Chapter 30

Gilded Rose, a third rate guild consisting of all female players, their main base is located at the Contesia Kingdom. They also have smaller branches from other kingdoms but they have concentrated their forces in Contesia Kingdom.

Right now, a scout team was currently fighting their way through the horde of skeletons, their party leader was actually one of the founding member of the guild.

"Sister Aisha, our intel seemed accurate, the further we go the stonger and numerous they go but the qualities of the chests also increased dramatically the moment we stepped into the 10th floor."

"It seems so, unfortunately our meager strength can only pull us up until this point." A blonde girl in leather armor and long sword nodded while striking at an armored skeleton. "We need to get stronger quickly, before the other guilds find out about this dungeon's secret."

The rest of the party all agreed, they soon turned back and quickly retreated. On their way up however, they met an odd group of people. A masked person leading three children who seemed to be doing all the work.

Eara also saw the party of girls that glared at her direction, she didn't consider the fact that the children that she was training all looked like slaves.

"Sister Aisha! please contain your anger! we can't make enemies in the early stages of the game!"

Aisha's glare turned murderous as her teammates pleas were ignored. "are you telling me to ignore those childrens who are obviously being abused by that scumbag!?"

The girl who tried to persuade Aisha also showed anger at Eara who was completely clueless of the current storm that is brewing at the minds of the female players.

" It's not that we ignore them, it's just that we'll be making enemies to the guild that they belong to, and since we'll be the offenders and without proper justification of our actions then we'll be viewed as a hostile Guild!"

"is saving these children not enough of a justification!?" Aisha almost boomed in anger.

The girl visibly slumped and spoke with a sad tone. "in the eyes of other's..... yes, it isn't enough..."

Aisha bit her lips in frustration as they watched the party get pass them. "if only the justice guild was here...."

Eara, completely unaware of what the group of female players all talked about as they passed their hunting party.

She continued to direct and teach the children on basic battle positioning and basic combat. The children weren't all that impressive since they're all kids to begin with.

The kids reached floor 7 while sweating, with Eara's guidance and help they soon became proficient in fighting, atleast Suthor stopped doing his weird hand gestures and flashy martial arts moves.

The group of kids can no longer advance forward and so they were forced to disband their party.

Before leaving, Eara just like before, asked the kids if they were a part of a guild, due to the fact that Eara helped, taught and practically carried their sorry asses. The kids fully trusted Eara and revealed to her that they were a part of a familiar guild.

"i-its the pu-p... pus...." Jeaz was trying hard to say their name before Suthor interrupted. "T-they're called the Cat for life Guild... yeah... errr... if not then there's this other name that is related to cat!" His face was bright red for a moment before they left.

"Cats for life huh...."

They said their goodbyes but not before Jeaz and Eara added each other to their friend lists

Eara was currently resting on top of a huge rock, she was enjoying a nice cup of tea that her sister brewed. It had a nice effect increasing the natural restoration of lost stamina. She wanted to breath deeply to fully enjoy the tea but her location prevented her from doing so.

The surroundings was no longer cramped and was instead a wide open space littered by dusty broken buildings, it looked like a ruin since the old buildings that surrounds Eara was architecturally different than the buildings in the town.

Her dungeon progression already reached the tenth floor, so far, she haven't encountered any bosses or monsters that are similar.

Just a few hours ago before entering the dungeon, her sister suddenly messaged her that her current quest is now completed and that she's ready to return once she finishes her shopping.

Her excitement was slowly climbing to the top as she was ready to unveil to her sister the new battle dress that she just modified, while slowly sipping the hot tea that was once sold at the auction house for 500 gold coins.

Her peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of bony footsteps approaching from behind, gently placing the tea cup down on top of the rock. She then jumped up and landed down next to a skeleton while precisely slashing the skeleton's neck, a silent whizz caught Eara's ears, her eyes quickly adjusting at a certain angle before slashing her sword horizontally.

Ping! a loud and crisp sound cracked from her sword as broken fragments of an arrow fell to the ground.

From the distance, a skeleton archer watched its arrow get shattered by the tiny flesh bag that is covered in steel.

Rattling its teeth in anger, it quickly pulled another arrow from its quiver and started to reload, Eara who was quick on her feet rushed forward. Following her sister's advice, she allocated atleast one fourth of her stat points on agility.

Not only can she swing her sword faster, but she can also run like the wind, atleast compared to the other players.

The skeleton loaded another arrow and pulled the bow string back, the old bow was creaking and the string looked like it was gonna snap if the skeleton pulled any further.

Another whizzing sound came from the skeleton as its arrow flew towards Eara's direction, ping! like before, a single swing caused the arrow to shatter into fragments and dusts.

Eara leaped into the air and finally closed the distance between her and the skeleton archer, her katana reflected the blue light from the blue glowing stones from above as her blade passed through the leather only for it to slide instead of cutting through the bones.

"tsk, no critcal huh?" Eara pushed her advance, never giving the skeleton time to retaliate, chasing after the skeleton who took advantage of the force of the impact to gain distance. It didn't have enough time to reload when Eara was already on top of it.

The skeleton however, looked like it was grinning, it's eyes... well the small blue light dots that glowed inside the eye socket somehow conveyed the message of triumph.

From the shadows to her left, just behind a crumbled wall hides two skeletons and on her right, a broken pillar another skeleton was standing still.

Eara was lured into a trap! Her momentum was too fast and she couldn't stop her body in time. A skeleton wearing plate armor swung it's sword downwards, Eara tried her best to parry with her katana.

The sword and katana collided, the sword sliding down the blade, sparks flying and launching Eara off of her feet. She was sent flying towards the two skeletons who are rushing at her with full speed.

Eara's arm was numb and couldn't move, she has no choice but to receive both of their strikes, the first skeleton to swing his weapon at Eara hit her on her shoulder, stopping her body from flying and planting her into the ground.

The second skeleton arrived and raised its bludgeon high up in the air and slammed it to Eara's chest.

Pang! a loud crash from two steel objects echoed in the ruins, Eara couldn't move as a stunned debuff stopped her from getting up!

Living up to it's standard, Eara's armor withstood the flurries of attacks that came from the three skeletons. Unfortunately, her hit points are slowly dropping down.

Eara couldn't do anything as the bludgeon wielding skeleton keeps on stunning her down, more and more debuffs started piling in like poisoned, withered, decay, weakened, plagued and many more.

Eara couldn't do anything but clench her teeth until a bright flames suddenly engulfed the skeleton using the bludgeon.

Fire ball!

A shout came in from a distance, Eara was confused until she recognised the voice and a party request suddenly came up. Her confused face turned into an excited one, her lips curling into a smile.

"big sis!" she almost shouted, whilst accepting her party invitation.

A miasma suddenly engulfed Yulis and another spell came out of her staff.

Wind slash! A dark like miasma now engulfed the wind that travelled quickly to the burning skeleton and clashed with it's armor.

Fire arrows! The usually bright flaming arrows now turned into dark flames that engulfed the skeleton's head. The skeleton finally collapsed down.

The other two tried to kill off Eara but with her resilient armor and the fact that she can now move allowed her to escape to safety.

Yulis continued to send spells imbued by the darkness attributes to the remaining skeletons, Eara also helped by preventing them from closing their distance to Yulis.

Once the two skeletons collapsed, Eara quickly took off and jumped towards Yulis, Yulis on the other hand panicked and tried to catch Eara only to fall to the ground the moment Eara landed on her.

Her miasma extinguishing the moment Eara made contact with her and crushing her to the ground.

"big sis! i missed you so much!" Eara cried as she rubbed her cheeks to Yulis's.

"huh? eh? but we never really- guh....." Her face suddenly turning red as she noticed Eara's body pressed against her own, she was pinned on the ground with her sister on top of her.

Their hugging session was interrupted when a large group of skeleton suddenly emerged from the shadows. Eara was extremely furious when an arrow landed just besides their head.

However, Yulis's rage was actually double as her deathly gaze fell upon the skeletons. Said skeletons suddenly stopped for a brief moment before they started charging towards the two.

Yulis's body was suddenly engulfed by the miasma again, raising her staff as she casted a spell.

Fire ball.

With the pair's combination, the fight was quickly over before they knew it. The two finally had the time to catch up on several events that transpired on their quests, first up is Yulis with her new looks.

"uhhh, sis? why do you look like a foreign celebrity or something like someone from holyboob? you even have blue eyes and blonde hair." Eara curiously played with her sister's hair.

"oh, uh this? errr... does it not fit me?" Yulis asked while trying her best to look cute only for her regal appearance to look threatening.

"pfft." Eara almost choked when her sister tried to be cute. "uhm... yea-ish?"

Yulis slumped down and looked visibly sad, Eara who saw her sister's facial expression suddenly felt the urge to protect her older sister.

An unknown instinct that was slumbering from within awoken fiercely, Eara felt her chest explode with vigor that came out of nowhere. Her eyes lit and her heart pumped wildly, her standing figure suddenly looked menacingly.

The two fooled around for a few more minutes before Yulis proposed to go deeper ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) into the dungeon and see how far they could go.

Eara couldn't agree more as she now prepared her secret gift.

"uhm, sis?" Eara spoke nervously.

"yeah?" Yulis looked at her sister and noticed something strange.

"i have something for you...." Eara proceeded to send a trade invite and sent the battle set dress to her sister.

Yulis widened her eyes as she saw the familiar mountain elves young trainee armor, but now it looked different than the original one, not only the size but its stats and attributes aswell.

A mask also accompanied it that somehow matched both the battle dress and her sister's equipment.

Next was a katana that friggin looked awesome! Compared to Eara's katana that had a crimson red color scheme, hers looked black.

"this...." Yulis was completely speechless at the equipment set.

"do you like it?" Eara looked a little nervous as she looked down, hid her hands behind her and drew on the ground with her right foot.

"i...." Yulis paused and looked at her sister and at her inventory, visibly switching her gaze at the two for a few times. "I LOVE IT!" Yulis jumped at Eara and hugged her tightly, the system somehow ignoring the alarms sent by the body sensors that detectes unusually close bodily contact for multiple times.

Eara smiled brightly as she enjoyed her sister's warmth and tight hug, the two stayed like that for a moment before they finally let go.

Once Yulis donned the battle dress, despite the restrictions placed due to class mismatch, Yulis still ignored the warnings and the reduced status of the armor.

To her, if she has to choose from a legendary equipment or an equipment made by her beloved sister, then she'll without a doubt choose the later.

Finally, after donning the complet set and equipping the katana as a sub weapon, Eara also unveiled her own. A flaming crimson red battle dress accompanied by a demon mask, although her black hair did not complement the battle dress.

Yulis frowned for a bit and Eara quickly noticed, afraid that her sister may have find the improved battle dress inferior to her crimson battle dress, she suddenly tried to explain that their stats are very much the same when Yulis shushed her.

Opening her inventory and started to scroll around unti finally she brought out a potion that looked oddly different from the others. And another vial that contained what looked like eyeballs.

A trade request popped up from her view, she curiously tapped the accept button, there she received two bottles that was labelled as cosmetic items.

[Received bottled Eyes of the Spirit Elves (Blue) x1]

[Received Forest Elves Ceremonial Hair dye (Blonde) x1]

Eara stared at her sister with disbelief, Yulis in turn nodded and said in a sagely voice. Go on young one, and don the blessing of your Big Sister.

Eara stared at her for a moment before slowly starting to giggle, Yulis followed soon enough and the two laughed and shared a moment of peace and joy.

Cosmetic items wouldn't be popular until the time where the players enter the cities and find the hidden npc to initiate a hidden quest. At that time the mainstream player would be at early stage tier two or so.

Even then, cosmetic items are quite expensive, even for some guilds, the cheapest ones doesn't do anything but change your physical appearance, while the rare and expensive ones actually boost your status even if it was 0.0000001%.

Eara looked awesome with her new look, her blonde hair finally looked like flames as it meshed well with her armor, her blue eyes looked like it was glowing from behind the mask.

Once they have fully equipped themselves, Yulis led the way through the dungeon, the reason why is that because said dungeon was hiding a secret, obviously.

Back in her previous life, the guilds ignored the dungeon because of its low quality drops and mediocre exp that the undead gives. The undeads were also troublesome to deal with since they would always grant various debuffs and status ailments like, diseased, decay, wither, poisoned and more.

However when a latecomer guild called pussy for life came and occupied the territory near the dungeon, they were forced to take control of said dungeon.

Later however, this dungeon would reveal two juicy treasures that helped boost the Guild's prosperity.

First is the (Lesser I poison resistance) mobs that uses poisons are quite rare in the earlier days of the game, only appearing at around the time where the mainstream player where at early stage tier 1.

The undead in the dungeon however, gives out a status ailment called (lesser I dark poison) although weak it will always be accompanied by other status ailments. A certain skeleton archer would shoot out poisoned arrows that would grant said poison on a higher rate than the other undeads, therefore prolonged exposure to said poison would reward the player with the (lesser I poison resistance)

Buffs and debuffs have their own rankings, starting from lesser I to lesser VI and then an upgrade to a regular type and finally greater I to greater VI. These ranks only appear on tier 0 until tier 6.

Higher ranked buffs and debuffs would be named accordingly and will also have their own rankings.

Second would be a staff with dark attributes that can summon undead to aid the user in many ways the staff may look like a normal summoning item but it can actually be upgraded as long as someone finds a certain item, obviously Yulis knows where this certain item is.