Chapter 41

Nessa checked the rear view monitors and adjusted the overall monitor. Three pods ascended. She gripped the steering wheel.

"They stop at nothing here," she remarked.

"Nessa?" Jamison chirped from her holofeed.

"Make it snappy, Maz," she said, glaring into her rear-view camera. "I don't have much time."

He lowered his volume to barely above a whisper.

"My cousin opened a diner called Carson's Cafe. Set your geolocator to that. Plan to meet me there. I have to get my dad's permission."

"I got it," Nessa said. "Carson's Cafe."

Don't have hyper-speed. Please don't have hyper-speed capability. She pleaded with the pods that were gaining on her.

She flipped on the ship's hyper-speed and activated the force field. Once safe, she switched the speed back. Now she could punch the name into the geolocator. Her implant blinked. She opened it to push notifications from her geolocator and holospace. The locator showed a cluster of orange person markers. The holospace message was text that read, Signals detected. 775, 776, 777, 778. Connect now?

She closed it out. If she got the signal, then Maz had already found hope.

A system of structures was expanding through the shield. She steadied the nose cone and sped toward Downtown Roswell.