"Baba do I have to go? Why did Mama stay behind? Can't we return together?" A girl nags her father. "No my daughter, I must ensure your safety, and you know that Mama couldn't come. Besides, I don't want her controlling my wild pigeon. " Hussein sits down beside her, I don't like it there!" She murmurs tucking herself under his arm, her head resting on his chest. "Oh! Pigeon, we have no choice soon you shall return home don't be sad, I am sure it's not that bad." He strokes her hair comforting the small child "I swear Baba it is, I have no friends; the king is always punishing me and Ali is always giving me boring advice the girl sighs. " I hate to leave you there alone, but I can't risk you dying."
"Now go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day we arrive at our destination." he shifts wanting to leave "Baba?"
"Yes" "Tell me one of your stories." The girl begs holding onto him not willing to let go. He nods resuming his position, he lowers his voice starting to narrate.
"Two mighty kingdoms were at war; southern and northern, each wanting to conquer the other. Since both kings were arrogant, none would dare surrender, so they fought a never ending war. Both parties came to their limits but the kings still ordered the fight to continue. It was not until one of the kingdoms produced an heir, This brought joy to the northern king that he suggested signing of a treaty; one that would end the war."
"Baba you have told me this one before!" She looks up to him annoyed. "Just listen carefully" he urged her then continued with the narration.
"The two signed the treaty since they had no option, if they were to continue fighting the two would be rendered vulnerable. The terms were drawn by both sides agreeing that a union to be formed through their firstborn children. It also indicated that the prince and princess shall rule mutually; all matters to consider both opinions. If the children were to be of the same gender then a duel shall be held in which the victor would rule the other. Unfortunately the southern king landed a princess, he was very unhappy with it. This saw many conflicts between the two, but they never again resorted to war.
When the children came of age the prince fell for a general's daughter and ended up eloping; some say it was the southern king's work. The northern king accepted his sons choice, peace returning to the two kingdoms, however their greed never ceased thus another clause was added. It demanded that their grandchildren were to fulfil the treaty. Whoever shall defy it again will be resting their claim on the throne. " The girl let's out a soft yawn he looks down at her, as her heavy lids finally shut. Slowly he laid her on the carpet carefully dropping her head on a nearby pillow, he took a large blanket covering her up to her chin. Hussein leans in giving her hand a kiss when his lips touched her skin she twitches a bit he smiles and leaves her tent.
Khalid's absence was rarely noticed as Mina did most of his work. Munir taught her almost everything from etiquette, history, literature even some medical procedures. All this he did secretly, of course as educating girls was a sin in Mahdiya. The kingdom on the other hand was on it's toe's preparing to receive it's valued ally; the northern king.
Mina was in the garden collecting flowers and herbs for Munir to make his special fragrances; gifts from the king to his anticipated guests. The royal garden was vast, it had the best irrigation system in the whole kingdom. Drawing water directly from river Madyani to form several streams that ran throughout the different sections of the garden. Mina was close to the thorn wall that covered the perimeter of the castle, the only place to find rose bushes. She picks a few then they start to move, not by wind but as if something was shaking them. Startled she steps back ready to run, the bushes parts to reveal a huge hole in the fence, a servant boy crawled out from it.
Still on all fours he inspected the path ahead, when his eyes met those of the shocked slave girl in front of him. Ali stood up and replaced the bush "Don't say a word of this to anyone" Ali commanded. He shook the muddy sand off, the huge patches on his disguise." Why?" the girl blurts "I have to go I don't have the time for silly questions" the boy ignored her walking away. She remembered what Munir taught her; not to be easily beguiled by rude fools. "If I keep quiet what will I gain?" Ali stopped and turned to her, If you tell anyone then you shall be punished. " He warned coldly. Mina felt confused, she would be doing the king a great service by telling him I think you meant rewarded? " Mina challenged him.
" You little..." before he could finish he heard the royal parade approaching. "OK make it fast what do you want?"
"What can a servant boy possibly offer me?" Mina looked tough, though inside she regretted every word. If it were not for him being late already, Ali would have picked up the facade she was putting on. "Servant boy! You stupid slave ten lashes for you" Ali yells almost frightening her. He had such a stern voice for a small boy that could draw fear to anyone he threatened. Mina remembers a law Munir taught her.
"Don't you know? Servants cannot punish slaves."she mocks him trying to hold herself from going too far. "Am no servant!" Ali barks, Mina was so confused how can he be dressed as a servant and not be one? " Then who are you?" Ali thinks to himself, he looks at his disguise and realizes he had no answer for her. He hadn't thought of a fake identity yet, but he couldn't tell the truth, she would never believe him. It would only lead to a big fuss, he needed to think of something fast.
"I am Hassan the servant to the Prince of Mahdiya."
"Still just a servant Mina resumes collecting flowers giving him her back.
"You are wasting my time." Ali's patience grew thin. Mina saw an opportunity she could not give up "Then if you really are not just a servant prove it, the king has my pendant, in exchange for my silence you shall retrieve it for me."
"I serve the prince not you" He hated that a girl like her was commanding him. "You don't want me telling the king about this"Ali was cornered, but he could stall her for a while by accepting her offer. "Okay meet me here tomorrow same time" she could not believe it worked, surely it wasn't that easy.
"You are but a stranger to me, how do I know you aren't lying to get me off your back?" Ali sighs. "Surely I have a lot to lose if I lie don't you think?" Busy rejoicing mentally, she didn't notice when he walked away hurriedly to avoid any more of her words. The Drum beats grew closer as the parade entered the castle gates. Mina turns around from her absentmindedness to find him gone, she walks through the flower bushes to find the perfect view.
The crowd parts a large palanquin and three horses came forth. All wore the same purple armor, one carried a flag that held the royal seal of the north; a camel encased in a spherical shape beneath it a curved sword. The palanquin had a lacquer that shone against the sun enhancing the rich wood grain. Gold embellishments adorned its curves, its four bearers were in plain purple robs. The purple curtains embroidered with gold patterns, swayed as they marched disturbing the perfect folds. They were greeted by the Suleiman and his loyal men; fanned out in front of the large palace doors.
A servant came from Suleiman's side and announced His grace Suleiman Al-rachid king regent of Mahdiya welcomes you as an ally and a friend". Suleiman hated the word regent in his title only on foreign matters did he have to use it and this angered him. One of the men got off from his horse and does a slight bow. Suleiman walks to him wrapping him in a short kingly embrace Welcome Ya Hussein, I have been expecting you."
Suleiman gives him a pat on his shoulder and announced to the gathering, "Tonight we feast to welcome our guests". For days, she heard his praises from the gossips of people in the palace, to the historical stories Munir told. Truly he fit the part perfectly his attire acknowledged a humble nature, even though he was a king of high status he dressed like one of his men. Unlike Suleiman who always stood out from a crowd no matter what he wore.