Day CCCLII, part II

I headed straight to the main hall, just to find Vesa, Nadia, Shavonne, and Haf working. Cleaning and ascertaining how much they need to restock on alcohol, other drinks, and food. I caught them by surprise.

- You have some balls to show your face here - said Shavonne - If Aisha...

Then she saw the chick in my hand.

- Holy shit! Is that a chick?! - And she ran straight to me.

She stopped not more than a single step before me and leaned forward to put her face on the same level as my hands with the bird in them. She smiled at first, but then it turned into a laugh.

- How did you get it?! Arent you the cutest...

- I have brought thee this chicken of peace! So we shall bury the hatchet, and leave in peace from now on! - I said with as much glory in my voice, as I could muster.

She looked at me with pity painted all over her face. The bird remained strangely calm like it understood its safe.