7. A request


My eyes were closed, I was waiting for a kiss of those pink and sweet looking lips however we were interrupted by the door. It literally flew open, Arthrus and Khaizer entered into the studio the first one was almost out of breath.

-"Master we have intruders inside the castle, we need to take the claim and put her into safety" said Arthrus

-"Yeah what he said" said Khaizer unbothered by the situation

-"Rose go with them, do not trust anyone else other than them, my brother or me...got it?" Jesse said

-"I will, thank you" I replied to him

I walked towards Arthrus and Khaizer, the last named one was wearing his barely covering armor, his eyes could reflect how excited he was but his face and body language was neutral. He held my hand and put his other one on Arthrus shoulder and soon a black mist started to surround us. My vision suddenly became blurry and I was feeling drowsy, I felt my self-fall and being caught my Arthrus slightly built arms then everything went black.


My eyes were very heavy I couldn't open them, I could hear voices speaking around me however I can't make well to who they belonged to.

-"any reason why this would happen?" someone asked

-"well Sir Arthrus she has not been sleeping at all these days. All the tests we ran signals that her body is becoming more and more weaker due to fatigue. The lack of sleep is starting to bill her." Arthrus got his answer quickly

-"but I've seen her sleep"

-"no, apparently you saw her pass out on her bed. This could get worse if she doesn't go back to her world or become part of ours."

-"master, I believe I may have a quick solution for that" Khaizer's voice entered to the conversation

-"go on? Do tell my dear Khaizer" Arthrus insisted him to speak

-"demon blood in human system...it can technically fool this world, if I induce some of my blood into her veins she might fully recover and fool this world. She won't need to go back to human world and she will be able to actually sleep which will prevent her from having an anemic state plus it will serve as fast healing in case something happens to her" he explained

-"let's go with that one" I heard Arthrus decide

After I heard the decision I lost consciousness again, everything was black and calm, it felt like I was asleep but I wasn't. It felt like I was in the middle of know where, where I wasn't asleep nor awake.


-"she should be waking up any time soon" I heard a distant voice

-"she better wake up nice and healthy or I will certainly kick some asses here, why did you approve that decision without my concern?" I heard Jesse's enraged voice

-"calm the fuck down and stop speaking like that to my master you shitty useless king" Khaizer yelled back

My eyes slightly fluttered open and looked around then moaned at the light that was hurting my eyes

-"agh my eyes, shut the curtain please" I whined

Everyone was silent, the light suddenly faded away, I opened my eyes and saw my savior, the curtain. I looked around Jesse had Arthrus robe held on his hand looking very scary, Khaizer had a weird mist like ball on his hand apparently looking like he would throw it to Jesse at any time, Arthrus was looking as calm and fresh as a lettuce leaf while a woman was on the door way covering her eyes as if waiting for the worse to happen.

-"I sleep a little and you all are looking like y'all want to kill each other?" I sigh shaking my head

As I half joke and see Khaizers eyes lit up in cheerfulness, Jesse lets go Arthrus robes and they all walk to me sighing in relief. The woman that was on the door as well got close and took my hand.

-"my lady, are you ok? Is there anything I might be able to help with? Please excuse these brutes" she says while gently helping me sit and fixing some pillows on my back

-"its ok, I'm kind of getting used to it" I slightly giggle "thank you" I said thankful to her concern

The woman was being glared daggers by Khaizer and Jesse which made me laugh loudly, they looked at me not understanding the reason of my laugh, Arthrus shyly held my hand and smiled.

-"I'm glad you are fine my lady, would it be ok if I talk to you alone?" he requested

-"yes Arthrus, we can speak privately" I gently patted his hand and smiled

Apparently this world was made out of people with beautiful eyes, Arthrus has alejandria syndrome, his eyes were a beautiful shade of purple that made him seem like he was just cosplaying a beautiful elf from the hobbit, obviously without the pointy ears. His hair was so long that even being held up into a high pony tail it reached his waist and it was completely white, his face was pale and frail looking however his strong yet gentle grip was telling me he was nothing but a strong virile gentleman.

-"my ladyship, since we are alone now...I now...I would like to excuse myself and do a very selfish request out of you" he spoke calmly when he noticed everyone left

-"as long as the request is something that I am able to do and nothing almost impossible I might be able to help you Arthrus" I say gently caressing his smooth pale cheek

For some reason he was very attracting for me, as well as I was starting to feel very attracted to Khaizer on a weird way, this man looked very handsome, dripping on sex appeal and looked really introverted. In exchange for Khaizer he was rough, mean, extroverted, overflowing sex appeal and obscenely beautiful. Even his monster looking side was beautiful for me. I should not feel this way towards people I met one whole week ago however I totally felt it and this time I might decide to walk by instinct, just as I was told, to do "what I normally wouldn't do".

-"my selfish request is...please let me court you" he softly sat next to me on the bed "I might be a little shy with women in specific however for you I feel like if in need to save you I have to speak with tons of them I will" he explained

-"as long as you don't force me to anything you are very free to do it Arthrus" I say softly caressing his hand which was on my cheek now

His face was getting close to mine, I instinctively licked my dried lips a little, awaiting for the arrival of his lips who never met mine.

-"I'm so sorry my lady, you are in the bed really sick and here I am being the most selfish monster thinking of kissing you, please forgive me I should have asked first" he said, he looked like he was freaking out and was flustered. For me he looked really adorable.

-"oh come here" I said and had a hold of his soft cheeks, pulled his face to mine and kissed gently his cherry blossom lips

His eyes were wide, I was softly moving my lips against his while he was still frozen in place. I took off the ribbon that was holding his hair up and it fell on a cascade shielding our faces from any outsiders who might be spying on us. I softly caressed his hair while his lips shyly started moving against mine, my hands were on the back of his neck, one slightly entangled on his hair and pulled on it making him release a soft moan, his lips parted and my tongue gently licked the sweetness of his lips to then feel his tongue inviting mine to dance a rhythmic waltz until we separated by the need of air.

-"if I was told to choose a moment to die my lady, I would certainly pick this exact moment your sweet lips danced against mine. It was magical and very full of desire...desire I didn't know I was able to feel until your lips kissed mine" he said and softly kissed my cheek "I must leave you to rest my lady, otherwise the beast inside might unleash and attempt to do something we might not be ready for, thank you for giving me the opportunity to court you I'm very honored" he left a soft peck on my lips and smiled gently to me

As he got up he slightly flipped his hair back, he literally just looked like he could do the Pantene shampoo add of how fabulous his hair looked. He fixed his robes and as he's about to open the door this one flies open, I can see Jesse stomping inside and stands in front of Arthrus.

-"what did you do to her? How dare you mark her?" I hear him question

-"master I have her agreement of courting her, I didn't do it against her will like you or Khaizer did if you may ask" he quietly explains

Jesse pushes Arthrus more into the room and glares at him, I was starting to get nervous about his reaction and aggressiveness.

-"hey guys stop it, Jesse I accepted his claim and he is right. Neither you or Khaizer asked for my agreement" I try to defend Arthrus

Jesse eyes me with a hurt glare, his lips are slightly trembling and his eyes are pooling with tears.

-"so everything we passed together didn't meant anything to you?" He asks as his voice breaks

-"Arthrus please leave us alone, I want to have a word with Jesse" I look at him pleading to have a little time with Jesse who seemed very moody today "come here Jesse" I softly patted the spot that was empty on the bed right next to me

He walked to the bed and quietly sat next to me on the spot I patted, his eyes were avoiding mine. His face was very serious and gloomy.

-"I'm sorry for getting jealous I don't know what got into me" he explains

-"no Jesse it's ok, I think it could be since you were the first one on claiming me you might feel some kind of superior ownership over me" I softly rub his back

-"it's actually my animal instinct" he looked at me for the first time "I'm a shifter remember? Most shifters don't like to share even though in this world we have to" he explained to me

-"ah I'm so sorry I didn't know that" I said

I suddenly started coughing, my breathing felt like was very limited then suddenly the lady that was earlier in the room entered running with Arthrus and Khaizer behind, Jesse was looking at me with a very scared face.

-"what's happening?" I hear Jesse ask

The woman was chanting something, I felt blood dripping from my mouth, the metallic flavor made me notice what was, my ears felt like they had something as well going out, as soon as I touched I saw it was blood as well.

-"she's dripping blood from her eyes, nose, ears and mouth!" I heard Jesse desperately yelling not knowing what else to do

Everything was black, I couldn't remember anything else other than the worried looks of their faces.