Beginning Of All

5 Years Later..

A girl with dark and mischievous aura came outside from the DianChi Production tower — perhaps she was dizzy enough with the bunches of fancy fans and also, reporters attacks those kept blocking her way.

"Miss Hyun, please give us more information-"

"Miss Hyun, did the picture was just an edit or real? Did you sell your self dignity only for a treasury life with President Lu?-"

"Miss Hyun, can you please tell us the truth about the picture?"

"Miss Hyun, we as your fans cannot believe that you were such a sucker- Please leave her alone, all of you, dumb reporters!-"

It was a famous supermodel with such a stunning appearances, Hyun ChiXian. Nobody knows her well, what they knew only is she is a beautiful woman with a stunning smile, combined with fine attitude as a fancy person -- that's all.

"Uh- please, give us a way." A man said with a gesture of strength, as that lady without any hesitation said, "Wait. I'll answer few of them first."

"Hah, this a** is such a great actor. Now what? Tell us the truth! Don't you have the shame on flirting to President Lu?"

Hyun ChiXian replied a cute, soft chuckle in order to reply the rude reporter's words she heard just now. "Yes. I am a woman without dignity. But, to tell you- President Lu is not my taste. Although he is my own CEO, and I am his own employee - I never once had any 'lazy' chit chat with him like other workers do. If you want the truth, please gently ask President Lu himself - I am none from this fuss. Sorry for troubling you all - thank you." she replied softly, but used her loud tone to make aure everyone heard it without any problem to convey all what played in her mind. Mostly everyone was agaped, seeing that wonderful woman talked in such a way. She was too humble!

"Let's go, now." she said to her bodyguard, and went inside a luxurious black car. Not longer than few seconds, her perfect figure already dissapeared from other's sight.

"Huh, I am stunned with the way she communicated with us. She is so impressing! To me, well- maybe she deserves President Lu more than everyone else." After all, the same person who seems angered her just now, mouthed, as everyone nodded in agreement on hearing his words.


"That's right, woman." Suddenly, someone sounded, as a charming smirk appeared on his dark-red lips. He looked overview, as he let his both arms out. No traces of imperfection could be seen. That guy -- he seems like a prince in every girl's dream.

Not longer, he went away from his seat, as his tall figure lost on sight.

Meanwhile, Hyun ChiXian who sat steadily inside the car, looked like over her phone. She saw her own picture in someone's post. A smile finally appeared on her coral pink-lipsticked lips. "Hmm.. Xia YunFei.. Do you think it would be easy to kick a shameless b*tch? You are totally wrong then, my dear."

She then locked her phone, leaving it keep ringing -- thousands notifications are now submitted on her phone. But she herself does not had the guts to read it. She just want to go home, hit the bed and be her real self again. When she could not bear it anymore, she muted her phone -- that was too annoying for her.

"Seems like that woman really wants to destroy your image, ChiXian." finally, her bodyguard who kept silent since the starter of their ride, or ZuFan, talked. Hyun ChiXian smiled, as she removed her hair that touched her face. "I am sure you are right."

He assured her, "Listen, ChiXian. That girl is such a hungry foxy. You should be more careful next time. Avoid anything that can make fuss -- like meeting your CEO." There were some pressures on the 4 last words. Hyun ChiXian looked calm, she looked like a calm sea, relax and chill. "No worries."

"I will fight anyone who want to fight against me." a sharp smirk appeared on her lips. She looked like a demoness' queen, to ZuFan, it would be impossible to read what she planned on her mind.

"Hmm. I will keep together with you as your bodyguard -- your protector then." ZuFan supported, as Hyun ChiXian replied a warm nod paired with a soft thanksgiving.

. . .

" *Tuut* "

The same tall guy who is now sitting on a king size bed with his bed suit then looked over his phone that rang loudly. He approached it, and said nothing. But that does not stopped the person who talked with him through the phone mouthed hastily, "President Lu, President Lu! Your fiance, Ms ZhenSheng -- look over that video I had attached..! She is cheating against y—"

" *Tuut* "

Lu JinZeng, knitted his brows in such a scary way. He looked like a demon king whomever is ready to posses anyone. Seems like he is bursting into an unfacinable anger - seeing the document his assistant had submitted to him - his own fiance who became viral through her worst doings.

But his anger did not seems longer, though. Some more seconds later, he seemed as impassive as usual. He kept his phone on a luxurious table beside him, as his face seemed calm and null.

"President Lu? Did you know that your fiance is cheating against you? Umm- isn't you both supposed have to marry tomorrow?" suddenly, someone appeared..

.. And her appearance directly captured his attention.

"Yes. I'm not sure which woman will I marry tomorrow." he replied, as his voice seemed driving that woman to the other side of 'imaginary' stuff. Oh, she hoped that it will be her whom he will be going to marry tomorrow!

"Oh. I- I see." she replied, and then stood like a robot beside him before handed him something towards the table. "Your coffee."

Lu JinZeng replied a dull 'mmm'. "Leave it there."

"O- okay." she said and went outside. "Imma go to sleep now, good night."

That demon king only nodded as that woman went away.

But, when she already reached the door and will be going to close it..

"ChiXian." Lu JinZeng called her in a sudden, using a different tone he never used to talk with her before. "Uh- y-yes?"

Indeed, that same woman -- Hyun ChiXian, is now standing in front of President Lu JinZeng -- not as a supermodel, but as a servant.

"Come here." he called, as her eyesight filled with scare. Wait.. did he got angered by their hot issues together?
