The day started with the usual travel to the city center, and from there, to Velvet Lotus, where the meeting was about to take place.

Hailwic was guarding the door, sitting on the usual stool with her ax resting on her knees. We exchanged brief greetings, and I went inside. Blue-pink duo was this time not playing anything, just sitting on the bench, looking bored. They ignored me, but Alice, from behind the counter said:

- Morning Peter. Everybody is already there.

- Morning Alice. Thank you.

I went to the main hall, pushing the cloth to the side. Behind several put-together tables were sitting everybody with their guards, or if you prefer, companions. They didn't wait for me, and the discussion was already ongoing.

- ... and that's why I believe we should invest more time into preparations - Jayadeva finished his, probably, long speech.