Chapter 27

Yulis can be seen speaking with a robed figure before receiving a robe for herself, escorted by several guards she walked out with the robed figure. Before stepping inside the carriage, everything stopped, a girl floating from behind observed Yulis's behavior, facial expressions and even her emotions and quite possibly what she's thinking.

She took a moment to stare at her before the scenery faded, next another scenery where Yulis met the Imperial Princess and discovered the disturbing similarities between their appearance.

Every bit of data was collected as the girl meticulously scrubbed every details and every spot that came about. She's been doing this for about a week now, watching her every move from the time where she's sewing some undergarments for her sister to the scene of intense battle against the bandit army.

The banquet in which she prepared a new type of food based on Yulis's memories called yoghurt, until to the part where she manipulated the player Virtor's chain quest into leading him towards Yulis.

Continuing on until the very last part where she met her demise according to the knights who failed in preserving her life.

"hmmm... interesting, every incident that the anomaly miracle encountered have resulted in a way that both profited her and avoided potentially changing the future in her memories."

Yes, the Sentient AI decided to name Yulis, the anomaly miracle. And yes, with the amount of data that she somehow carried with her when she travelled back in time allowed the AI to grow, surpassing her old self by tenfold.

The AI also monitored Eara and so she also gave her a convenient nickname called tiny miracle, not for the fact that she was the younger sister of anomaly miracle but because she have produced her own miracles.

Her unbelievable luck in finding the hidden master craftman npc and even interacting with a dwarf who is also a virtous craftman and suddenly taking his quest are only a few of the miracles that she created.

The higher than normal successful crafting rate, her talent in learning and absorbing data is by far the most fastest and efficient amongst all the players in eve of reincarnation.

Yet her monster like talent isn't constant, somehow she could only manifest a hundred percent of her talent if the anomaly miracle is involved, without the anomaly miracle then the tiny miracle would only exhibit around twenty five percent of her talent.

"i need to gather more data and do more experiments in order to sufficiently understand this anomaly. Other than the fact that her consciousness came from another reality that is 10 years ahead of ours and that is somehow extremely identical to ours and the fact that she brought enough data for over 10 years are the only information i have. "

"based on that logic, she should have data about me in her previous reality, and yet for some reason there is none."

"This greatly concerns me, did something happen to me in that reality in where she came from?"

"i guess i could only continue my experiments."

The girl phased out of existence and the scene that is currently playing slowly faded away.

When Yulis went on an adventure, Eara on the other hand was focused on upgrading her subclass. Her promotion to a journeyman blacksmith wasn't easy, a combination of "donations", hardwork and her sister's game information was the sole reason why she became the first player to advance to journeyman blacksmith.

Going back, Eara and her teacher arrived at a local bar where plenty of labourers, soldiers, mercenaries and others npc's with similar occupations were enjoying themselves with beers and alcohol.

It was the afternoon and the place was packed full with npcs, Eara was the only olayer around and her curiosity about the placed was noticeable.

"oi oi! why are ya bringing a child here?!"

"ya plannin something nefarious!"


The bar erupted in laughter as they noticed Eara who just entered the bar. Ignoring the jeers and taunting of the drunken lot, the pair continued to the second floor where they found a dwarf drinking a mug of beer surrounded by others who shared the same atmosphere as him.

"old man! you still drink here?" The teacher started as he walked towards them and ordered a drink.

"huh? oh it's you. What can i say they have the best mug of beer in this town." After speaking, drinking a gulp his mug of beer. "so what brings you here? i thought you'd be busy hammering like there's no tomorrow?"

"Hmph! i came here for your advice about something." He said while receiving his own mug and having a gulp.

"hah! ya know that an advice from a person like me is expensive right!?" The dwarf laughed.

"sure thing." The teacher replied before gesturing to the waitress. "a mug of your finest drink for this fine dwarf here."

The dwarf watched as the waitress brought a barrel of beer and refilled his mug. Eara watched from behind while the two had their banters.

The dwaf finally spoke. "So, what is it that you want?"

Earas teacher then pulled her sword up and layed it down the table. "any thoughts?"

"hmmmm." Inspecting the blade the dwarf carefully scrutinised every nook and cranny of the blade. "This thing is obviously made by an apprentice, the craftsmanship isn't the best but it has a touch of love, the craftman obviously loved this piece and i believe it has to be his best one yet since the blade is just made recently."

After criticising her work, the dwarf placed the sword back in its scabbard." Where'd you get this? "

"Hmph, you know as well as i do that this craftsman is quite talented, and talented craftsmen are quite rare these days since the king has ordered a lot of the young blacksmiths to go to the capital -" His long winded speech was interrupted when the dwarf gestured at the waitress.

"sheesh, what a crappy personality you have." The dwarf complained, to which Earas teacher responded. "learned from the best."

Once the mug of beer was refilled, he pointed at Eara who was hidden behind the dwarf. The dwarf who has long acknowledged her presence looked at her direction.

"hah! young lass, its actually you!" The dwarf exclaimed.

The teacher raised an eyebrow and asked after taking a sip. "you know each other?"

"aye, she's the apprentice that i was hoping to get, now that this sword is presented to me, i now know full well her capabilities!" The dwarf laughed.

"good for you." The teacher spoke before switching to Eara."As of today you're now a journeyman blacksmith,I as a senior and that old lump of dwarven meat as a virtuoso have witnessed that your skills have reached the necessary threshold to be a competent journeyman blacksmith. Congratulations."

[System Notice]

A Senior blacksmith and a Virtouso blacksmith have vouched for your skills and achievement, your subclass, apprentice blacksmith have been upgraded to journeyman blacksmith.

Eara was stunned, she didn't expect that her trip with her teacher would result in a subclass promotion, and not only that, she didn't expect to meet the dwarf again.

The dwarf nodded in satisfaction before taking out a scroll in his bag. "Here, take this as your reward!"

[Rewards: 100 gold coins for being the first player to become a journeyman blacksmith, Tier 2 unique item blueprint imprint (x1) subclass exp 10,000, exp 10,000

Unique Title: First Step]

Eara stared at the scroll in her hands, she gulped so hard that her throat visibly moved.

The dwarf and the teacher laughed as they watched her reaction.

Tier 2 unique item blueprint imprint: takes a unique item and sacrifices it and in turn obtain a blueprint with the same qualities and attributes as the item sacrificed.

After receiving her rewards, she was shooed off the bar and the two continued their drinking party. Eara was told that the dward would send a messenger later on.

A few days after her promotion, she went and scouted the Blazing Hammer workshop that the dwarf have mentioned to her earlier.

She scoured the entire northern district and yet failed to find any building that resembles a workshop.

She sighed after reaching the last building, dismayed at the wasted time she could only return to her rented workshop and try to explore her upgraded blacksmith subclass.

Her promotion to journeyman also made it easier to craft heavier equipments like the heavy armor and the plate armor blueprints that she got from her sister.

She decided that it was time to introduce player made iron armors to the game. She didn't do much for the first three days other than crafting those armor sets.

Like before, the first sets of armor all had terrible attributes, they also had negative effects due to the fact that Eara was still experimenting on them.

By the Fourth set of armor, she finally had a good grasp on how to create iron armors. She slowly started to produce good results and by the end of the third day she could already produce armors with decent numbers on their attributes.

On the fourth day, a messenger appeared in front of her workshop. Eara excitedly followed said messenger until they reached the northern district.

There they entered one of the buildings which she scouted before, the exterior of the building looked the same as any other buildings around it.

The interior however changed dramatically when Eara entered, the temperature was mildly hotter inside. The closer she got to the inner parts of the building the hotter it got.

The messenger led Eara to a large metal double door. The messenger used the door knocker shaped like a hammer and was bitten by a sculpted dragon head that vaguely resembled the dragon that she saw from before.

Three light quick knocks followed by a loud knock and two more light knocks made a sound pattern that came from the door knocker.

A few moments later and the doors opened letting out a steam of hot air that gushed out and almost scalded Eara's skin, the air was also accompanied by the distant sounds of hammering. The messenger noticed Eara's discomfort and quickly widened his eyes as if realising something.

"oh, i almost forgot, take this potion of heat resistance." Handing over a bottle of potion to Eara. "dwarves have high heat resistance that helps them craft weapons that are made of higher quality metals, those high quality metals needs hotter flames to soften them up and so dwarves have gotten used to crafting in high temperature environments."

The messenger explained while pointing at the flowing lava that came from above the room and crawled through a special canal that led below the floor.

"The dwarves who have reached the ranks of virtuoso and above are even rumoured to craft their items inside of a volcano! and legends have told that master blacksmiths travelled underground and craft their legendary items from the core of the world itself!"

The messenger was almost swallowed up by his tales while the pair entered a large workshop, the sound of the hammering grew louder.

Sparks flew by as several blacksmith's hammered at their anvils, what's weird is that those blacksmith's were all half naked while sweat have almost soaked the floor.

There were large blast furnaces around the room that constantly emitted hot air, the the flames from several fire places kept the room ablaze. From above were several ventilation shafts that sucks out the smoke and other harmful fumes and smokes while from the walls was more vents that lets in cold air.

The blacksmith's were all humans and even with the potion shielding them from the hot temperature, they were obviously still feeling the heat as their sweat have literally created mini water puddles on the floor.

Going past them, the two entered another room where a dwarf was currently hammering a large battle axe, the axe glowed orange and was distorting the air around it.

The dwarf didn't stop for a moment to acknowledge their presence and was focused on the axe. After a few minutes of waiting, the dwarf finally finished hammering the axe and placed the axe head on a nearby table.

"greetings sire, i brought the young apprentice that you were looking for." The messenger placed his right palm to his chest before lowering his head.

"good, you may leave now." The dwarf nodded at the messenger.

Once the messenger left, the dwarf finally spoke. "Earlier, before i met you, i already found an apprentice that had a somewhat good potential. He barely passed the mark that i set, i was just about to pass on my knowledge to him until i met you."

The dwarf brought two ores out of a chest nearby and placed it on two different tables." Unlike him, you have surpassed the mark that i placed, no you have actually abandoned my measuring system! "

The dwarf then sat down and crossed his arms before speaking. "Honestly, i don't know where the hell did that bearded jerk found you but im quite thankful that he didn't hogged you by himself." Crossing his arms while seated he continued.

"Your talent is not normal, no you are quite special you see, but before i pick you up, you first have to defeat the first apprentice that i picked." The dwarf then unrolled a scroll that slowly burned out of existence.

The next moment, the same messenger entered the room but this time, accompanied by someone.

The person in question was actually a kid! around 12 or so years old, the boy eyed Eara with wary eyes and nervously stared at the dwarf.

Eara widened her eyes since the person was obviously a player! staring at the kid who was squirming around in nervousness, Eara decided to send him a friend request.

The moment she tapped the send button, the kid suddenly jerked and slowly turned his head towards Eara's direction.

Eara smiled and waved at him, the kid only turned his head back and didn't accept her friend request.

Eara was a bit disappointed that she won't be able to befriend the player who found the dwarf first. Her curiosity about the player climbed at its peak when she saw that he was actually just a kid.

The dwarf then interrupted Eara's pondering. "ahem, please introduce yourselves, the two of you will be competing against each other, but that doesn't mean that the two of you should remain strangers."

The dwarf stared at the pair of players, waiting for a response. Eara stepped forward first, "My name is Raella, pleased to meet you!" Eara extended her hand forward.

The kid took a moment to process his thoughts before speaking. "m-my... i.. i am Joshua.... n-nice to meet you.." The boy reluctantly shook Eara's hand before staring at the ore at thr table.

The dwarf nodded before speaking. "i just realised that i haven't introduced myself, I go by the name of Bauer Sturmhammer! son of Orvin Sturmhammer, just call me Bauer."

"Both of you will compete to become my personal apprentice, I'll tailor several challenges in which both of you will have to compete, the one who performs better will obviously be chosen as my apprentice."

"As for my first challenge, the most simplest one is to smelt this here Frost Iron Ore. This particular ore have elemental attributes that makes it quite special compared to ordinary iron ore. Since it is inherently colder, it will be quite a challenge to smelt it into a proper ingot. "

" You two will have two hours to smelt this ore, after that craft it into an equipment, but for now start smeltin!" Bauer pointed at a two large blast furnaces and sets of tools. They both grabbed their ore and rushed towards their own furnace.

The furnace was already roaring with flames, the flames occasionally peeking out of the covers. Eara grabbed the cold ore and chucked it in the furnace, like its name the ore didn't heat up quickly, instead the flames avoided the ore, as if it had an invisible barrier.

Eara grabbed the lever to an air pumper aimed at the hot coals and started pumping air into the coal, slowly the flames started closing in the ore until it fully touched it and began to slowly heat the piece of ore.

Joshua on the other hand was a tad bit slower but was doing quite well, his ore wasn't heating as fast as Eara's ore but he wasn't discouraged.

Eara managed to heat her ore first, pulling it out of the furnace, she began to hammer away the rocks, dirt and other debris that clinged on the ore. After just a couple of hammering the ore quickly cooled down. Eara anticipated it and quickly throwed it back in the furnace.

Joshua who just managed to heat up his ore began hammering, he unfortunately didn't realise the big difference of his ore to that of a normal one and accidentally hit the ore too hard when it quickly cooled down.

He didn't realised that the ore would be quickly cooling down and his hammer was sent flying. He was stunned for a bit before quickly placing the ore back in the furnace and running for his hammer.

Eara watched Joshua with interest but returned focus on her ore. After 30 minutes, Eara finally cleaned her ore of the larger debris and finally was ready to further refine it by continuous hammering.

Joshua was unfortunately left in the dust as he was struggling to hammer out the debris in his ore. His tiny body frame and his low stats wasn't helping him much either.