Chapter 17

Eara decided to throw coins here and there and managed to become a beginner in both wood carving and carpenter, unfortunately money wasn't enough to upgrade her to novice wood carver and novice carpenter.

She stayed cooped up in a work shop and finally made a large wooden table, 2 smaller wooden table, 6 wooden chairs, a wooden cabinet, a large wooden bed frame, 2 large bookshelf and a large soda.

"Good sir, are these of acceptable quality like you asked?"

"ah! yes, yes.... i could probably sell these for a few silver... errr, erherm. You have my praise young one, you successfully became a novice carpenter." The npc said while caressing his coin pouch, not only did he got some coins from her for teaching her, but he'd also get more from her work. What a steal! he said in his head.

Eara rejoiced after almost a day of hardwork she managed to become a novice carpenter.

Next she aims for the novice wood carver, meeting an npc that looked like mage, at first she was confused until she talked to him

"You wish to learn wood carving? very well then, first gather some butternut wood for me, i'll be waiting here." the npc said while stroking his long white beard.

Eara simply went to the auction house and sure enough, there were several for sale. A few coins disappeared from her pouch and a few bundles of wood appeared in her inventory.

Walking back, the npc was somewhat surprised but didn't ask how she got the wood so fast.

"next, talk to a blacksmith to craft you some tools for woodcarving."

Eara then walked to the auction house and there she found some woodcarving tools, she brought the most exceptional looking one and walked back to the npc.

The npc stared at the tools before slowly nodding.

"next i will need some payments for my-" The old man couldn't even finish his words when Eara pulled her right hand up containing some silver coins, exactly the right amount that he wanted ask.

"errr... erhem very well then." the old man cleared his throat, follow me.

They entered a workshop filled with figurines, some looked like birds, wolf, bears and other animals and monsters.

The old man led Eara to a small table where she began her carving. She was required to carve 8 animals, she was told that she could use the surrounding figurines as an inspiration.

The old man then demonstrated some basic carving techniques and even gave her several books for reference and instructions.

Eara was suprised by the old man, unlike the carpenter, the man was more than willing to give her his time in order to teach her the basics.

After a few hours, Eara pretty much knew the ropes in making simple carvings. The man left her alone and entered another room.

While Eara was busy carving, yulis on the other hand was shopping around the npc market for materials to make new equipment for both of her and her little sister.

Yulis wasn't satisfied with her tailoring skills and decided to try and become a journeyman in tailoring. She had to learn both novice leatherworking and novice silk handling in order for that to happen and she easily did so after a day or so with the help of her knowledge and experience.

Yulis was on her way to an npc black market when she spotted a large groups of people walking towards the town gate. They had varying equipments and it looked like they were just formed since there wasn't any leader or any form of coordination.

Yulis also noticed that most of them are either elementary school students or highschool students, the oldest ones looked like university students.

Keenly observing all of them as they left the town.

Yulis already knew of them, they were money farming team, of larger guilds. Those scumbags probably, recruited anyone and everyone. There were a lot of unfortunate poor families out there and since Eve of Reincarnation was labelled as a game, the guild could easily recruit childrens for farming coins and materials.

They can treat them like slaves for whatever they want and still get away with it as long as they pay the appropriate amount of money.

Yulis was also a part of, one of the many money farming teams of her previous guild. In order to earn money, she was lent one of the most cheapest standard vr helmet that could barely play the game, and was either used to farm money, materials, and after leveling up, farming dungeons.

Yulis only closed her eyes and continued on her way to the npc black market.

In what looked like an ordinary looking house, yulis stepped inside to find a room with several npcs, all armed to the teeth and dangerous looking.

The moment she entered the room, all eyes suddenly turned towards her. Yulis ignored it and walked towards one of the ordinary looking door only to be stopped by one of the npc.

"you have no business here young woman" A man with a pair of daggers hanging behind his lower back spoke while blocking the door.

"i believe i do" Yulis replied.

"upon who's order?"

"it was the one eyed man with the red hair, and his lovely daughter" Yulis said while bringing out a pouch containing some coins and handing it towards the man.

"i see, how is her daughter?" The man asked, still blocking the door.

"his daughter seemed.... energetic" Yulis answered again. This time the man took the the pouch of coins and made way.

The others then ignored yulis and continued their talks.

Yulis used her previous knowledge in order to gain entrance to an npc black market, this particular black market is a part of an underground organisation which has ties to the followers of the shadow.

The door behind her closed and a dark corridor lit up by torches is what greeted her. There were several guards who were wearing cloaks yet the outlines of their armour still poked through.

Yulis continued to walk pass around twenty or so guards before reaching a stairway leading downwards. Yulis walked down until she reached another room, this time it was lit by bright crystal embedded to the walls.

There weren't any doors or any furniture, it was just an empty room. Yulis however walked towards the center of the room and waited.

After a few seconds of waiting, a wall suddenly rose and closed off the stairway leaving yulis trapped inside the room.

Moments later, the room shook a bit before the wall in front of yulis slowly slid open revealing a large hallway with lights coming from the ceiling, there were multiple passage ways that each has guards and maids standing near them.

Walking in, Yulis saw multiple robed people accompanied by guards in black armor, they were walking towards the different passage ways present in each side.

An npc dressed as a butler approached her with a smile and asked. "hello dear customer, how can i be of service to you?"

"im simply here to browse your goods, no need for an escort"

"very well, if you have any questions or in need of assistance then please ask those maids who are present in every corner." the butler bowed before leaving to attend another guest who entered after yulis.

Yulis looked around and she could tell the she's the only player around, seeing all the robed figures walking with escorts of either personal guards or of the black armored guards, only a few people walked alone.

There were multiple types of people in the hallway, lower nobles who was interested in browsing, rich households, merchants, people who has connections and certain knowledge and people within certain groups. She walked towards a passage at her right and was greeted by a large room with several stalls and signs around.

There were plenty of unique and rare items that were for sale, placed in front of their stalls to attract customers, there weren't that much robed figures in the room only three figures followed by their escorts.

Yulis was only after some of the cheapest equipment materials, mostly smuggled goods from other territories, goods that were stolen or came from territorial raids. Materials like Elven silks, elven steel, orcish hide, owl bear leather, murloc scales, and many more.

Yulis browsed around and made sure that she wasn't scammed of her hard earned coins, buying 16 pieces of red bear leather, 8 pieces of white steel, and 4 pieces of black rock steel. Just those materials alone took a quarter off of her budget.

Yulis left the room and went towards the large hallway, entering another room filled with stalls with equipments on display, Yulis was the only customer present in that room.

There were a lot of equipment here, of course, these equipment didn't come from legal means. Some were stolen, taken off from the fallen, spoils of war, and many other not so pleasant deeds.

Yulis avoid several stalls that she knew was selling items that were forbidden in some regions, she also avoided the ones selling ornamentals and the ones that sells flashy equipments and instead went straight to a stall with dull looking equipments.

The npc who was selling the equipment stood up and greeted yulis.

"welcome dear customer, what type of equipment would you like? may i recommend to you these elvish magic sword that was just shipped here a couple days ago?

" no need im just here to browse your goods. " Yulis replied uninterested.

Yulis was quite familiar with the weapons that the seller was selling some were quite common some were very much cheap and some that didn't look familiar.

Looking around, her gaze landed on a neatly folded armored dress placed in a box, a gray dress that had a gray metal plate breastplate as its main deffence point, a dark reinforced leather shoulder pads, a gray metal boots and hand guard and dark leather reinforced gloves, the rest was made with cloth and leather.

A complete set! Yulis rejoiced, it looked like it was designed to be used by a swordsman and more importantly, it was tad bit bigger but Eara will definitely fit in it with a bit of modifications here and there.

"How much for this one?" Yulis casually glanced at the dress showing a bit of interest in it.

The seller suddenly smiled and said, "that my friend is a dress that came from several regions away! have you heard of the Aventus regions? a famed blacksmith and craftsman crafted this magnificent piece of-"

"yeah cut the crap, i know this is stolen, what i want to know is how much does it cost" Yulis pretended to be somewhat annoyed at the seller.

"w-well, the materials are quite rare you see! these materials aren't easily found in this-"

"all the more reason for it to be cheap right? if this armor broke then how am i supposed to repair it without the necessary materials?" Yulis asserted her dominance by leaning over the counter.

"y-you see this piece of equipment boasts excellent defence and versatility a great warrior such as your self wou-"

"it doesn't even fit me! do you know how much rare materials and how much money im gonna spend just to hire a journeyman craftsman in order to refit this for me?

"i-i know a friend who could-"

"who could scam me? don't take me for a newb, i know your tactics and such, for what i can see this dress is worth around 30 gold coins!" Yulis started her first strike.

"n-no way dear customer, h-how about 90 gold coins? that much is justified since its quality is good!"

"quality? is that why its been collecting dust? look at how dusty it is! why, its even collecting molds! 35 gold coins." Yulis smashed her fist down.

"t-the molds.... is uhhh...."

"speak! i haven't got the time for this!"

"uh... uhm... this armor has been sold to us for 40 gold coins we need to make a profit here!" the guy said panicking while thinking of a way to stop Yulis's domineering force.

Amateur! Yulis grinned like a shark, "40 gold coins!? then 42 gold coins should be more than enough right!?"

"45 gold coins is-"

"deal!" Yulis said while grabbing the armour and dropping a pile of coins in the table.

[acquired tier 0 mountain elf, young trainee's armor]

Yulis then went to another stall, while leaving she saw an old man who just entered the room, finding the missing armor on his stall then staring at the young man behind the counter before talking, after a few moments a loud shouting can be heard, glancing back she saw the poor guy being berated.

After looking around she found a boots and helmet blue print after that she was completely broke.

[acquired tier 0 guardsman iron boots]

[acquired tier 0 guardsman iron helmet]

Yulis entered the hallway and went straight towards the other end of the hallway, there she came across an ongoing auction, the room was much more larger as big as a basketball court, there were a lot of robed figures almost filling the whole room.

"The demonic lion king mantle is sold! for 1800 golds coins!" A loud auctioneer boomed just loud enough to cover the entire room.

"Next we have this unopened grimoire from a tier 3 level 60 lich! the starting bid starts at 1500 gold coins! "




Multiple voice echoed around the venue, yulis only wanted to peek around and after staying there for a moment she turned around and intended to leave when a robed figure stopped her and spoke.

"are you an adventurer?" The man accompanied by his personal guards spoke.

"yes" Yulis replied, "do you need something?"

"actually, my master is in need of something that you could probably provide." the man replied.

"what is it?" Yulis was somewhat interested but is also wary of the man.

"please, follow me." the man led yulis to another room where another figure was browsing some items.

"young miss, i found someone that may be interested in joining." the man spoke to the robed figure with respect.

"is that so," The girl looked at yulis then nodded, this isn't a proper venue, meet me at the town's singing moon restaurant tonight, the second floor." the girl said, handing over a pouch of coins to Yulis.

Yulis was confused, when the pair left, yulis opened the pouch revealing a whopping 1000 gold coins!

Yulis's jaw dropped, she looked at the direction the pair went and at the pouch before looking at the pair again before looking back at the pouch of coins. "wut?"

[new quest initiated, talk to the mysterious girl at the singing moon restaurant tonight, quest completion reward, (x1000 gold coins, + exp)]


Yulis, finally recovered after a few minutes, she didn't know what to do and was genuinely shocked, a quest that came and dropped her a thousand gold coins isn't very common, actually this is the very first time she heard of something like this.

But since there's money here anyways, yulis decided to quickly use the coins, buying a full light plate armor blueprint set, a full light leather armor blueprint set, a cloth armor blueprint set, and a heavy plate armor blueprint set and finally some skill books and magic scrolls that effectively halfed her gold coins.

When the pair crafted their equipments and sold them, they only managed to scrounge up around 140 golds, they divided it and Yulis visited this underground black market.

Now after a weird encounter, Yulis received a thousand gold coins and decided to use half of it to effectively strengthen both her sister and herself.

[Recieved, Tier 0 gray murloc scales armor set blueprint]

[Recieved, Tier 0 mountain wolf leather armor set blueprint]

[Recieved, Tier 0 apprentice magician armor set blueprint]

[Recieved, Tier 0 apprentice knight armor set blueprint]

[Recieved, Tier 0 fireball magic skill]

[Recieved, Tier 0 windslash magic skill]

[Recieved, Tier 0 quicksand magic skill]

[Recieved, Tier 0 quickstrike skill]

[Recieved, Tier 0 whirlwind slash skill]

[Recieved, Tier 0 criticalblow skill]

[Recieved, Tier 1 summoning scroll, lesser fire elemental scroll]

[Recieved, Tier 1 summoning scroll, lesser treant scroll]

[Received, Tier 1 summoning scroll, lesser rock golem]

[Recieved, Tier 2 hellfire domain magic scroll]

[Recieved, Tier 2 flame javelin magic scroll]

[Received, Tier 2 forked lighting magic scrill]