Chapter 25

The presence of the small army deterred any bandits or people with ill intentions, infact the army moved quickly without being stopped by any obstacles, they soon arrived at the neutral Kingdom, Arkadis.

This Kingdom was located at the very center of the continent, it had a powerful military and even though it was landlocked, they had compensated it with their powerful and expansive trade capability. Due to their location of being in the center of the continent, it had become the number 1 trading hub for all the countries in the continent.

The Arkadis Kingdom splurged the money that they earned in trading by building a formidable military. Their nobles don't have much infighting since any form of dispute may end in creating gaps that any opportunistic kingdom may exploit.

They also focused a portion of their earnings to agriculture and tourism in order to support their trading capabilities. Their capital city Ark is one of the most prosperous cities in the continent.

The meeting was taking place at Ark, their capital city. Again another system announcement rang and alerted the entire players of the Arkadis kingdom of Black Lotus's presence in their capital city.

"Black Lotus again!"

"what the hell is going on?!"

"i've been hearing this name again and again how the hell is he in Contesia Kingdom, then to the Verdesia Empire and now here in Arkadis Kingdom!"

"He must be doing a quest right!"

"You're right! that must be it!"

"I wonder what kind of player is this Black Lotus guy!"

"How about the quest that he's doing! i bet that it has to be a story quest!"

"Im quite curious of this Black Lotus person, even the Guilds that i know of make use of her weapon!"

"Speaking of weapons, did you see the new equipments that they were selling!?"

"You mean the Golden Rose equipments?"

"Yeah! Bows, Swords, Shields and 2 different kinds of armor set!"

Both the name Black Lotus and Golden Rose have started to take momentum, The masses kept their eyes on Black Lotus while the guilds focused on Golden Rose.

It didn't take long for the information to reach the ears of the first rate guilds. When the name Black Lotus appeared it really didn't take any attention from them, they were too busy with their own matters that small fries like them aren't worth mentioning.

Yet time and time again this Black Lotus kept on appearing that most second rate guilds have started to gain interest from the name black lotus.

Unfortunately other than having the name black lotus pop up on their conversations, no other form of recognition really came about.

Golden Rose on the other hand, was something more interesting for the guilds, not only does he possess two armor set blueprints but he is quite active on making equipments compared to Black Lotus who have seemingly disappeared from the crafting scene just after crafting her famous tanto.

Eara kept on smiling through the rest of the week, although she is quite jealous that her sister is having an adventure, she kept in mind that her sister is still sending back the gold coins that she earned.

Using those to buy materials, craft the blueprints that she received from her sister to make more money in the auction house.

Yulis who had arrived, waited in a large mansion located in the nobles district of the city, this mansion is where the meeting is supposed to happen and so Yulis had to carefully prepare.

A few hours later, another kingdom system announcement rang signifying that another player have entered the city. Yulis's eyes suddenly grew wide open, since this player is someone famous in her past life.

Virtor Prasia, a world renowned explorer. The pioneer of the unknown, the one who leads the players of the world to the world's quest or the main quest. He and he alone discovered around 20 percent of the player based world discoveries that was recorded in the official forums.

A mysterious player who always wore a mask, information about him is almost impossible to find since he didn't join any organisation, other than his physical description, race and class no other information about him surfaced.

Based on appearance alone he was a tall and had a well toned body, a silver hair and silver eyes, due to a leaked information from an event, information about his race was shown, his race was a high elf! not an elf but a high elf a race that bridges the elf to the highbornes, the demigods of the elves.

His main class is something akin to an assassin, although not much information is known, he did use several skills that an assassins possess, however his skills weren't used to assassinate or used in combat.

His main abilities lay on infiltration and espionage, he is also known for another name. The Unparalleled Thief, although many see this as a demeaning and unfit name for a legendary player such as him, this name fits his well on his conducts.

He would always be on several Kingdoms and Empires wanted lists for stealing multiple books, documents and artifacts, these items usually contain informations about key quests and storylines that it allowed him to unlock world class events.

This also the reason why he was always several steps ahead of the first rate guilds when it came to pioneering and treasure hunting.

His discoveries triggered multiple world class events that involved multiple countries at once! Not only that but he's the one who discovered the existence of the unknown God of creation.

In Eve of Reincarnation, there were multiple Gods and Goddesses that exist. Some were those aligned with the light, some are neutral and some placed their allegiance with the dark. He discovered the existence of the God of creation, the one true God who created all of the Gods and Goddesses aswell as the one who created the World and its Natural Laws.

The game Eve of Reincarnation have something that the NPC calls the Natural Law or The Absolute Authority. It applies both to players or immortals and to the NPCs or the Mortals.

One example of this is the entity respawn mechanics, for the players it's quite normal for this mechanic to exist in order for monsters and monster dropped items to never run out.

Another would be the law that allows for the players to respawn when they meet death while the npc's naturally dies. The same goes for the fact that all entities in this world does not leave any carcasses, no matter who or what they are, in the end they will turn into the dust the moment they die and drop materials, equipment and experience points.

The npc's leaves behind a crystal in which only their fellow npc's can pick up and is to be considered as their dead bodies, immortals on the other hand simply turns to dust without leaving anything other than the items and equipments that they drop.

To the npcs, this phenomena is very normal to them, they have their own beliefs and understanding of the said mechanics. If however this phenomenon exists in the real world, most if not all people would obviously be curious and scientists, philosophers and researchers will do everything to unlock its properties and the rules that it follows.

The fact is that the npcs of the game calls the world of Eve as their own world, and how they know and continuously try to uncover more knowledges concerning their own world's mechanics is comparable to how the scientists, philosophers and researchers in the real world are trying to find the truth, and rules of the universe.

This discovery alone could lead to the information on how the world or in other words how the game was created, what are its true reason of existence and might even shed light on how to meet the one true God! the creator of the Game itself!

The legend goes that those the true God find worthy may receive true power and a chance to gain omniscience and ascend to Godhood!

He himself is a legend, a player that stands above all, his influence and popularity ranks on top even beating her idol the Annihilator Ice Princess. He's not only well known in the players world but also in the NPC world.

Not because of the wanted lists but because he have rescued many kingdoms from peril due to the information that he holds. Be it national secrets, long lost informations from ancient kingdoms, or informations from the gods themselves. He is by far the most knowledgeable when it comes to these types of information, and only the gods can rival his knowledge of the world.

And with these information he have managed to befriend mythical beings, like the dragons, the highbornes, ancient ender watchers, the undead king, the 9000 year old ragu rwag predator of the ocean depths and many more. His alliance with them made him extremely powerful in combat and in war.

He is an extremely legendary character that it took half of the chapter just to explain how legendary he is.

Hell with all of these information he might aswell be this novel's MC, unfortunately Yulis and Eara are cute so no.

The sudden appearance of Virtor caused Yulis to grew anxious, the mainstream players are currently at level 35 and most guilds are at 40 or so. Yet The first player without the guidance of any sort have managed to enter a city in which most players have started to discover around level 5o to 70, Virtor on the other hand was 30 levels ahead of them.

Yulis was filled with various emotions consisting of excitement, curiosity and nervousness. She was extremely curious on the purpose of Virtor's appearance, obviously with a legendary status as him, his reason of being at the capital city of Ark must not be normal.

Still, the chance of them meeting is not high, there were many quests due to the fact that the traffic here was high making this city a hotspot for weird and unique quests.

Although dying of curiosity, Yulis didn't act rashly and continued on with her quest. Her money making quest is her first priority, she's not a die hard fan of him anyways. And speaking of die hard fans, there was a rumour back then that Virtor's legendary status gave birth to an unknown organisation that had the sole mission of finding information about him.

This organisation was later revealed to be a large and influential assassins guild who followed the path of Virtor himself, infiltration, espionage, sabotage and stealing. Although they were not as skilled as Virtor himself, their number made up for their lack of legendary skill.

Even then, they're still considered extremely skilled when compared to other groups who practices the same craft.

When lunch came, the meeting finally started, Yulis, as the Verdesian Empire's representative was quite active in the meeting. It took several hours until the meeting was temporarily halted, they had a change of venue and entered a banquet hall where everyone started to mingle with each other.

Yulis was seated in one of the balconies of the building, she was slowly enjoying a glass of wine while relaxing to the cold breeze of wind that carries the scent of the flowers from afar. The wine that she was currently drinking was the kind of wine that only the mega rich people in the real world or the higher nobles in game enjoys.

The wine that travelled through her throat slowly warmed her up enough to combat the cold breeze, as she was about to partake in her second glass of wine, a sudden chill quickly enveloped her body, quickly creeping up towards her spine.

The warm sensation from the wine quickly vanished and was replaced by an icy chill that made her shiver.

She quickly scanned her surroundings, making sure that no one noticed her unusual behaviour. Every nobles, scion and emissaries who was currently enjoying the banquet didn't seemed out of place, the servants were all busy walking around to refill the empty cups of their esteemed guests, the armored guards watched vigilantly, eyeing every corners, every windows and every doors.

Her eyes kept meticulously scanning the entire hall yet to no avail she still couldn't find the source of the sudden chill.

When her physical perception failed her, she quickly switched to her intuition and instincts. A cold breeze of air once again blew through her cheeks, she wanted to ignore it quickly and focus in finding the source of her fears yet before she could look away, her logic and reason kicked her in her nonexistent balls.

She realised that the cold breeze of air wasn't coming from the windows or the balcony, the air was coming from the inside of the building!

She quickly followed the scent with her nose, on the outside, she seemed to casually walk towards one of the tables filled with sweets and cakes yet on the inside she was ever so carefully, navigating an invisible treacherous path.

Everything around her slowed down as if time itself did so, she made careful steps and kept her face calm. She slowly made her way to one corner of the long table and stared at the cake as if pondering to herself on what to eat.

Her heart was beating fast as she once again tried to track the cold wind when a voice suddenly snapped her back to reality.

"excuse me princess Lisvian, it's an honor to finally meet you, my name is Earl Frey Steiner, an earl from the Ephermia Kingdom."

Yulis freezed for a moment which the Earl immediately noticed.

"My apologies, was i interrupting you?"

"oh no not at all, i was just in deep thought on what to choose! i wanted to taste these deserts from all over the continent yet im afraid i have no idea which one suits my taste."

"ahhh, is that so? then, may i suggest some for you?"

"if you wouldn't mind then, i was hoping to sample some of the nutritious but delicious deserts in here, im quite careful not to ruin my image you see."

"what a coincidence! then i must recommended to you these 7 frute berriels paradiso! my daughters simply loved them and not to mention that they're all naturally produced!"

"oh how exciting! then i must try them then, if you don't mind."

"oh no, please go ahead."

Yulis who was completely killing her acting, managed to calm her nerves down. She then picked up a cup of what looked like an ice cream with several coloured berries that formed a rainbow like color.

The cup was placed in a magically imbued tray that prevented them from melting, the cups themselves are quite cold.

Yulis took a spoonful of the cold ice-cream like desert, it had a soft texture that was easily scooped by the metal spoon, she then carefully placed it in her mouth.

Her expression quickly changed, her head almost exploded as she savoured the familiar taste that she have once sworn to limit herself with.

This particular desert wasn't supposed to exist in game, Yulis have searched all of the official forums and even mobilised her entire guild just to find the specific food or even food that resembled the taste, yet to no avail.

However, here she is now, standing in front of a bowl of this delicious frozen fruit yogurt. Her eyes began watering a bit but her dedication to her act prevented her from messing up.

She closed her eyes to hide the fact that she almost cried and pretended to taste the desert with great concentration.

Fighting the urge to quickly take another spoon but instead, slowly taking another scoop to satisfy her cravings.

After a moment of heavenly satisfaction, she slowly opened her eyes and spoke with a hint of delight.

"This, is quite delicious, your daughters have good tastes when it comes to deserts."

"truly?! how surprising it is! i can't wait to tell them that Princess Lisvian herself approves of their favourite desert!"

As the two had their light conversation, one of the Earls entourage gave Yulis a piercing gaze. Yulis felt this familiar sensation but kept herself calm.

She continued to act like normal when a loud ping in her head somewhat broke her focus.


Player Virtor Prasia sent you a friend request.