awakening from Ice

disclaimer: I don't own Avengers or Dynasty Warriors franchise

Hawkeye, controller by Loki with the powers gained through the staff fires two exploding arrows at some of the main terminals of the Helicarrier's bridge and then shoots an arrow with a malicious virus at an terminal, where it hacks in and does some major damage to the flying Shield base.

The main damage consists of another engine shutting down. With another damaged by an explosion the Helicarrier is well on its way to going down.

Hawkeye then flees the scene, to get back to the plane he came with, his mission to cause havoc, allowing Loki to free fulfilled. Unknown to everyone aboard the plane however, the arrow had another effect. You see Captain America wasn't the only one they found in a frozen solid state, at a much deeper level they acquired another person, who must've been there for a few millennia according to carbon dating. The malfunction of the system also caused the cooling unit he was in to overheat and catch fire, melting the frozen man's icy prison within a few minutes.

When He awakes, dressed in a green armor and armed with a double-bladed voulge he finds himself in the burning containment unit and punches against the top of the container, sending it flying across the small, otherwise empty room. Once he climbs out of the smoldering container he sees what resembles an opening in the to him weird walls around himself.

The person, Wei Yan approaches the door cautiously, hearing shouts and loud noises coming from outside.

When he's at the door it opens automatically and he peers outside, seeing multiple people running away in fear. He steps outside and hears a beastly roar going through the room he just stepped into.

He looks to his left and sees a hole in the wall, just next to where he stepped out from and peers across the corner, seeing a beautiful redheaded woman, dressed in all black holding her side in pain and stare at him and something behind him with her eyes darting back and forth confused.

"Where am I,… what happened? Where is Liu Bei?" Wei asks in a language Natasha didn't understand.

"What?" She asks, her eyes ringing from having been knocked away by the Hulk, who's fighting Thor just behind the weird newcomer.

"Please, I don't know who you are or if you understand me but help us." She says in a worried tone and points behind him, which Wei catches onto despite not understanding a single word.

"What is … that?" He asks seeing the green monster fight against a blonde man, brawling it out in a fistfight.

Wei looks at the woman staring at him once more before he rights himself and approaches the monster from behind.

"We're not your enemies Banner. Try to think." Thor says, while struggling to hold back the Hulk's massive fist, only for Hulk to punch him across the room with his other hand.

"Beast, I've come to face you." Wei says, standing poud with his Voulge and Hulk glares behind himself, at the green dressed newcomer, swinging a punch at him and Wei blocks it with his Voulge, only for the weapon to break and him to get send flying, hitting the wall just next to the hole Natasha watches the duel from.

"Ugh, my… weapon." Wei grunts angrily and removes himself from the rubble of the wall, gathering his Musou and empowering his body.

Natasha sees the brownhaired man start to glow a light yellow and mumbles to herself "Fury has some explaining to do."

Meanwhile Thor recovered himself and reaches out his hand, catching Mjolnir which flew through the Helicarrier until it reached Thor's grasp and Thor jumps at the Hulk, hitting him back and sending him tumbling back into a jet. Hulk rips out on of the plane's wings and throws it at Thor, who ducks under it and Throws his hammer at Hulk, who tries to catch the object, only to get pulled away by the magic hammer and get his giant hand trapped underneath the hilt.

Thor kicks him across the face and jumps on the Hulk's back, while retrieving his hammer, using the weapon to choke the giant monster but Hulk flails around wildly until Thor is send flying off the monster, his hammer dropping at the Hulk's feet.

"That weapon can hurt it. I will need to borrow it." Wei says, seeing that Mjolnir is effective against the Hulk and he runs over to the green monster, reaching it in a matter of seconds and tackling the giant, knocking him over. The Hulk gets up angrily and tries to squash Wei, only for him to have picked up the hammer and hits his arm away with Thor and Natasha looking at him stupefied.

Wei then starts to hammer away at the Hulk, who always tries to get back up, only to fall back on the floor, until he grabs Wei's leg and throws him against the ceiling, sending him flying through it to the higher deck. Once there Hulk jumps after him, followed by Thor and punches at Wei wildly with him blocking the strikes with his arms, struggling to keep standing from the force behind the punches though. When Thor appears at his side he throws the hammer over to him and Thor knocks the Hulk backwards. Wei recovers his footing and jumps at the Hulk, kicking it in the face, stunning it for just a moment, but it's long enough for Thor to throw Mjolnir at the Hulk's chest with enough strength to send the green giant sailing through the window behind him and off the Heli carrier.

"Good fight, new friend." Thor says, recalling Mjolnir and patting Wei's shoulder appreciatively before he walks back in the ship to see if his brother is still contained and Loki tricks him into getting in the pod and sends him tumbling down to the earth in the death trap.

"I should help … that woman." Wei says, looking out of the carrier for the first time and is scared, that he can't see the ground anywhere. He jumps through the hole the Hulk threw him through and jogs over to the woman resting against the wall.

"Let me … help you." He says in his grumbly voice with Natasha still not having any idea what he wants but accepts the offered hand since he just helped get rid of the Hulk.

Natsha then gets helped up by Wei and she leads them to a part of the Helicarrier which Hawkeye uses to sneak away.

"Where are we going?" Wei asks, looking at her questioningly.

She doesn't reply and only motions for him to follow.

The two soon come across the archer and she walks up behind him, knocking away the bow he aims at her, causing the arrow to fly off to the side. She then kicks him in the face and jumps under the walkway the two were fighting on, only to reappear on the other side and kick him in the chest, sending him tumbling back a few steps. He aims another arrow at her and fires it, only for her to gracefully dodge it by jumping up on a beam, swinging around it once and Wei gets hit against his arm where the arrow breaks and falls to the floor in pieces with him looking at the projectile with surprise. Natasha and Hawkeye then start to fight in close quarters and he uses his bow to trap her arms, only for her to turn the fight around, using the bow as a staff instead while he pulls out a knife.

He slashes at her, which she stops by pushing his arm away with one hand and kicks him in the gut with her boot. She then further tries to twist his arm to make him release the blade, only for him to switch it to his other hand and try to stab her. He twists his arm so that the blade is directed at his neck but he overpowers her and she's struggling against the blade, which is aimed right in her face with him trying to stab her through the eyes only for Wei's hand to reach out and snap the blade in two, looking at the result with surprise, just as Hawkeye does and she uses the moment of surprise to pull him in another hold and slam him head first into a metal beam, knocking him out.

Once he's on the ground Wei leans over, holding the blade the the archer's throat but Natasha kneels down beside her unconscious comrade and stops Wei, holding out both her hands in a stopping motion and he looks at her confused.

She slowly grabs his part of the knife and lies it to the floor while she attempts to heft Hawkeye over her shoulder to drag him away but feels her ribs protesting after the hit Hulk landed earlier.

"Let me help." Wei says and grabs the man instead, flinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"I guess he deserved that anyways." She says with a smirk and motions for Wei to follow her.

The two then head to the med bay where they deposit Hawkeye before going to Fury with Natasha having questions about the weird newcomer. On the way she as well as the rest of her team still aboard the Helicarrier, meaning Tony Stark and Captain Rogers learn of Coulson's passing.

"These were in Phil Coulson's possession, I guess you didn't get to sign them." Fury says, throwing bloodied captain America collectible cards on the table in front of Steve and Tony.

"We haven't heard anything yet on Banner or Thor. And yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the tesseract. But I never put all my chips on that domino, there was an idea. Stark knows this, called the Avengers initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people and see if they could become something more. To see if they worked together if we needed them to, to fight battles we couldn't. Phil Coulson died, still believing in that idea." Fury tells the two men.

"Fury! You have some explaining to do." Natasha says loudly, approaching the group of three.

"Black Widow, what …" Fury says and stops midsentence upon seeing Wei walk around freely and gets out his gun, aiming at the green dressed man who gets into a defensive stance and growls at him.

"Lower your gun, he got rid of the Hulk for us, whatever he is." She tells Fury sternly.

"Well, then this won't do much damage anyways." Fury says and puts away his gun, still eyeing the green dressed warrior.

"Whoa, who is this guy?" Tony says amused by his unique appearance.

"That's what I'd like to know." She says, standing across from Fury with her arms crossed while Wei looks around the room with wonder.

"We don't know where he came from. But he was found in the ice, a couple hundred feet under where you were frozen to be exact Rogers." Fury informs them.

"So what? You kept him on ice? Like you did me?" Steve asks angrily.

"Yes, we don't know what he is capable off. He appears to be one of the first ever superhuman. We dated him even older than Thor is." Fury says.

"He looks like he's in his 20ties to me." Stark remarks.

"What is going on, why is everyone looking at me?" Wei asks glaring around the table wearily.

"Let me try something, do you think you can get him to stay calm and put this on his neck?" Tony asks, handing Natasha a device he made, which is supposed to translate languages over impulses directly to the person who's wearing it.

"Sure, we can try." She says, taking the small device and walks over to Wei, who looks at her with confusion written over his face.

She then points at him and motions that he should put the device on his neck by showing it to him on herself.

Wei accepts the device, eyeing it for a moment before he repeats Natasha's actions and puts the device on.

"Can you understand us now?" Tony asks.

Wei looks at him shocked and nods his head, saying "Yes… how is that … possible?"

"We can't understand you yet. Sorry." Natasha tells him and he turns towards her, nodding his head once.

"Say, do you mind waiting a bit? We have something to discuss. Agent Hill will take you to a room and give you a briefing of what is happening right now." Fury tells Wei, who looks at Natasha, trusting the redhead to some extend and she nods for him to follow Maria Hill, who's waiting at the door for him.

He nods slowly and follows Fury's second in command to a secluded room, where she explains that it's been a long time since he got frozen and that they are an agency, which tries to help people and that humanity is under attack right now.

Wei asks her if she meant that they are attacked by the Hulk and she informs him that Hulk is an ally who went out of control and tells him about Loki's attacks.