Day CCCXLI, part I

It was a bright morning when we reached the city gate, catching few groups of hunters in the woods. They helped with pulling heavy carts, which gave us a little boost to speed. Even more, people engaged with us helping and bombarding us with questions. They had to wait for the answers just like me.

I'm not gonna lie, by that moment I was pretty annoyed, but Aisha stayed adamant, and others, no matter how funny they found that whole situation, respected her will.

I believe every single citizen was in the city center, as we reached the destination. There was a bit of cheering, but mainly questions.

Blue jumped on his cart.

- Please! Please give us a moment to catch our breaths! Then we will talk, and share everything we found out! So please! Please calm yourself, and give us the necessary space! - He yelled on top of his lungs, so the message would make it thru the cacophony of voices.