Chapter 10

Before dawn Yulis went out to Farm exp and increase her level to 10, now equipped with two blades she went to a nearby creak to look for her target.

When yulis left the town another player came.

[Contesia Kingdom system announcement, Congratulations to Argent for being the second player to discover a Town]

[Rewarding Town reputation and silver coin x50]

Kleidth the guild leader of crimson skull was furious not only was he beaten twice but he was also forced to take the third place, to him as the guild leader of the third rate crimson skull, it was unacceptable. His only opponent was supposed to be Argent, Guild leader of the gilded rose an all female guild, not only that but they're also an independent guild as well. Even with all the help from those companies that he received he couldn't beat her.

No there's still that Black Lotus, who suddenly appeared and took the first place, Kleidth was furious as he quickly ran in front of a town's gate and stepped in.

[Contesia Kingdom system announcement, Congratulations to Kleidth for being the third player to discover a Town]

[Rewarding Town reputation and silver coin x25]

As yulis was battling frogs the size of dogs, yulis heard the announcement like the rest of the players, she stopped for a moment to recall the name she just heard before opening the logs and reading it.

"Argent?" Yulis smiled and parried a frog the jumped towards her.

There's three types of guild in the game, first there's the company guild, which is owned by real world companies, organizations, or any similar outfits. Next there's the Guild with backers or supported guild, they're guilds that has outside help, they usually do this by selling a small percentage of the guild's monthly or yearly earnings, basically the companies became the shareholder of the guild.

Finally there's the independent guild, backed by no one, supported by no one, they stand alone, although they sounded cool, the sad reality is that they could almost never reach tier 3 and above, they occupied the a majority of the tier 4 and unrated guilds, they're small and mostly considered as ants by the larger guilds.

The rare ones that do climb up to become third rate are worthy of praise, but sometimes they'll abandon their status if someone managed to lure them. The exceptionally rare ones that refuse to accept any of the baits are either wiped out to prevent others from taking them or went to become a 2nd tier guild, the latter is near impossible.

That's where the Gilded Rose comes in, in her previous life they went on and became a second rate guild and in their peek a quasi-1st rate guild, unfortunately they were stomped by those old first rate guilds before they could fully bloom.

In her opinion the gilded rose is actually a legendary guild, first of all they're an all female guild which is already rare in the game, they refuse to let any male in their guild, and next they've managed to enter the esteemed ranks of the 2nd tier guild which now makes them an exceptionally rare guild, and now top it all off with their independent status makes them a legendary guild! although rumours have floated around that they actually have backings, they in the end were defeated, never to rise back up making it clear that they had no backers.

Another legendary guild is the No Wings led by their leader White Flame, they're an independent guild that went on and defeated any of the guild that stood in their way, last she remember they became a powerhouse that took control of an empire.

Once Yulis reached level 10 the sun was slowly creeping up the horizon, she hurriedly returned to the town and looked for the garrison building. The soldier standing guard noticed someone approaching.

Yulis spoke first. "Sir, iwould like to learn swordsmanship, i am willing to pay money for your services."

"oh? so you want to become a swordsman eh? very well talk to the instructor inside" The soldier opened the gate and talked to another soldier before being led to a training ground.

"i am willing to teach you basic swordsmanship" the instructor began, "but can you pay for it?" the instructor rubbed his thumb on his fingers on one hand.

"of course, how much would that be?"

"only 10 silvers"

Yulis took out 10 silvers and gave it to the instructor.

"very good! let's begin!"

[Do you wish to change your class from a villager to a beginner swordsman?]


Yulis sparred with the instructor for several hours, while the system slowly inputted basic knowledge of swordsmanship into her head. This allowed for accelerated learning of the skills necessary to become a swordsman. Though it depends on the player wether he or she could apply the knowledge they learned.

[Congratulations, you're now a beginner swordsman]

[Acquired active skill slash tier 0]

[Acquired active skill chop tier 0]

[Acquired passive skill Swordsman's spirit tier 0]

Tier 0 active skill slash

cooldown : 10 secs

deals damage to opponents by using a quick but deadly slash, slash is much faster than regular swings of sword, can damage multiple enemies, max enemies that can be slashed are 2 at a time.

Tier 0 active skill chop

cooldown : 10 secs

deals a concentrated damage to a single enemy using all of your strength, chop can only be activated on vertical strikes, chop can stun enemies for 0.30 seconds.

Tier 0 passive skill Swordsman's spirit

Increase the swordsman's affection to his swords, increase atk dmg and atk spd of player by 5% if equipped with a sword.

Yulis logged out, after learning the beginner swordsman class she realised that too much time has passed and it's probably too late to make breakfast for her poor hungry little sister.

When she entered the kitchen however she smelled something delicious.

"Eara? are you cooking?" yulis asked and rushed to her sister's side to see what's her cute little sister is cooking.

"yup, since your busy with your work i decided to cook food for you." Eara said while stirring a pot of curry.

Yulis felt guilty for lying to her sister, but she couldn't just tell her that she's gonna earn money by selling game items and exchanging in game currency for real world currency, her sister will probably get worried.

"but why curry?" yulis asked.

"uhmm it's because i... th.. .. ly ... ow... t... ok.." eara silently murmured.

"uhm sorry i didn't catch that"

"its..." eara hesitated while looking away from yulis

"hm?" yulis tilted her head to match eara's face

"it's because it's the only food that i know how to cook okay!" eara finally said before her face turned red.

"oh? what's wrong with that?" yulis responded while sniffing the pot only for the steam to slap yulis in the face and burned her eyes. "gah!"

"isn't it embarrassing to only know how to cook one dish?" eara said with slightly high pitched voice.

"not really" yulis hugged her little sister and burried her face on her back. "actually, im happy that you're cooking for me."

"but i don't think it's any good, i didn't peel the potatoes and carrots very well and i didn't chopped them well and the meat isn't sliced uniformly and-" before eara could continue, yulis place her index finger on eara's lips.

"eara, those kind of things doesn't matter to me, what matters is the thoughts and love that you poured into you cooking." yulis took a spoon and dipped it into the curry, taking a sample and smiled. "it's delicious"

"a-are you sure? you're not lying to me?" eara took the spoon off of yulis hands and also took a sample before reluctantly tasting it.

Before yulis could speak her stomach suddenly growled, the two locked eyes before laughing.

"see? im not lying!" Yulis giggled

"okay! okay! that's a good enough proof!" eara replied before laughing.

Today, yulis decided to test the waters, and asked eara to play Eve of Reincarnation with her.

"huh? really?! but, how could you play it, unless you have to buy the game." eara was hesitant, the game is fairly pricy to begin with and they're just some poor family with no extra cash to spare.

"actually the reason i asked is because the company helmet came with the game as pre bought, i just found out last night." Yulis lied to her little sister again which made her frown inwardly.

"really?!" Eara asked in disbelief before enthusiastically speaking, "okay then! let's go after eating!" eara excitedly said while madly devouring her plate.

"woah woah! calm down eara, i still have to wash the dishes" yulis said while trying to pull eara off her plate.

While eating eara started telling yulis her stories in game, she even mentioned the two 3rd rate guilds racing to be the first guild to discover a town only to be defeated by another mysterious player.

Yulis simply chuckled while listening and staring at her sister while she rests her cheeks on her knuckles.

Eara was so engrossed with telling stories that Yulis even managed to spoon feed her couple of times before receiving a cute glare from her sister.

After eating yulis told eara to continue farming for levels, and she'll try to go to the village she's in. When yulis learned of her sister's whereabouts in game she was relieved to find out that she's actually very near the town she's currently in.

Before leaving for the village, Yulis once again talked to the instructor.

"so you want to upgrade your class to a novice swordsman eh? hmmm... it seems your strong enough! but can you pay me?"

"of course sir! just tell me how much!"

"only 50 silver coins, it's not that much!" the instructor said while having money signs as eyes.

"here you are sir! 50 silver coins!" Yulis said with a shaking fist.

"alright then! spar with me!" The instructor said while still staring at the pouch of money on his hand.

Before upgrading your class, you have to meet certain requirements in this case the novice swordsman from the instructor needs money. Yulis have been farming some creek frogs from earlier, plus her remaining silver she had more than enough money to spare.

[Acquired Active skill stab tier 0]

[Acquired Passive skill sharp edge tier 0]

Tier 0 Active skill stab

cooldown : 12 secs

Uses the pointed tip of the sword to strike forward and dealing piercing damage to a single enemy, ignores a portion of the enemy's armor.

Tier 0 Passive skill sharp edge

If equipped with a sword, increases the sharpness of the sword and increases the chance of dealing critical damage by 1% and increases chance of applying the bleeding status effects to enemies by 1%

Half a day went by and yulis learned the novice swordsman class, after resting and buying some foods with her remaining money, she went out and travelled towards a certain village nearby. The wolves no longer hindered her after becoming a novice swordsman, though she's no match against the village guards, at least currently no player could ever threaten her.

As she stopped in the road in order to rest, she checked her inventory to sort it out. In her previous spending spree her whole 1 gold coin went poof, although she's been farming frogs and wolves for several hours, she only has 4 silver coins at most. While resting yulis decided to upgrade her armor.

Her sewing skill might be basic but its good enough for now, she used the materials she got from the wolves to strengthen her armor. Wolf leather for her upper body, her hoody changed into a vest padded with wolf hide, her hood changed into a wolf head that completely hides the upper face, plus a red bandana to cover the lower face.

She removed her pants and changed it completely, it is now a leather reinforced pants and her lower leg binded making it thinner than her thigh area, her footwear is now more robust as she used leather from wolves and slapped it with their claws for extra cool points.

A leather gloves with wolf claws plus wolf hide hand guard. And finally, in order to hide the ugly sewing, yulis died all of her clothes with dark red dye that she brought earlier.

She looked actually terrifying now, the blood red wolf fur that kept on shaking every time the wind blew, The wolf head that replaced the human head with a capelet covering her shoulder, her pale white skin barely showing, hidden by the caplets she wearing and hidden again by the arm guard, her gloved palm that has deadly looking claws on the knuckles. Her foot that seems like bleeding while a set of claws is poking on in front and at the back of her feet.

Yulis was satisfied as she hung both of her blades on her lower back, both of their sheaths were dyed blood red aswell.

When she finally reached the village the players who are about to leave for the town saw her. They widened their eyes as they moved away in order to make way for the blood red wolf walking towards the village.

"what's going on?"

"who is that?"

"someone record that!"

"im already on it"

"is this some kind of event?"

Yulis walked around the village while searching for her sister, even if her sister changed her appearance greatly, she is still confident in recognising her.

In a few minutes she found a young girl equipped with a hammer while fighting of a group of slime. Yulis stopped and watched her little sister smashing the slimes with her hammer, yulis was impressed since her sister was actually good. Eara waited for a slime to jump and she'd dodge the attack and the slimes landing trajectory is easily predicted, that's when eara would smash the slime.

After a few minutes eara finished up the slime, however before yulis could approach her sister a group of men came and approached eara. One that looked particularly old and quite fat.

"hey there lil baby, so did you think about my proposal?" the fat man asked while smiling creepily on eara.

"no! i would never do what you want!" eara screamed and tried to run only to be surrounded by the lackey of the fat man.

"don't you dare come near! or i'll report you guys for harassment!" eara pulled her hammer from her inventory and tried her best to look intimidating.

"oh baby, you know the system won't respond unless we physically make contact but there's a few seconds of interaction to the system before you could report me and a few more seconds before i get booted out! there's a lot that i could do with those seconds!" the man licked his lips while staring at eara's body." think about it, i'll transfer a few thousand credits to your account if you log in to my private server, maybe even a hundred thousand credits if you meet me in the real world!"

"Never!" eara screamed and swung her hammer towards the fat man only to be parried by his lackeys.

"too bad, i guess the few seconds will just have to do" the man lunged at eara while extending both of his hands forward.

"chop!" a voice came from the side followed by a blade moving towards the man intended to cut of both of the mans arm, only to be blocked by on of his lackey.

"whoah!" the fat man stumbled away and fell down.

"oh? they're skilled this is gonna be a little tricky." yulis said loud enough to be heard by everyone nearby.

When the man looked at the source of the voice he suddenly screamed.

"aaah! a ghosts!" the man cowered behind one of his lackeys before his shaky voice uttered. "j-jack! get rid of it!" while pointing a shaky finger towards yulis.