer she'll come home after a week or so. "

Yulis decided to clean the dusty house, while she's dusting away the furniture she began to recall and list down major real life and in game events that happened in her previous life, compiling a huge encyclopedia of game items from her guild's data base as well as rare locations.

While her head is vastly improved due to her previous experience, she doesn't want to rely on something that might disappear, what if all of her gains faded and her brain suddenly turns back to normal? she didn't want to suddenly forget everything, even if her fighting prowess disappear then atleast she has a back up plan.

Eve of Reincarnation is the worlds most popular game and the credit exchange for in game currency is exceptionally good, to the point of pulling her family from debt back in her previous life.

Yulis decided to play the game again but this time, armed with knowledge from her previous life, instead of chasing after fame, power, and glory like my previous self, i'll chase something even better, Money.

She no longer wish to become a guild leader and avoid being shackled down instead she'll play only for the sake of herself and not for others, she'll play on her own decisions. And lastly she wants to play the game for adventure and pleasure.

But first i gotta earn money in order to buy myself a nerve gea-... Virtual Reality Gaming Helmet.

After a whole afternoon of cleaning, Yulis went out to buy a whole week supply of food and by that i mean a box of instant noodles that was in sale since it's nearing its shelf life. While paying, the sales lady casted pitying glances towards Yulis.

In the morning Yulis woke up and after having breakfast, walked out dressed in a cheap looking jogging pants, worn-out rubber shoes, faded out tank top and a hoody. Yulis have several plans for today, first is to go to a certain lottery store in the city and buy a ticket.

In her previous life Yulis would always hear the winning numbers of the lottery being announced in the morning news, although it was a very long time ago she could hardly forget those annoying large colorful numbers being plastered across the screen.

She was quite annoyed at how they advertised the scam like system of the lottery, but now she was quite thankful that her memories kept flashing those numbers, all she have to do is recall the exact date and the exact number. After pondering for a while she stood and left with a confident gait.

In a large building near the shopping district a man sat down while entertaining a group of people, his fist placed at his cheeks as a support for his gloomy face. As a group of people talked as loudly as he could tolerate.

"I've got a good feeling about this one!"

"oh really! isn't that what you said a week ago and the week before that and the wee-"

"i get it! i get it! it's just that this feel like a little different somehow!"

"hmph! let's see about that!"

"just you wait, when i hit it big, you're gonna beg me for some loose change!"

"no need for that, because it's all about statistics and probability! by collecting the previous winning numbers i compiled a set of numbers with higher chance of..."

"if your quite good at that, then why haven't you've got any job?"


As the group continued to make noises at the front of the counter, a young woman approached the building, the man stationed at the counter widened his eyes, as this cute girl walked inside the building.

The group immediately hushed their tones as they observed the woman who just entered.

"hey there!" the girl said with smile.

"err... h-hello... erm. welcome to Selos Magic Money Center, h-how could i help you today?"

"i would like to buy a ticket please!" the girl replied.

The man was stunned! a beauty like her is going to this scamming center! this sounded like a lie! but then a again... the man eyed the girl with a critical eye, after noticing the cheap article of clothing, he was slightly disappointed.

This girl would definitely become a regular here! she would join the mob of people who would come here everyday just to buy the cheapest ticket!

The man lamented the new addition of noisy bums- err valued customers that would come and annoy him to no end... but maybe it's okay! a cute girl coming here everyday doesn't sound too bad.... it may even open up new possibilities like... like having a new girlfriend! if i get to know her and charm her enough... and after that we go out together.... and i propose to her... and have a happy family with 10 childrens....

"excuse me? excuse me? mister?" while the girl was trying to shake the man awake, the group stared at her and suddenly an old man spoke up.

"young lady, may i ask what brings you here?" the old man probed.

"oh me? i just wanted to try my luck here ehehe!" the girl said energetically.

"ah! you came to the right place! did you know that each and every one of us here have managed to win a jackpot, every one but this old man."

"what do you mean jackpot? all of you guys simply won a few loose change and you guys make it sound like you guys are millionaires now!"

At this point the man finally woke up from his amazing dream.

"Ah! finally! could i buy a ticket please?"

"s-sure of course of course my dear!" the man stammered and still haven't left his day dreams.


"what amount would you like to buy?"

"the 50 credit ticket please!"

"o-okay! please input the numbers here and your information here."

after finalising the ticket, the man enthusiastically handed the ticket to the girl. "here you are miss? ..." the man seemingly waiting for a respond.

"uhm... Yulis.." the girl awkwardly took the ticket, and left.

The man was left to his imagination, while the group continued their bickering.

Yulis on the other hand immediately regretted her decision, why buy an extremely expensive ticket when i haven't proved that i came back in time? this might be an alternate universe and i might have wasted half of money allocated for this month's food!

"Money got the best of me" Yulis regretfully muttered.

Unfortunately it's too late for regret, Yulis could only wait after the end of the month in order to find out whether she hits jackpot or, good thing its almost the end of the month only a few days left before the judgement day.

Yulis then walked towards the mall and entered an application to be a working grunt, tons of for hire signs scattered around the mall attracting alot of students who wanted a summer job.

Looking around Yulis found a stall paying for 2 credits an hour for a week, which is quite good pay for a grunt. If the lottery decides to screw her over, then at least she could work and earn back the money she lost.

Two days later, Yulis received a message on her old phone stating that she needed to be present at the SMMC Whistling Lake City Branch office, while reading the mail Yulis closed her eyes, and slowly breathed deeply and started giggling.

"ehehehe, gaha gaHAHAHA err..." Yulis managed to stifle her laughter when she noticed her fellow workmates stared at her. "er erhem.... sorry"

When work ended she quickly made her way to the lottery branch office to receive the check of 1 million credits, when entering the office a man in black suit quickly greeted Yulis.

"Congratulations! miss Yulis Schugel! You've just won 1 million credits!" the man in suit said with a big smile on his face!

"I can hardly believe it, yulis responded with a thin smile on her face.

" Do you need a moment to compose yourself? "

" no need, i don't want to waste the time of a busy man like yourself, let's just finish the paper work "

" i see then, would you like us to call the press?"

"no i don't think that's necessary"

"what a shame, but i do need to remind you that we still need to take a picture of you holding the check, plus we also need you to have a few handshakes with our big boys from above, or else.."

"i know, i know, let's get this over with" before receiving the tickets on the lottery, yulis signed some contracts and reviewed terms of agreement that must be followed, one of them demands the user for the picture takings used for promotional ads.

"alright then!" The man observed the young lady, with their interactions earlier she seemed used to doing things like this, most winners would try and flaunt their winnings by inviting all of the media studios they could call. Those paupers would then try to gain more fame by, getting interviews, the more their head grow the easier it is to milk money out of them, like asking them for "donations" for certain institutions while they're live, refusing to donate would reduce their "fame" or to start a new show where they'd be come "stars" and highlight their spending sprees.

So called old friends and distant families and wealthy entrepreneurs would gather around the paupers, they would have a new sports cars a mansion with pool and all the new trendy clothes and jewelleries. And when the moneys gone, that's when the attention dwindles.

The man always finds entertainment to these poor paupers, too bad the girl who won isn't like those boobs. Once the paper works are done, they moved to another venue, this time a brightly lit room with a crew of camera men, and make up artists filled the place.

A woman called Yulis and stared at her for a few moments and frowned. "this won't do, this won't do at all! follow me we have to change your clothes"

The woman pulled Yulis in to another room and urged her to change her clothes, after a few measurements here and there, some assistants brought in new clothings. The woman made yulis pick new clothes, yulis knows that this is another ploy to make money so instead of choosing the most elegant clothes, she chose the most cheapest clothes she could find.

When the woman noticed it she simply frowned and muttered, "Lloyd was right, it seems this girl isn't any other paupers" She sighed, unable to do anything, she could only apply the most expensive make ups on her.

The frown disappeared from the woman's face, since atleast there's still profit!

A whole team of dedicated female assistants took care of Yulis, they began by washing her up, she was placed on a large chair where they bathe her hair, face, hands and feet. After an hour or so, she then changed her clothes, although Yulis noticed some new additional bells and whisles.

Next they applied make up on her, styled her hair, applied nail polish even on her feet.

"Hey! you said that i needed to be presentable in the picture, why would i need nail polish!" Yulis complained

The woman simply replied by saying, "you would be shaking hands with our bosses! of course your hands needs to be pretty!"

"Then what about my feet?! do they need to be pretty too?!" Yulis retorted.

"oh we forgot about your mouth! we need to brush your teeth!" the woman then motioned for more assistants.

"wha! - guburglelurgle!" yulis was helpless as they continued to clean her up like a pet.

When they finished with her hair, they then went and cleaned her ears, nose and began applying cream on her skin.

Outrageous! are they seriously gonna milk me of my million credits?!

When the pampering was finally finished, the woman told yulis that she would be charged for the clothes and make ups and hair styling, clothes styling, blah blah blah so on and so forth.

When Yulis expressed her concerns, the woman simply stated. "oh this is nothing! your rich now!"

"ugh sharks...." yulis could only cry in frustration.

When Yulis finally emerged from the room, she looked like a completely different person, even the camera crew paused and stared at her, admiring the goddess that just descended on earth before a loud man screamed for the crew to continue working. Moments later the stage was finally finished, and four guys entered the venue.

After that Yulis was called in front, and was briefed on what to do, she simply had to smile at the camera and shake hands with the four guys in front. The pictures would be use for advertising and several other similar stuff.

The picture taking went smoothly, however at the end of it the fourth guy called at Yulis, he was an old short fat man with gray hair although almost none of it was left since he started balding years ago. When yulis came he held her by the shoulder while caressing her and handed to her a card with number.

"if you need any help or fall into trouble just call this number, i'll provide whatever help you need" He grinned ear to ear and stared at yulis as if staring at a prey.

Yulis could only smile and nod, she was already half expecting something like this to happen, a pervert, and pedo at that. However she already met scums like these in the past so she wasn't too bothered by it.