Chapter 51

The blue sphere with a rough, dented, white-capped landmass expanded through the control center shield.

"Almost home!" Nessa announced.

Relief flooded her soul.

"Where do we go first?" Elektra asked.

Nessa made a circular motion with her pointer finger, giving a rough indication of the largest central indentation.

"Capital Basin," she said. "That's what we've called it." Coordinates: 4693, 4798. Don't forget to put the shield on."

As the nose cone sliced into the atmosphere, Nessa made a suggestion:

"Set it to stealth mode. People nowadays are sensitive. I can't have them panicking and scattering."

"Understood," Scion said as he fumbled with the ship's log-drive.

"We'll land it outside the basin," she instructed.

"But don't go too far," Maz said. "We have supplies for the vendors."

"How'd you know what to do--and about the vendors?" Nessa asked with a slight chuckle.

"Well, if nothing's changed since we've been here," he said.

The crew filed out two by two. Skyla manipulated the synthesis door, and they had access to the packet reserves. Nessa entered the chamber.

"We'll go to Rayen and Laze first," she said, and she knelt at one of the storage cubes.

The path gave way to the basin, and Nessa supported the cube with her hip.

"Is the Great Dome open?" Maz asked as they descended the staircase.

A Blue had his arm around a Purple. Eye liquid rolled down their cheeks. Nessa waved with her whole arm.

"Rayen!" She greeted them. "Laze!"

She made a swift move toward him. Rayen shook his head.

"It's no use," he sobbed. "We can't help you. We can't help anyone."

She offered the cube. Laze touched it.

"I can help you," she said. "My friends know what to do."

"That one probably has two hundred packets in it," Skyla rushed in.

"We appreciate this," Rayen said, wiping his eyes. "So much."

"You brought humans back?" Laze questioned, recovering from her emotions.

"Not humans," Maz said. "Elder race."

Rayen almost dropped the cube.

"We're here with good intentions," Eklun assured him. "Open up your booth."