Chapter 21

The two had a daily routine of waking up in the morning to eat and jog towards the gym to exercise and train, Eara would then learn how to fight until lunch where they'd eat at the cafeteria, rest and jog back before taking a bath together and hopping back in the game. After a quick gaming session they'd log out and eat dinner before jumping back again.

This cycle repeated for several weeks, Eara was busy making money by crafting equipments to sell and trying to craft as much bow as possible before the 10 in game days arrived.

At the 10th day she submitted her work only to receive the bow blueprint as a reward almost causing her to smack her teacher in his baldy head.

At the same time she also returned to her carver master and was extremely nervous. Entering the small workshop, she didn't find the master craftsman. She was contemplating if she had to enter the same underground room like before when the door leading to it suddenly opened.

An old dwarf walked out of the door with the master craftsman, the pair seemed to be having a conversation when they noticed Eara.

"Ah! speak of the devil that's her!" The master exclaimed while gesturing towards Eara.

The dwarf held his beard while scanning Eara like a hawk.

Eara on the other hand froze as this was her first time seeing an actual dwarf. The dwarf had brown skin, a totally short body even shorter than her even through she's only a teenager.

The dwarf had brown straight hair that somehow looked shiny with an equally straight and shiny brown beard. He had small eyes yet for some reason he head a scary gaze.

The dwarf had two hammers hanging down his belt while he was wearing only a leather pants reinforced with steel platings on the knees and chain mail on the sides.

He had a pair of tough looking iron boots yet at first glance, the boots did not looked ordinary. Finally he has a pair of leather gloves reinforced with steel.

After a few awkward seconds the dwarf finally spoke." though she's not strong, her potential is good, i believe she's quite worthy of this armor." He said while rubbing his soft and silky beard.

The master craftsman nodded. "Yes she's got quite the potential and a fast learner too! what do you say? didn't i told you that i'd find you an apprentice in no time?"

The dwarf eyed the man with a twitching eye before grumbling. "That was a few months ago, i already found someone but this lass is quite something, i guess she'll just have to compete then."

"Bahahaha! If she losses then i guess i'll take her as my apprentice then!" The man laughed while patting the dwarf in thr back.

"hmph! don't be hasty beardy, i believe she has no problem hammering down the other guy" The dwarf shook off the annoying old man's hand before walking forward.

Eara was still frozen in place when the dwarf approached her and handed something to her.

[Received, Young Battle Maiden's Dress]

Eara was suddenly in distressed when she saw the battle dress, since she was already wearing the battle dress that her sister gave her. The dwarf noticed her uneasy expression and asked with curiosity.

"is something the matter young one?" The dwarf asked calling the attention of the bearded man.

Eara spoke with conflicting tone. "well... im sorry but... my sister just recently gave me this battle dress that im wearing as a gift, i can't just remove it and wear this dress.…. Im sorry" eara apologised twice before lowering her head.

The dwarf nodded before pondering. "How about we remodel that dress of yours and return it your sister as an apology gift?"

Eara suddenly perked up. "T-that's a good idea!..... but how much will it cost?" Eara recalled her sister's advice that everything an npc offers must have something in return.

"smart lass i see, then become my student! nothing more nothing less." the dwarf declared while thumping his chest.

Eara blinked for a few seconds before slowly nodding her head.

"good! then, but first let's what we can do about that equipment! meet me at the Blazing Hammer at the northern district when i call you, I'll send someone to fetch you when that other guy returns." The dwarf laughed heartily as the two exited the workshop.

Eara was left alone in the work shop but left after a few moments, she wanted to upgrade her blacksmith subclass to journeyman, since she had already surpassed the threshold placed by her teacher a few days ago due to her crafting and selling equipments for weeks.

Then she had also crafted more than 100 of each of the equipment that was listed on her quest tab. Next she upgraded several of her subclass stat points and already surpassed them a few days ago. Finally she crafted the bow blueprint design given by her teacher.

And the final one would be to create a unique equipment. Unique equipments weren't hard to make but making a decent one is, unique equipments are equipments created without using blueprints.

When creating one, the system will randomly assign the equipment attributes and skills based on the players subclass status and skill in crafting, the equipment created cannot be crafted automatically but manually and if one were to craft it again, its attributes and skills will vastly differ even if it looked the same.

This brings to players creating fake items based on genuine items, but that won't work on lower tier items but instead on higher tier items.

Higher tier items tend to need appraisal scrolls of the same tier in order to be identified, unless the player had previous information about said item, the items description will be blank.

Players in early game didn't need to worry about weapons being unable to be appraised but that would change later on.

Generally players who have no previous knowledge of the items wouldn't be able to identify the weapon other than its appearance, and even if they do know of the skills and attributes of the weapons from browsing it in the internet, if their avatars didn't learn of it then they can't do anything even if they try and activate the weapons skill.

Eara who was back at her rented workshop was troubled, she didn't know what to craft, she has multiple great ideas but couldn't choose from any of them.

Trying to get inspiration from some of the blueprint in her inventory, she decided to create a katana. Her sister created a tanto and she decided to base her katana on her sister's sword.

She heated up an iron bar on the furnace and began hammering, thanks to her newfound skills, her new title and badge, plus her increased proficiency with her hammer she didn't had any accidents like before and began to mold the iron bar into a long and slightly curved blade.

It looked warped and had several uneven sides, Eara tried her best to fix it but the end results were very unsatisfactory to her. Tossing it aside she looked once again at her sister's blade, it wasn't beautiful by any means but looked rather bare and ugly, there's no craftsmanship or decorations other than the emblem engraved on the blade, other than that the blade is made of two parts the blade and the handle.

Again she pulled out another iron bar, and started hammering away, this time the blade was bent in a weird way that she was once again forced to discard her current work.

In her fourth try the blade finally looked decent, she began sharpening it and when it looked sharp enough she heated it again and dipped it in oil and what a surprise it didn't break.

Creating a handle wasn't a problem with her novice carpentry skill and novice wood carving skills. She finished the sword by placing a guard and assembling the whole sword.

It didn't look like a traditional katana as it didn't had a buttcap, a handle braid, and a blade collar. It looked bare and ugly just like her sister's but that's all her skill can do.

[Unknown blade]

Rarity : common

Atk: 1-2

Sharp: 1

Atk Spd: normal

Durability : 3/3

Trash: a good back scratcher

Active skill: butt scratch, scratches the opponents butt and causes relief from itches, deals no damage and has 3 seconds cooldown.

Eara almost cried when she saw its attributes and active skill. She then threw it aside before starting to hammer another iron bar.

Yulis on the other hand was busy learning on how to become an imperial noble woman, other than that she spent the entire week doing nothing but learning how to speak like a higher being speaking to worms, then act like a superior being but with elegance. It was almost a month in game but was just a week in the real world.

After that one month, Yulis became another person, she spoke and moved like the imperial princess, she embodied her to the very core. Even treating the servants like they were air.

After the teaching session, Yulis collapsed on the floor with a dizzy expression. A pair of maid gently pulled her up and let her rest in a sofa.

"ughhh.... this is quite a pain in the ass." Yulis said while grasping her forhead.

A maid then spoke while lowering her head. "your imperial princess, do you need any medicine for your headache? or maybe a hot tea to aid in suppressing your pain?"

The corner of her left eye twitched before she faced the maid. "you know better that there's no way in hell that im gonna become a delusional idiot just because i was given authority to order you around." Yulis stared at the maid with an annoyed look.

The maids hid their smiling lips while giggling. "oh don't be shy, we're simply following orders from her imperial princess." They spoke before bowing down while facing Yulis.

"Argh! cut it out! that's freaking creepy!"

Yulis presented a easygoing demeanour to the servants of the princess, since they're the one taking care of her she needed to be on their side not above them. She treated them like coworkers and not like actual servants.

This in turn increased her favorable status on the servants, with this the servants would definitely get her out of trouble if she ever gets in one and hopefully protect her ass in case of an event where she needed ass saving.

What Yulis didn't know is that the servants pitied her, the servants believed that the body double the princess acquired will definitely put into severe danger and could very well be assassinated by the princess's enemies.

Of course she'd be paid well but in the event that the guards failed to protect her then those rewards will definitely be useless.

They were prepared to take orders from her since they knew that a commoner suddenly receiving great power would obviously gain an inflated head but instead the girl whom they believed would act arrogantly, instead treated them like equal, she never gave orders in private and only did in public just to follow her act.

The commoner girl is even friendly with them, telling stories about her little sister and how her money would definitely go to her in order for her little sister to attend school and live a better life.

And how she eas found by the princess when she was just starting to become an adventurer.

Their heart broke when they found out about her true personality, the girl was evidently clueless and naive. She was an innocent girl that was grabbed by the terrible hands of a demon, she was even willing to go to further heights just for her sister.

Yulis who was unaware of what she just caused was still enjoying a cup of tea while the servants watched the cute young and naive girl while vowing to do everything in their power to protect her.

Eara who was still busy crafting her sword, was already on her eleventh blade before finally making a satisfactory one.

[Tier 0 Unnamed sword]

Rarity : common

Atk: 16-20

Sharp: 4

Atk Spd: normal

Durability : 32/32

Hard: increased durability but decreased flexibility.

Active skill: instant strike, instantly draws the sword and strike at an enemy at the same time dealing twice the regular damage and has a higher chance to deal critical damage. Will start the skill cooldown after the sword is sheathed, ( 5 mins cooldown)

Eara just stared at the blade, wide eyed and opened mouth, the active skill was superior! if she could mass produce said sword then it will obviously become a popular sword.

The stats of the sword was below average, a short sword would have a better dps than hers but the active skill is extremely potent, it could potentially, in the right situation, cripple a cloth or leather armored player in the same tier with one strike!

Eara wanted to keep the sword but at the same time she wanted to brag to her teacher about the amazing sword that she made.

She could still remember her teacher's word.

"it's impossible for a runt like you to craft an item without a blueprint, you can't become a true blacksmith if you can't even craft a decent item without the help of a blueprint! "

"Well whose a true blacksmith now?! it's me! i'm a true blacksmith now!" Eara held the sword like its her baby. She even designed a sheath for it and started decorating it by dyeing it black and adding a buttcap, she even made handle braide and a blade collar before reassembling it.

Finally she added her emblem just above blade collar.

The sword made an awesome transformation, to a shabby, cheap looking, ugly sword to a decent looking katana. It looked like a traditional katana which made Eara extremely proud of her craft. She was even reluctant to part with it, she wanted to just craft another sword and keep the current one but she knew she'd just be wasting time.

It has already been a week in real time and a month in game and she's still haven't upgraded her class to journeyman yet.

She then decided to record its physical appearance on her helmet before going to her teacher.

A man in his 40s sat in front of a blazing furnace, his brown glistening skin paired with his bulging hard muscles made him appear like a bronze statue.

He was a senior blacksmith who have reached a bottle neck on his craft, he only needed a single push just to break through and become an official virtuoso, that people would call an expert in his craft.

Yet he still haven't got any inspiration from any works, he even called for a dwarven virtuoso to enlighten him but still failed to achieve anything meaningful.

He didn't have that much time and he's always busy hammering in his workshop until that day a young girl came and asked to be taught his craft.

In order to chase her away he gave her several unreasonable tasks, he did the same before when people came to learn from him. Just throw in hard to achieve tasks and in a few days or so they'll be gone in no time.

Yet this young girl kept on returning, this young girl kept on finishing his tasks, he would then give her harder tasks and she would always return. The final straw was when he gave her an impossible quest, to craft a unique item that he would deem acceptable only if it satisfied him.

Then all he had to do was fail her when she returns. But then this happened.

He stared at the blade before staring at her with a suspicious look. "where did you get this?"

Eara pouted before speaking. "how could you! i know your a task master and a down right terrible person but how could you! you could even see my own insignia in the blade!" Eara was on the verge of tears, her proudest and most incredible craft was labelled as a fake by her teacher.

"fine! fine, stop screaming already." her teacher stood up. "there's only one way to find out whether you crafted this or not."

"how?" Eara followed her teacher who has changed clothes from a smelly sweaty burnt shirt to a smelly sweaty jacket.

"i know of a certain dwarf who has special skill in identifying unique items like these." He sheathed the sword before walking out of his workshop. "follow me and i hope you don't disappoint me."