I had a dream that day. A different one to the previous burning city, but still strange enough to grab my attention. It started with an acorn that got buried underground by somebody. Pretty quick it started to grow, sprout out a nice green stalk with a single tiny leaf. But that was not the end. It kept growing and growing, quickly becoming a small tree. Then a bigger one, and bigger, and bigger... Eventually, I was watching this gargantuan oak, reaching the sky with its branches. That was all. Strange, wasn't it?

I met with Will by the device. We were one of the first people there, so there was not too much waiting in line to use the device. I started my usual morning shopping by upgrading the 'Shadow fusion' skill to third level, and the 'Void manipulation' to fourth. The total cost was 1 200 000 points. Quite a lot, but by that, I should have the ability to make a sturdy enough weapon, to use instead of the bought one - that was my line of thinking.