Chapter 15

1297.… 1298.… 1299.…. 1300.

"Raella! lets move towards the entrance of the cave!" Yulis shouted while pulling her sister backwards.

Avoiding the skeletons while making sure their hit points stays up, Yulis managed to pull her sister towards the center of the cave.

"Let's start over here! be careful, avoid being surrounded! and don't conserve those potions start throwing them around, make sure to hit every one of them!"

"is something about to happen?! Eara was nervous but visibly excited.

" Yup, just keep an eye on the tunnel that we were just in earlier." Yulis replied.

The skeletons number have visibly decreased, about half of them became a pile of bones on the ground.

The two began their wild water fight, they looked like two little children throwing water balloons to a crowd of angry old people.

After smiting around two hundred or so skeletons, a weak shaking could be felt in the cave. Yulis glanced at the tunnel that they used as a farming zone earlier and noticed a shadow slowly getting bigger and bigger.

"don't stop! keep going! make sure to make all of them are wet!" Yulis said, Eara noticed the hint of panic in her sister's voice but kept going.

It didn't take long before heavy foot steps started echoing in the cave. Different from the boney sounds the skeletons make when walking, this footsteps were accompanied by a heavy clanking of armour.

Eara looked shocked at what she saw, a towering 3 meters tall Knight in black armour, the knight was wielding a black sword and a black shield.

She shuddered at the thought of them farming at the exact location as it's spawn point, if it spawned without any warnings then the two would probably find themselves at the town's church.

No information could be seen.

She was startled, if the knight is a level 80 mini boss, then the two weren't enough to defeat the guy.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a trade window popped up in front of her.

She accepted and saw several stacks of small medium grade holy potions.

She switched her gaze at her sister who in turn smiled at her, "use your remaining lesser potions to wipe out those skeletons, i'll deal with the knight."

She was shocked and asked her sister. "you're gonna defeat it!?"

"no, who do you think i am? the guild leader of no wings? im buying you time to destroy the remaining skeletons, there is atleast 500 of them or so, they have atleast half of their hp left. With your level after wrecking atleast 2000 plus skeletons plus the bonus exp, you should be strong enough to kill one in 2 to 3 hits with you're new swordsman class.

Earlier that day the Eara switched class to a swordsman class as her beginning class, She also upgraded her class to apprentice swordsman, both of them managed to become an apprentice swordsman gaining bonuses attributes and skills.

Yulis faced the knight who held his sword and shield proudly. She began reciting the strategy that the two are about to employ on her head, she's been doing so ever since the beginning of the grind.

She stared at the knight's soulless eyes from behind it's full faceplate helmet.

"Who do you serve!" Yulis shouted towards the knight but received no answer.

"good, as long as it's not intelligent enough it should be fine.

In Eve of Reincarnation, higher tiered monster usually means higher danger level, but there's another danger level that a player must look out for, it's intelligence, if it's smart enough to speak the language of humans or any language in particular, then it's probably smart enough to fight like a player, use tactics and strategies, use their skills effectively and command their underlings proficiently.

High intelligent monster are usually bosses and special monsters, quest monsters or event monsters. This time the knight in front of her is a future event monster, he was one of the leading commander of the undead army, it had the capability to speak. But this time Yulis decided to take it down while its young and weak. Not giving it enough time to grow.

The knights started to growl towards the skeletons, Yulis noticed it and quickly moved into action. "No you don't!"

Yulis dashed forward and stiked the knight right in his stomach, Yulis saw that there's no damage indicator, meaning she didn't cause any harm to the knight.

"Chop!" Yulis jumped and did a vertical swing, hitting the knight in shoulder. The knight flinched before staring at Yulis, a health bar finally appeared on top of the knight's head, but there's no noticeable change to it.

The knight finally stopped trying to take control of the army and decided to deal with the cockroach that bit his shoulder.

The knight stepped forward and with a mighty heave swinging his sword downwards towards Yulis.

Yulis, jumped backwards and attacked again throwing a potion at the knight's head who has lowered himself just to attack the tiny cockroach.

This time a noticeable change happened at its health bar. A small gap appeared before disappearing after a few seconds.

"alright, i just need to buy time for my sis to finish of the army." Yulis murmured.

The Knight pulled it's sword back before pulling its shield above.

Yulis noticed it and immediately jumped sideways towards a wall.

Not long after the knight charged forward, making big strides as it smashed the ground where Yulis used to stand on.

Yulis switched to her lesser holy potion and began kitting the knight around. Being careful not to accidentally pull it towards her sister. At the same time, making sure its aggro stays at her.

Eara on the other hand was busy smashing skeleton heads before throwing her potions, it was unfortunate that there's a cool down time in place, if there weren't any then she could just have easily drowned the skeletons with holy water.

Smoke were visibly rising from the bodies of the skeletons that was hit by the holy water but it didn't take long for the holy water to evaporate.

Eara glanced towards her sister who has just dodged the knight who charged at her with its shield and began to wonder how they are gonna defeat it.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a skeleton smacked her in her left shoulder with a rusty sword creating a long bloody gap starting from her shoulder running downward towards her elbow.

Eara flinched but kept quiet and threw a holy potion upwards travelling a few meters above her head and travelling back downwards hitting her in her head causing it to explode and create a small shower of holy water that covered Eara's body.

After which she hid behind her shield while moving and drank a small lesser health regeneration potion that she and her sister brought from the town.

Her wounds that started to emit a dark smoke was covered with holy water and was immediately purified.

Then after drinking the small lesser potion of health regeneration, her wounds started to close visibly.

Her onslaught with the skeletons are only starting and she knew that. She needed to learn how to move efficiently, how to avoid making small mistakes and avoid wasting her stamina.

She tried to apply her sister's teaching but still her actions kept on resulting with a bleeding wound.

She was starting to lose composure without her sister to back her up, slowly losing ground, she's about to lose hope when she heard her sister's voice.

"Don't give up! you're almost there! Mistakes happens all the time, what matters more is how you would respond to your mistakes! do you back down and surrender or do you try to compromise and use your mistakes in order to learn from it!" Yulis smiled while parrying an attack from the knight.

Eara's sinking morale rose once more.

" my sister's right! i just need to keep learning, i can't let my failures keep me down! " Eara strengthened her resolve and continued her assaulted which caused Yulis to smile.

Earlier Yulis was watching her sister's every move while kitting the knight around. She noticed a visible boost in her performance, she noticed that she kept on applying her teachings and even using them in creative ways that helped her gain an edge in battle.

Though her confidence initially waivered when she kept on making tiny mistakes, her overall performance is surprisingly good.

Yulis was quite happy for her little sister, not only is she a fast learner, but she's also quite talented in learning and listening to her advice.

She was pleasantly suprised when she found out that her talent surpassed hers by leaps and bounds. Yulis knew that she's not that talented when it came to strategies, fighting and gaming.

She had to do double the work just to match the same results that a normal person would have but she's not disappointed.

She realised that her sister is a monster compared to those talented gamers and fighters from those prideful first rate guild that they kept on advertising.

She's very much satisfied with it. It's like she didn't take any talents from her mothers womb just to make sure her little sister gets it all.

"...." "what am i thinking."

In the midst of Yulis trying to encourage her sister she broke focus and switched her gaze towards her sister for a moment only for her instincts to smack her in the guts and making her reflexively parry an incoming downward slash from the knight.

Yulis only saw the after image of the sword from the corner of her eye, Yulis instinctively switched her grip with the blade now holding it in reverse before pulling it inches away from her face when a heavy blow made her kneel.

The sword of the undead knight striked at the raised blade and slid through Yulis's blade creating sparks and then proceeded to travel downward embedding itself on the ground just beside Yulis.

Yulis was wide eyed as she stared at the sword just inches away from her feet before using the chance to roll backwards.

" damn!, you just won't give me a moment to act cool in front of my sister won't ya?!" Yulis cursed at the undead knight before throwing another potion in his faceplate.

Yulis felt her hand numb while her blade slowly vibrated, Yulis checked her blade's durability to find out that its durability dropped in half.

" as expected, a blade created by a beginner blacksmith won't hold out against a level 80 mini boss." Yulis nervously breathed.

But there's no time to rest, the knight stood towering in front of her before moving towards her.

Yulis continued to kite the knight when she suddenly received a notification.

[Notice, A new title is available on your character page]

[Savior of the damned: Give an additional damage to the undead when using holy attributed attacks]

[New title acquired, no title equipped, do you wish to equip the new title?]

Yulis smiled brightly before saying yes.

Eara also received the title when she killed a group of the skeletons with one of her potions. Yulis urged her to equip it, allowing Eara to kill the skeletons with ease.

The new title the pair received is a common title, a player could receive it after killing a certain amount of undead using any attacks that has the holy attributes to it, including throwing holy potions. The pair already killed around a thousand or so of them from earlier so there's no problem in acquiring said title.

Yulis checked the remaining time for the discovery reward and noticed that theres around thirty minutes remaining.

She was already losing hope of defeating the undead knight within the thirty minutes time frame when she heard her sister's voice echoing in the cave.

"that's the last one! Eara said with a huff as a skeleton collapsed into a pile of bones and ashes in the ground near her feet.

The Undead Knight, growled as if it was in pain as a dark miasma suddenly escaped through the gaps of its armour. At the same time, its figure slowly grew smaller, its original 3 or so meters tall figure shrunk into around 2 and a half meter tall figure.

The knight also dropped it's shield which shattered in a thousand pieces and held its sword with both hands.

An updated information then showed itself on both of the sisters vision.

[Undead Knight of Ancient Knight of Bendepal Kingdom]


Other than that, the remaining spaces are all question marks.

Yulis knew that if the undead knight losses its soldiers it should incur some sort of backlash to it, the same thing happened to them in her previous life and she was so glad that the same just happened just now.

The two looked at each other before nodding, and drinking several potions at once.

Player Name: Black Lotus

Level: 26

Class: Apprentice Swordsman

Subclass: Beginner Blacksmith, Beginner Baker, Novice Tailor

Title: Savior of the damned

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: small lesser potion of speed (09:58) small lesser potion of strength (09:56) small lesser potion of haste (09:55) Discovery Bonus (33:48)

Player Name: Raella

Level: 24

Class: Apprentice Swordsman

Subclass: Novice Blacksmith

Title: Savior of the damned

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Status: small lesser potion of speed (09:59) small lesser potion of strength (09:57) small lesser potion of haste (09:55) Discovery Bonus (33:48)

The pair is up against a weakened level 80 undead knight. Yulis did everything she could to strengthen the two of them and weaken their opponent.

The battle started when the two threw their potion, this time using the much expensive small medium holy potion to deal damage.

A small gap appeared at the hp bar of the undead knight, indicating that it received damage, however the small gap started to slowly close.

The two didn't dilly dally and continued to shower the knight with the holy water. The Knight didn't just stood still and started swinging it's sword.

The first swing Yulis managed to dodge it, the second that was aimed at Eara managed to connect. Eara wasn't fast enough to dodge the sword and was sent flying back.

"Eara!" Yulis paniced momentarily before dodging another sword strike.

"Im fine!" Eara stood back up while drinking another potion, and drenching her wound with the holy water.

Yulis nodded but was enraged at the knight, she moved forward and started fight the knight in close combat.

Yulis would always and without fail throw a bottle of holy water at the head of the undead knight. Yulis decided to become the bait to attract the Knight's attention.

Eara understood her sisters actions but regretted not being able to help her sister, she stood at the back and would throw potions while keenly observing her sister's move, she slowly but surely started to learn how to move in battle.

She's frustrated for not being able to help her sister fight.

She wanted to be able to help her sister in battle even for just a moment, she wanted to fight side by side with her sister.

She want it so badly that she memorised every single steps her sister made.

She hated being left behind, she craves being with her sister so much that she began devouring her sisters technique.

Her eyes followed every stroke, every slash and every footwork. She longed so bad to be with her sisters side.

She despised seeing her back, the feeling of loneliness slowly crept back at her, she felt like she's going crazy.

Gritting her teeth she wanted to go forward but stopped herself, she knew she'd just be in the way.

"soon.... i'll be there soon...." Eara whispered seemingly in pain while holding her chest before throwing another bottle of holy water.