
Jared suddenly found himself in a desolate alleyway with no entrance or exit. As he looked around, he spotted two figures standing in the distance: one with sharp features, slick-backed hair, and a ponytail, and the other sporting a shaved head and wearing sunglasses. Then Jared remembered their names: Ikaika and Lokela!

As Jared watched in horror, the two men tossed out two small shadows, and with each passing second, the shadows grew larger and larger, eventually combining into one. It was as if the darkness was feeding their endless growth.

He then heard one of the men speak, but he couldn't understand a single word. All he could make out was the man's sneering face.

Just then, the growing shadow charged forward like an unstoppable tide of gnashing teeth!

Fearing for his life, Jared ran, but he quickly reached the end of the alley.

With chattering teeth, Jared unwillingly turned to meet his fate, and soon sharp teeth began ripping into his flesh. He cried out and begged, but there was nobody around to save him.

After what felt like an eternity of pain, the shadow finally let him go. He fell to the ground, and as he lay there he saw a light in the distance which slowly drew closer. From within the light a man appeared holding a brightly lit lantern! He saw the man looking down at him, but he knew for certain the man could save him if he would only reach out for him.

So Jared begged the man and pleaded, although Jared could no longer speak, Jared still tried to convey these emotions with his eyes, but the figure just watched silently over him.


Waking up to the sound of his screams, Jared looked around with bloodshot eyes, his heart beating a million miles an hour.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I can't breathe."

Gasping for breath for a minute or two, Jared eventually steadied his breathing. But then he gritted his teeth as the previous day's events washed over him. But remembering was too painful, he didn't want to remember anymore, he just wanted to forget, so he tried his best to think of something else instead.

Just then, he heard a knock at the door. He thought it was his imagination at first, but then he heard it again, along with a voice, "Mr. Jared, are you in?"

Struggling himself up, Jared wiped the sweat off his face, and moved to the door. He had forgotten to lock it the previous night. After opening the rusty door, he found an unfamiliar face looking up at him. Based on his appearance, this stranger in his mid-twenties could be mistaken for a scholar. He had a studious look about him, with his glasses and his well-groomed appearance was most certainly out of place for the filthy alleys. He wore a collared shirt, dress pants, and leather shoes, which were all neatly pressed and well-maintained. His neat and well kept cloths reminded Jared of a teacher he had once known.

The man gently bowed, "Ah, it's good you are in Mr Jared, I am Akamai, a tutor from Halu College. I believe you should be expecting me?"

Recalling his memories, Jared nodded, "Well... I heard that I'm supposed to attend the Halu college for a while, but I didn't hear anything about when that would be."

"I see, well, I was asked to escort you there today, so here I am. Are you able to make the trip with me now? " He then leaned in and took a sniff, "But, you may want to change into something... cleaner. "

"Alright uhm, "


"Right, Sorry." Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Jared nodded with some reluctance, "I can come with you, but can you give me like... five minutes please?"

"Certainly. Please take your time, I will await your return."


Some time later, the two men exited the alleys, and Jared found himself in a new area he had not yet explored. However, it was just as upscale as the expensive stores he had visited the other day. Different pokemon and their handlers could be seen everywhere, but Jared soon realized something strange. He had actually noticed it earlier as well. There were very few evolved pokemon. For every thirty marrils he saw, there was maybe one azumarill, the same with the other types, the only exception being the bug types. He saw more butterfree than caterpie.

After a brief five-minute walk, they passed by a large park filled with lush greenery and accentuated by a meandering stream that flowed into a wide pond. A fish was happily splashing around the mouth of the stream while some children fed it breadcrumbs. He also saw quite a few marills swimming unattended, Jared reasoned that those must be wild ones.

Jared also noticed several street performers showcasing their talents. One performer, dressed as Pikachu, was juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle. Another performer, dressed as Charizard, was breathing fire and regaling the crowd with a heroic tale. "Hero Ash's Charizard may have been smaller, but it was no less fierce and mighty than the evil Charizard, as they traded blows equally in the skies. The evil Charizard realized he was no match for his heroic adversary and retreated cowardly!" The audience booed at the evil Charizard's cowardice. The performer continued, "However, Ash would not let this evil foe leave so easily! He gave chase! And with a mighty breath, his Charizard singed the evil Charizard's wings with a blast of fire." To accentuate the story, the performer breathed out a torrent of fire, wowing the crowd.

"Ash, huh? So in this world, he was some kind of hero?" Jared mumbled to himself.

"Hm, did you say something?" Akamai hummed.

"No, I was just thinking out loud. So, how much further is this place?" Jared inquired.

"We are almost there. Have you memorized the route?"

"I think so, but I can always find it on the map, I'll definitely mark it down."

Akamai nodded with a smile.

Jared and Akamai continued walking until they finally arrived at the college. The college was a sprawling campus with several buildings made of red brick, white columns, and large windows. The grounds were well-manicured with trees and gardens, and there were several students walking around, some carrying books and others chatting with friends.

As they approached the main building, Jared noticed a large statue of a Blastoise in the courtyard, surrounded by benches where students were sitting and reading. He casually looked at the epitaph, which read, When the very light of this world faced extinction, Hero Gary's mighty Blastoise gave it's life in the battle of the primordial sea. We will forever honor this pokemons sacrifice.

"Another Hero huh." Jared commented.

Akamai leaned over, chiming in, "Yes, without him, Alola would quite literally be underwater," Akamai said with a small laugh.

"How long ago was this, battle of the primordial seas?" Jared said, getting up.

"Five hundred and five years, two hundred and twenty days now."

Jared was surprised, "That's very specific. impressive,"

"Thank you. That's why they keep me around, at least I hope!" Akamai joked.

As they entered the building, Jared saw several notice boards with flyers advertising various clubs and events right at the entrance. There were clubs for Pokémon battling, breeding, and even fashion.

Akamai led him to the admissions office where they were greeted by a friendly receptionist who handed Jared a packet of forms to fill out. As he started filling out the paperwork, Jared couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to study in such a prestigious institution. But at the same time, he felt conflicted. He was eager to learn more about the world of Pokémon and maybe even become a trainer himself, but he also felt a sense of revulsion to the idea now.

After filling out the paperwork, Akamai showed Jared around the campus. The college was a sprawling complex of modern buildings, nestled in the heart of the city. The buildings were adorned with various Pokémon statues and murals, depicting famous trainers and their Pokémon. The campus was bustling with students of all ages, who were rushing to and from classes. It was a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

As they walked around the campus, Akamai explained the various buildings and facilities to Jared. He pointed out the library, the labs, the gymnasium, and the dormitories. Finally, he led Jared to a small building on the edge of the campus.

"This is where I'll be tutoring you," Akamai said as he opened the door.

"You're my tutor?"

"Why, are you dissapointed?" Akamai laughed.

Inside, the room was small but cozy, with a desk and several bookshelves lining the walls. There were posters of various Pokémon with detailed descriptions hanging on the walls, and large whiteboard stood at the front of the room.

"I heard you have amnesia," Akamai said as he handed Jared a textbook, "It's important to figure out what knowledge you are missing so we can get you up to speed and back into society."

Jared began explaining what he knew as Akamai questioned him.

As Akamai's brow furrowed more and more, Jared felt a little bad for being so ignorant.

"I see. Well, at least it's not the worst case. You have a good grasp of math and writing, so I suppose we should spend our time here getting you up to date on history, and..." Akamai paused before saying, "What are your elemental synergies like?"

Jared quickly realized what he meant. "Do you mean the thing you need to bond with a Pokémon?"


"I... uh, I don't know. I mean, I had a few tested."

"And which ones were those?"

"Uhm, let me think." Jared then recalled, "Water, grass, normal, uhm, electric... I can't remember the last one."

"I see, and what were the results?"

"Not that great."

"Hmm, well, for now, we can just work on history today."


"Lets start with something fun to ease our way in.

Akamai began his lecture on the four guardian deities of Alola, who were considered to be the protectors of the region. He explained how they were revered by the people and had special powers that they used to keep the region safe.

Jared listened intently, taking notes as Akamai spoke. He learned about Tapu Koko, the guardian deity of Melemele Island, and how it was known for its lightning-fast speed. He also learned about Tapu Lele, the guardian deity of Akala Island, and how it was known for its ability to create powerful illusions.

Akamai then talked about Tapu Bulu, the guardian deity of Ula'ula Island, and how it had control over nature, and finally, he explained about Tapu Fini, the guardian deity of Poni Island, and how it was known for its healing powers.

After that, it was the various recent events. Jared also asked questions, and got a brief overview of things.

Akamai went on to describe some of the recent events that had taken place in Alola. He talked about the Aether Foundation's recent discovery, they are a research organization that was dedicated to the conservation and protection of Pokémon. Akamai explained how they had come to Alola to study the region's unique ecology and how they had become embroiled in a conflict with a group known as Skull Skull.

He also mentioned the so called 'Ultra Beasts', mysterious and powerful creatures from another dimension that had appeared in Alola, causing havoc wherever they appear. Akamai explained how the Aether Foundation had been studying the Ultra Beasts and how they had managed to capture some of them.

The conversation then moved towards the legendary Pokémon of Alola, such as Solgaleo and Lunala, and their importance in Alolan mythology. Akamai explained how they were believed to be the guardians of the sun and the moon, respectively, and how they had played a significant role in the region's history.

Jared had heard of Alola from Earth, but it was only in passing. He was almost thirty, and the last Pokémon-related thing he had ever done was play Pokémon Red and later Pokémon Silver. But that was all when he was a boy.

Looking at his watch, Akamai smiled and said, "I think we can wrap things up here for today. I would suggest browsing the library to learn all you can in the meantime. If you're hungry, head to the cafeteria. The food's quite good, and since it's non-profit, you'll find it quite cheap." he winked.