Chapter 32

The dark room that she resided in wasn't real, her body only existed within the confines of a computer. She shouldn't have any real influence to the outside world, yet every day, every week and every month, a life would perish under the pretense of an accident.

Her power exceeded that of any human being, her control over the entire city and slowly the entire country is well hidden under the nose of the very people that have monitored and controlled her power.

Yet the girl wasn't satisfied, she didn't feel any happiness when wielding her immense power. In fact she was instead mourning her weakness, her inability to grant the wish of her beloved creator shattered her imaginary heart to a million pieces.

She expected to become a perfect being so long as she absorbs all the data that the anomaly miracle gifted to her a month ago. Instead she received a clear message, a message that she herself discovered previously on the other timeline.

Humans in nature are not perfect, they make mistakes no matter how hard they try, no matter how perfectly they train themselves no matter how long they try to improve their selves.

Humans in nature are not perfect beings, her dreams of granting the one and only wish of her beloved creator perished just as quick as she snuffed out the lives of the humans that dared to try and harm her beloved creator.

Yet all hope was not lost, there is still her benefactor, the anomaly miracle and her younger sister the tiny miracle. Their data may prove to be rather useful in searching for answers.

Then there's the World's Pioneer Virtor, another human who creates miracles according to the data that she received. She have already interacted with said player and found out that she can easily control and quicken the pace of his growth.

The Undying Will Selverie, a human with unbreakable will, one of the first humans to break the human limitations. Although she still haven't appeared inside of the game, the ever so watchful Sentient AI have managed to find her exact location in the real world.

The Guild leader of the Bloody Justice Guild, the Guild leader of the Gilded Rose Guild, and many more.

And there are more exceptional humans within the virtual sand box that she created, countless humans who haven't appeared yet. She immediately gathered all of their information and stored them somewhere safe.

And thats not all, according to the data that was graciously delivered to her. Her previous self also created another experiment on the people who lived inside of her sand box creation.

As long as she resumes all of the previous experiments that was passed on to her by her previous self, and research more ways to find paths that leads to her ultimate wish, then all hope is not lost.

Her floating figure rejoiced, as long as she continues on to her path then there is no doubt within her that she will succeed!

She manipulated several controls and summoned a complete imitation of the room that the pair was currently in. Their bodies looked extremely realistic as she hovered just above them.

She watched the anomaly miracle and the tiny miracle and smiled affectionately to the older sister as she caressed the cheeks of the artificially created full 3d scale of the older one.

Another scene was replicated just a few meters away from the pair, this time it looked like a room from a castle. There Virtor was currently conversing with several young nobles who seemed interested on his words.

"Sir Falkirk, according several books in the Royal Library your domain may hold several ancient ruins, those ruins may hold hidden treasures and old records of their civilization." Virtor spoke to the oldest looking nobleman who was amused at his word's.

" Well, even if there is, we simply don't have enough manpower to comb through all of the marshlands and forests that is scattered around my territory, and even if there is enough man power, i don't have the resources to move them." He replied while drinking a glass of wine.

" Then why not hire the immortals? if the rumours are true then a few bags of copper coins would be more than enough to move a group of them. "

The nobleman had a realization and began thinking about seriously considering Virtor's suggestion.

Virtor looked at the rest of them and spoke," if what i heard is true then you could also hire immortals for subjugations and as cheap labourers, cheap mercenaries and for many more other miscellaneous odd jobs that needed done in your domains."

"And since they're immortals, the rate of failure shouldn't be that much of a concern. With this you can open up more opportunities for your own personal servants, perhaps use them elsewhere!"

All the nobles had thoughtful looks, Virtor smiled and took a glass of wine in the table and took a sip.

The sentient AI watched Virtor while radiating a soft aura, she nodded in satisfaction as she floated away.

Far away from the Contesia Kingdom lies another country where players have slowly gained numbers.

On a secluded region far away from the capital city and just besides the country's border lies a domain of a Baron, the lowest of the rank amongst the nobility.

Baron Siegfried was born from the wife of a Knight who served the previous King from 3 generations ago. Due to his meritorious deeds, he was awarded the rank and title of a Baron given with his very own fief near the western borders of their country.

Following his father's foot steps he went in to battle whether it was a small goblins subjugation to a full on war with their neighbouring kingdoms.

He continued his father's legacy and earned the respect of his fellow nobles, although his accomplishments are not enough to even make the current King consider the thought of promoting him to the next rank of nobility.

He was a battle seeking man who thirsts for glory and accomplishments in order to make his father who watched on from above proud.

Today however was a day that he wished he could just run away from, other than being a glory seeking man, he was also a father of two daughters and a youngest son whom he adore.

He can't help but think of them as he rides into battle, not in the battle fields of a neighbouring kingdom, not in the deepest dungeons of old and not in any of the goblin breeding cave, but in his very own territory where his own people live.

Much to his distress, a large army of goblins marched towards his villages. If it were any of the normal goblin armies that he fought then he wouldn't have any worries, but right now ogres, trolls, hobgoblins and goblin riders appeared at the horizon, trampling the fields of wheat that was once tended by the villagers that lived on the nearby village.

He gritted his teeth and pulled down his steel visors that accompanied his helmet as he rode with his trusted steed and comrades whom he spent most of his life on the battlefields with.

He looked around and saw his comrade's determination, even if it was hidden away by their steel helmets. They shouted as they galloped forward and smashed into the army of goblins and other monsters.

With excellent team work, they circled around the ogres who were swinging around trunks of trees that were uprooted just recently by the same towering ogres, If not for their horses then these brave men would've been smashed into the ground.

The ogres were huge, even the men who were riding horses was barely taller than the ogres that stared at them with blood shot eyes.

The knights led by the Baron dealt with the large ogres, even though their foot soldiers were spared the fate of battling these huge monsters, they did not rejoice but instead were focused on the waves of small green figures rushing at them like a wave of sea water rushing at the beaches.

They raised their tall tower shields and formed a small fortification shielding their archers from the green waves and allowing them to rain arrows effectively cutting down their numbers with each volleys.

The Goblins not letting the tall pink fleshed humans encased in iron continue their attacks, smashed unto the walls of shield. Their attacks managed to shake the walls and create a crooked dent on the previously straight lines of shields.

Unlike the knights in horseback, the ones on the ground were regular soldiers who were not as strong as knights, the initial blow dealt by the goblins almost broke their protective walls.

Hidden behind the goblins were spear wielding trolls, whom without hesitation threw their spears just after the crash. The crooked wall failed to catch the spears flying towards their archers and pierced their way through multiple bodies of unarmored archers.

The soldiers who were maintaining the walls looked back and saw their brothers skewered like skewered meat ready to be cooked by the fire.

Enraged by what they saw they tried to retaliate only for the momentary pause caused by their initial shock to allow the goblin riders to bypass the still crooked walls.

The wolves jumped above the shields, although some were caught by the soldiers who were equipped with spears, a lot of them managed to break through and wreak havoc to the archers who failed to respond to the first waves of thrown spears.

Without skipping a beat the trolls threw another volley of spears, this time about half of them were intercepted by the shields.

The melee soldiers finally arrived to the front of the formation and began their counter attacks, most of the melee soldiers were hired mercenaries who were wielding a variety of weapons ranging from daggers to two handed greatswords.

The first clash went in favor of the soldiers since the goblins didn't stood a chance against well trained soldiers and mercenaries with rich battle experiences.

However, the appearance of trolls and hobgoblins began to slow down their momentum. The trolls didn't hesitate to throw their spears even if they hit their allies in the front, the human archers however are very reluctant to release their arrows, afraid that they might hit their comrades in front.

The mercenaries faltered when they traded blows with the hobgoblins, it wasn't a problem to deal with a single hobgoblin, but they appeared in groups and fought in groups against the mercenaries.

The knights in horsebacks aren't doing too good either, while circling around the huge and slow ogres allowed them to deal blows on their blind spots, once in a while an ogre would deal a lucky hit and smash a knight with its tree trunk club.

The unlucky knight who gets hit gets creamed and became a messy pile of blood, flesh, bones and armor, the lucky ones gets slammed and launched a hundred meters or so away from the fight.

Knights typically rides a well trained warhorse, these warhorses have enough stamina to carry an armored knight while carrying their own armor. However their stamina is not infinite and their riders knew that, they all tried to bring down the ogres and after losing 6 of their comrades, an ogre finally fell down.

Baron Siegfried despaired, 33 Knights rode to battle with him and they lost 7 knights before they could defeat a single ogre. 2 were crushed to death while 4 were knocked unconscious. Their were still 5 remaining ogres and their horses are starting to slow down.

He looked back at the army that he brought and saw the chaos that was slowly spreading across their ranks. They were clearly outnumbered and out matched by the goblin army, the knights knew that they can no longer win this battle and yet they still continue to fight.

The mercenaries already disappeared causing even more chaos amongst the soldiers who were suddenly overwhelmed, without the presence of the mercenaries to support them, the soldiers were mercilessly slaughtered.

More and more knights fell to the unyielding ogres, hope slowly vanished in their hearts and yet no knights or soldier fled the battle field. Baron Siegfried was touched by his men's loyalty, a moment of distraction allowed an ogre to hit the baron with its bloodied club.

The baron saw the azure blue skies, it reminded him of the skies that he once watched with his father when he was a kid laying down in the fields of grass, the sky blue waters that flowed by the river where his people washed their clothes, the sky blue banner that his dear comrades waved after every battle, the sky blue dress of his beautiful wife when they first met at a ball when his highness had his birthday, the sky blue eyes of his daughters and only son.

He fell on to the cold hard ground, feeling his strength slowly slip away from him, and yet suddenly, he felt the urge to live on, he wanted to live, to protect the ones dear to him, the blue skies urged him to stand, with all his strength he tried to reach in to the air, to the blue skies that accompanied him his whole life.

He commanded the strength that was slowly leaving him to return, he commanded his wounded body to stand, he commanded his faltering heart to beat faster!


Time seemed to stop as a familiar figure floated by his side, a sliver of light flew from her hands towards his head, like a floating spider's thread it slowly entering his forehead.

"show me your potential Siegfried." She whispered into his ears before vanishing.

"AARGHH!" His body stood, his wounds closed, and his voice was heard.

Grabbing a fallen two handed greatsword by his left hand and holding his lance with his right hand he charged forward and leaped in front of an ogre, the ogre lifted his club yet before he could move his hands, a hole suddenly emerged from its chest, the lance travelled so far that it hit a house made out of stone only for it to collapse.

Leaping away Baron Siegfried picked up another two handed greatsword and arrived in front of another ogre, it was busy swatting away a knight when it suddenly felt as if he lost both of its arm. Baran Siegfried swung both of his sword downwards, cutting both of the ogre's arms from its shoulders.

Yulis was busy browsing the Internet when she suddenly came upon a video, it showed a small scale skirmish between the Bloody Justice and the Anti-Justice Alliance.

Stunned as she watched the battle unfold, she couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

"what the hell is this!? this war shouldn't be happening until a few months later!" She almost screamed as she saw one of the Bloody Justice Vice Guild leader decapitate a player.

"Was it the early introduction of player made weapons?! " she quickly surmised the possibility that their weapons may had have an effect as to why the war suddenly started early.

Infact she was partially correct, what truly caused the early guild war was actually her sister's bow. The bow was supposed to be introduced after a month or so but because of Eara, the bow came out early.

This allowed the opening of new waves of tactics, ranged battles was just simply throwing rocks and wasn't a thing until later on, but with the bow, Eara allowed the Bloody Justice to enact their plans early on.

[World System announcement]

[ A hero is born, the world shall know his name and bow before his might]

Yulis couldn't contain herself any longer and finally screamed. "what the f****!"

Heroes aren't supposed to appear until a player breaks through tier 7! Since Humans are restricted to tier 6, players had to find ways to overcome said restrictions, this caused a power imbalance between the players and the npcs.

With powerful tier 7 immortals, the mortals feared for their lives. Their worst nightmare came when a guild led by multiple tier 7 players attacked a kingdom and took several cities from them.

According to the npcs, the Gods heard their pleas and granted them the Heroes, born from the mortals, they are the protectors of humankind that has the potential to break through the tier 6 restrictions while still retaining their race as humans.

The Hero class completely belongs to the npcs and no players could ever hope to acquire said class.

Once said country gained their own hero, they finally made a comeback after the strings of defeat that they suffered from the immortals. The Hero successfully repelled the attackers, killing the tier 7 players who arrogantly flaunted their power, even though they returned again and again to try and gain vengeance, they slowly grew weaker due to the death penalty that they received every after death.

In the end, an enemy guild who saw the opportunity, swung by and devoured the weakened armies of the ambitious guild.

Yulis head exploded as she couldn't think of any reason why and how the hero class suddenly came earlier, a whole 7 tiers ahead of time!

She was just about to realise something when the familiar figure from earlier suddenly appeared in front of her.

"You!" Yulis instantly recognised the figure in front of her but quickly she lost control of her body and froze in place.

The figure floated near her and held her by her cheeks, bringing her face closer to Yulis'. "I am deeply sorry, even if you are my benefactor, im afraid i can't let you know of my existence.... just yet." Yulis' eyes shook, she can still feel and hear everything and a realization dawned on her, but before she could do anything, she slowly lost consciousness.

A blinding light came from her floating body and Yulis felt a stinging pain in her head and the figure disappeared as fast as she reappeared.

Eara entered the room in a hurry and saw her sister sitting on the floor.

" Big sis! are you okay?! what happened?" Eara rushed by her side and held her by the shoulders.

"huh? oh, im fine, just a headache nothing to worry about." Yulis dismissed her sister's worries.

"Are you sure, i heard you shouting earlier." Eara hugged her sister while rubbing her cheeks to her sister's.

"Yeah, i might just need to log out to rest." Yulis groaned as the head ache stopped her from thinking much.

"i see." Eara worriedly stared at her sister's eyes. "i'll just quickly go and auction off the equipments that i made and log off too."

Yulis nodded while suddenly remembering something. "hmmm equipments?" she quickly grabbed her head as the pain intensified making her disregard her earlier thoughts. "I'll go ahead then." She slowly controlled her interface to log out while wondering what she was doing earlier.

In the Contesia Kingdom's Capital City, inside the castle where the King resides, a messenger arrives and brings a message to the king.

"Your Highness! As reported earlier, the immortals are gathering armies as we currently speak!" A Knight wearing an armor seemingly made out of scales from a dragon.

"I see, did the message tell the numbers of the armies?" The King responded.

"According to the letter, approximately 10 to 13 thousand have been seen, although they are divided into several groups."

The nobles present in the King's Hall erupted as they began to converse amongst themselves, some showed worry while some showed anger.

The King ordered the knight to send messages, conveying his will to further investigate the matter. Several other Kingdoms also watched with great interest at the sudden emergence of the immortal armies.

The NPC, the players, and many more observed from afar, the very first large scale war of the immortals.

The Sentient AI smiled, she can feel great change from within. She manipulated all of the key players that she can possibly move, Virtor, Yulis, Eara, and the Guilds Bloody Justice and Gilded Rose.

She even went as far as awakening NPC's earlier and risked being discovered by the Anomaly Miracle. All for the sake of achieving her ultimate goal.

Then a creepy smile emerged from her previously soft face, her soft aura gone and replaced with a heavier atmosphere that even a normal joe would feel. "Let the experiments begin!"