Chapter 37

"I'm out," Nessa said through her holofeed. "I'll get to you when I can."

Jamison replied with a weak nod and a whisper, "Please hurry."

Trevon patted Jamison's back and looked ahead. A hush fell between them until Trevon spoke into it.

"It's time to go, bud."

"Please don't send me to that hospital," Jamison blurted out. "I'm not crazy; I promise."

"I hope you won't be there long," Trevon confessed. "It's time to get packed up. You heard the doctor."

Jamison checked his implant as he made his way toward the door.

"Now's the time," he said to Nessa.

"I know, Maz." She soothed him. "I've deactivated the energy shield. I just have to get past security."

She minimized the holofeed and connected it to Kommer.

"626 online," she commanded the implant.

Kommer's projection appeared.

"I'm out," she said.

"Out?" he questioned.

"Of confinement," she clarified.

"That's...nice." Kommer managed.

"I think my new friend can help us," she said. "I should be there within the week. Now it's just a matter of getting past Area 51 security."

Security must have seen that as an invitation. As Jamison arrived home with his parents, Nessa heard distant voices echo into a device:

"We've been breached. The holding unit is open. I repeat: the unit is open."

Jamison gave in and stuffed some clothes, his shampoo, his toothbrush, and some toothpaste into a backpack. Security guards streamed into the chamber.