Fake Wife

"President Lu, we had arrived."

Hyun ChiXian looked over, and was a bit shocked, seeing the car is parked rightly in front of a well-known western restaurant. 'Wow, is he going to have lunch together with me? Shocking.'

'And, wow--- did he just fired Xia YunFei? For real?'

Lu JinZeng and Hyun ChiXian then went down together from the car. Behind them, two guards are accompanying. Hyun ChiXian could feel her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She never once had been this close to him.

"Uh-" Hyun ChiXian sat on a chair that placed opposite to him. Lu JinZeng firstly said nothing, he left her alone, wondering what to do. "ChiXian."

Hyun ChiXian looked over Lu JinZeng, gasped in gnaw. "Yes, President?"

He then eyed her directly, "Marry me today."

Hyun ChiXian felt unreal.

'WHAT DID HE SAID?!' She coughed in disbelief. No, no, this must be her ear problem. It will be impossible for him to marry her, she protested against herself.

"Uh- I- I didn't heard you clearly, President- Uh-" She smiled awkwardly, tried to look calm although she already seems groggy enough.

"I said, be my wife." he said, expressionlessly looked over her eyes. His lips curved upwards, "You can ask whatever you want."

Hyun ChiXian then agaped, but now -- she know this is real. Yeah, he is proposing her, even without ring or any romantical stuff..

This is the right time for her to rise!

"I will marry you, but then you have to hide who I am. Agree?" She demanded him with a seducing smile, affronting the cold and emotionless guy who sat in front of her.

"Okay. You will work together with me as my Personal Assistant." he replied, as his eyesight captured the same mischievous smile again.


. .

Hyun ChiXian and her 'sudden' husband walked out from a marriage registration office. Their marriage certificate placed in his grip, as his eyes expressionlessly locked onto her.

"It's time, President." Hyun ChiXian said, calmly --- but inside her calmness, she felt a bit nervous about the plan she had arranged.

'No worries, ChiXian. Your plan is perfect.'

Lu JinZeng then huffed before he commanded over his guard. "Call Joo Ri-ah right now."

A little knuckles appeared on Hyun ChiXian's face when she saw the Korean girl that will be Lu JinZeng's wife in disguise --- there are some reasons why she hide it from other knowing.

"Uh-- P-president!" Yoon Ri who seemed a bit aghasted seeing Hyun ChiXian's appearance, questioned in a sudden, "Uh- Pre-President.. Today, I'll be your future wife--"

"Yes. You will, but in disguise." Lu JinZeng replied, and took his glance away from Yoon Ri. The poor girl who knows nothing then could only bit her lips in anxiousness, "Uhm.. O-okay-"

"President Lu meant, you have to be his fake wife." Hyun ChiXian clarified, and then she stood a bit closer to Yoon Ri, avoiding her body to come near that tall figure's.

"Oh! I- I have to be a 'wife' only in general audiences' eyes?" she asked, still feeling unclear.

"Yeah." Hyun ChiXian smiled a bit. "This is a strict private matters between us. Remember, once I know everyone configured about it-" before he could went on.. she cutted in, "You are with your own risk."

Yoon Ri immediately nodded. She seemed happy for some unclear reason, but there is somewhat was sure, she really on the cloud nine listening her own idola talked to her.

'Aigoo! Hyun ChiXian is so beautiful! I wish I could look as same as her.. She's perfect!' Yoon Ri amazed. Lu JinZeng then eyed the both women in front of him. They looked comparable each other --- Hyun ChiXian as a gorgeous queen while Yoon Ri as an adorable little lady.

"Alright then, I am ready to give my cooperation, President Lu." Yoon Ri smiled as Hyun ChiXian lips also curved upwards. She thought alone, 'I wonder if really my life would change after this.'

'JinZia, this girl we met is already became my wife. Hope you are here to congratulate me.' Lu JinZeng putted on his black spectatles, and walked together with Hyun ChiXian and Yoon Ri, also with some guards of his.

. . .

Xia YunFei who sat alone with a messy look, with broken glass everywhere near her, suddenly shouted, "You b*tch! Hyun ChiXian, you- ah..! Wait for me, I- I will make you feel like dumped in hell!! You useless b*tch!"

She eyed her face on a mirror near her. What is mirrored from the glass is a messy girl with damaged makeup. Her face is filled with hatred and jealousy, same does as her heart that already burnt in a deep grudge.

"Losing my work is nothing.. But losing you is same as I lost everything, Lu." Xia YunFei murmured sadly. "Heh, even if I lose you, nobody can have you then!"

She wondered, who would be his wife today? But one thing she was sure of, there would be no way Hyun ChiXian being his wife. 'She is just a trash leftover, Lu will never touch a dirty girl like her!'

"New wife of my president.. Come here and let's compete!" Xia YunFei smirked. Using the power she has, for sure, in only a pick, any person who come across her could be washed away.

She forget one, Hyun ChiXian. The only person who she cannot fight off.

. . .

"Congratulations President Lu! We wish you a happy marriage together!"

"Yes, congratulations! Miss Lu, congratulations!"

"Haha, seems like President Lu will become an obedient guy now.."

"Congrats President!"

A few people congratulated by, whereby the ice prince, Lu JinZeng, stood up like tree without any feelings or feedback. He only nodded, and sometimes murmured a soft 'hmm'.

Yoon Ri, felt a bit awkward on that time. Deep inside her heart, she does not deserve to stand next by him, and accept those congratulate. She only deserves to be the other who congratulating, not congratulated.

Well, although this most small ceremony does fitted Yoon Ri, as only a fake wife, she still felt a bit unfair for the side of Hyun ChiXian.

The real one who should smile and says thank you is the one with perfect body, who sit at the furthest corner with some fans around her, Hyun ChiXian.

"Aiya, Miss Hyun.. You are the one who supposed to stand there and be his legal wife!" Someone said, after that bursted out laughs together with others including Hyun ChiXian herself.

"Hahaha, sure Miss Hyun can.. With only a charm, she will stand beside President Lu one day!"

"One day, unknown." Hyun ChiXian replied, and laughed a bit. 'Yeah, one day I will stand beside you, cold President.'

Not too far from there, a woman with black, long dress, as if attending a funeral, smirked in unsatisfactory. Her smirk seems dangerous, with a glint -- you could trace that woman is as black hearted as her outfit is.

She mumbled a furious "wonderful marriage" before taking some pictures of it. She seems did not being realised by anybody there. Nobody was well aware about her sudden mysterious appearance and her weird actions.

"I wish you a 'wonderful' marriage as hell." that woman in black dress said, before took her leave.